One Sword Reigns Supreme

2625 Chapter 261: Don't come over!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

By Mountain King? Ye Xuan? There is no mountain, the law is sonless: "I don\'t care who you are, this place is not good, roll immediately!"

There is no one in front of the side.


A boxing, the failed to collapse without mountains.

At this time, a golden light flew out.

It is this virtual rule!

The law is dead, staring at the owner, "Let\'s go!

There is no side of the main god, "I do things by the king, I like to let go!

Dissatisfied? hit me!

Said, he took a rickets and gods to walk towards the distance.

After the body, the law stared at the never owner, didn\'t start again!

The virtual mountain is the law of the law, however, it is broken by a punch!


The strength of this man is too horrible!

In this way, under the gaze of the law, the neutral main three disappeared at the end of the distance.

Originally, the law is deeply frowning, "Ye Xuan.


This name, he did not hear!

Because he is in the mountains all the year, there is no return to the legal world, so he knows very little about the outside world.

After a while, the law is open, and a sound is slowly floating.

This is reported!



Among the magnificent halls, a sudden roaring suddenly, "" This is the king, deceived too!

Sound like thunder, the main hall is trembled!

Soon, a mysterious power is from the fifth, then disappears in the deep place!



On this day, a teenager came to the mountain, of course, the virtual mountain did not exist at this moment!

This boy is Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan looked at the distance and whispered: "It should be a virtual place!

The avenue is: "Yes!

Ye Xuan glanced for four weeks, then said: "Don\'t you say there is a virtual mountain?"

The avenue pen: "I used to have, now.

It is estimated that the crust moves, the mountain moves!

Ye Xuan Master face black line.

At this time, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan!

The avenue pen quickly said: "This is this law!

Ye Xuanmi nodded, he looked at the law in front of the law, the rule cold channel: "This exterior is not good!"

Ye Xuan cold laugh, "Laozi is going to enter!

Are you dissatisfied? "

Wen said, the law is stunned!

So? Ye Xuan suddenly anger the rule, "Do you know who I am? I am no side!

No side!

The law is instantly changed, "you.

You are the owner!

Ye Xuan cold, "What are you talking?"

Said, he whispered, and a sword rushed!


The sky is directly drawn out of a huge mouth!

Looks to Ye Xuan, what does this guy do? Seeing the expression of the law, Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, do you have this sword not shocked to each other? At this time, the avenue pen suddenly said: "This guy can take the top five in the law, the lowest strength is the peak of Tiandao, you hit him, not necessarily hit him!"

Ye Xuan face suddenly black!

At this time, the law suddenly said: "Do you really have a necklace?"

Ye Xuan coldly glanced at the law, no nonsense, moved directly to the distance.

See the shape, the law is eyebrows slightly!

He still didn\'t dare to block!

Why? Because he is afraid of the person in front of him, it is really unilateral, you know, the main guy, that year, it is almost torched the entire fancy!

After a while, the law is open, and a sound of the sound is rushed to the sky, disappearing in the deep situation!

Live to report!

I can\'t handle things, I am reported, after I report, how to deal with it is above!

Anyway, he is a rule, take a little wage, no need to desperate!


After Ye Xuan entered the ground, he found that the whole virtual force is full of mysterious power. This mysterious force is very strange, so that he is very uncomfortable!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Small pen, talk about this virtual!

The avenue pen silently said: "This virtual is no bit, it is a more special place. The owner has been here, but after he leaves, he will never come here again!

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

The avenue pen is sigh, "" A very complicated thing!

Also, you are here, you have to be careful!

You have to understand, now you, definitely not invincible!

Ye Xuan brows, "What do you mean?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "If someone is like the main one, she will be able to kill you before your sister has not appeared, what do you think?"

Ye Xuan silence.

The avenue pen continues: "In short, you are still careful!"

Ye Xuan nod, "I understand!

Said, he looked at the distance. He saw a middle-aged man in a middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man stood above a mountain, dressed in white, waist and waved.

Ye Xuan looked at the middle-aged man. At this time, the white man turned around to see him. When he saw Ye Xuan, he slightly, then nodded, and he greeted!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then go to the middle-aged man, after walking to the middle-aged man, he smiled slightly, "How do you call?"

The white man laughed: "Xue Yu!

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "Tao friends come early?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

White men laughed: "Welcome!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I am a little accident!

White men smiled slightly, "What is it?"

Ye Xuan said: "The people who accidentally here are so friendly!

White men haha ​​smile, "Jianghu, not so much to kill!

People who come here, all are amazing, and there is no deep hatred, and will it be avenous? "

Ye Xuan nod, "indeed!

Xue Yu smiled: "Tao friends are Jian Xiu?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Jian Xiu!

Xue Yu nodded, "Jian Xiuyao, the hardest, but once there is adult, the power is far more than the same order.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Not so exaggerated!

The little pen suddenly said: "How do you suddenly become so modest?"

Ye Xuan shake his head smile, "People are so friendly, I have to force it, it is too big!

At this time, then Xue suddenly said: "What is the call?"

Ye Xuan Xiao: "No side!

No side!

Go out, still have a heart!

Xue Yu nodded, "Dao You, are you interested in the mountain?"

Dao Mountain? Ye Xuan brows, "What Dao Mountain?"

Xue Yu smiled: "It is the place where the avenue owner has lived!

Dao You may not know, the person of this place, most of the purpose is the mountain, and that place, this is also the biggest secret of this virtual, there is anything, we are all curious, but never someone has entered!

Ye Xuan Shen Soupe: "The place where the avenue owner has lived?"

Xue Yu nodded, "Zhi, there is a god left by the avenue owner!

Ye Xixiang suddenly asked, "Do you know Dow Mountain?"

Avenue pit: "Know!

The owner has actually lived there, but I am not there!

I have been closed at the time!

Ye Xuan suddenly somewhat curious, "Little pen, are you because what is confined?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "Little things!

Ye Xuan speechless!

At this time, the Xue Yu said again: "Taoist friends, is there interest to see?"

Ye Xuan see Xue Wei, "Two?"

Xue Yu shook his head smiled, "Natural is not, there are two friends!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "You can go see!

Xue Yu nodded, "Good!

Daoyou comes with me!

After finishing, he turned and left!

Ye Xuan looked at Xue Yu, then following the past!

On the road, the avenue pen suddenly said: "Be careful!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, not talking.

After a while, Xue Yu took Ye Xuan to a mountain top, on the top of the mountain, there is a man and a woman, the man is in a robe, holding a handle with a sheath with a sheath!

The woman is wearing a tight snowboarder, holding a long sword in his hand.

Seeing Ye Xuan, both of them are nodded.

Xue Yu smiled: "Taoist, I will introduce you, this is Li Shugo, next to Zhao Yu fairy!

Ye Xuan saw two people, he hugged his box and smiled: "Fortunately!

The two are also equally holding boxing, and also courtesy.

Xue Wei: "Let\'s go!"

Li Feng and Zhao Wei nodded, very fast, and several people disappeared in the distance.

After about one market, several people came to a plain, and the end of the plains was a great mountain. This mountain is like a giant beast, which gives people an invisible oppression!

Xue Yu said softly: "This is Dao Mountain!"

Ye Xuan said: "Is it dangerous?"

Xue Yu smiled: "Natural is not as simple, otherwise, everyone is already on the top!

Ye Xuan nodded and did not speak again.

Soon, a few people came to the foot of the mountain, and just at the foot of the mountain, Ye Xuanbow was frowned, because he felt a dangerous breath!

At this moment, Xue Yu has suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, Ye Xuan has a mysterious rigback of dense lanes.

Ye Xuan turned his head, at this moment, Xue Yu three has appeared outside of ten thousand feet.

Ye Xuan blinked, "Xue brother, what is this?"

Xue Yu smiled: "Dao You, don\'t you see it?"

Ye Xuanzheng color; "Everyone is free, you do this.

Not so good? "

Xue Yu smiled: "Is it very good!

However, it is for survival!

Said, he looked at the quench in the Xuan hand, then smiled: "To blame, you can only weirdly believe that others!

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, just at this time, after his body, a monster slowly came over!

Seeing this monster, the Xue Yu, a few people in the distance, have repeatedly changed, and they have repeatedly retreat!

Ye Xuan fid enough to see the monster, the monster size is not big, the shape is like a cattle, the head is bending, it is like a sickle, the limbs are like a column, full of explosive power, small, but give one Shares horror compression!

Ye Xuanqi also became more daring!

This monster, actually Tiandao!

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "Small pen, report your name, can you use?"

Avenue pit: "Who dares to give me face?"

Ye Xuan Xu took out the avenue pen, then said: "The avenue pen is here, you.

At this time, the monsters suddenly jumped.


As a fried sound, the Ye Xuanlian people flew directly to tens of thousands of feet.

The avenue pen suddenly roared: "Grass!

Laozi is a big road!

Have you fucking? I am a big road!

Do you dare to fight? Tel.

Don\'t come over!

