One Sword Reigns Supreme

2623 Chapter 2669: After several days!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

When I heard Ye Yu, Yixuan couldn\'t help but read Ye Yu!

This little girl is too mature!

This is not a good thing!

However, there is nothing more!

Ye Xuan pulled Ye Yu to Bei Zong, Bei Zong is a small sect, of course, there are many forces than Qingcheng!

Just came to Bei Zong, an old man was blocked in front of Ye Xuan.

The old man looked at Ye Xuan, "Who is coming!

Ye Xuan laughed: "I want to see your North Zongzong owner!"

The old man is slightly smashed, "Who are you!

Ye Xuan suddenly wandered, a sword rushed to the sky, the whole sky is directly torn and a huge mouth!

The old face is instantly changed, and the horror said: "You.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I have to see you of the host!"

The old man is busy: "Shot!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Soon, a middle-aged man appeared in front of Ye Xuan!

From the people, it is the main owner!

Bei Zongzong owner held a boxing, "Is your?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "Can Bei Zong and Zhangjia\'s grievances, can you come here?"


I heard the words, the North Zongzong\'s face changed again, he hesitated, then said: "Is your?"

Ye Xuan looked at Bei Zongzong, "answer my question!

Bei Zongzong is busy; "Of course!

Ye Xuan slightly, then pulled Ye Yu to turn away!

At this time, Bei Zongzong suddenly said: "Is it Ye Gongzi?"

Ye Xuan stopped, he turned and looked at Northern Zongzong, "Do you know me?"

Bei Zongzong is busy and said: "Watching in Xuanchuan, there is a statue!

Ye Xuan smiled: "It turns out!

Said, he pulled Ye Yu directly disappeared in the end of the sky.

Originally, the cold sweat on the main face of Northern Zone will flow!

Ye Xuan!

This is the whole green world, that is, like the general existence!

He didn\'t think that he was able to see Ye Xuan!

Northern Zongzong looked at the horizon of the distance and whispered: "The first sword in the Qingdang industry.


Ye Xuan took Ye Yu to the view of Xuan Academy, like us, and the scholar case can be described as a lively!

Every day, some people come to Xuan Academy and want to join the Academy!

It can be said that as long as the Academy is joined, it is the fishing gantry, changing the fate!

The original Qingzhou martial arts civilization is very low, but after the appearance of Xuanchuan, it directly enhances the military civilization of Qingzhou to a new height!

Moreover, if you want to go out of the green world, go to see a broader universe, the fastest way is to enter the West Institute!

Because now in the world, there are Xuan Academy!

And each year, the entire views of the school will have the Weight of Weimi!

Ye Xuan took Ye Yu to see Xuanchuan Mountain door, at this time, a man appeared in front of Ye Xuan!

Come on, it is ink!

Today\'s ink is a lot of mature.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Old ink!

Mo Yun laughed: "Ye Zi, why have you come back?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I miss you!

Go back and see!

Mo Yun started smile, "I believe you!

Walk, admission!

Ye Xuan nod.

In Mo Yun took Yaixuan to the inner courtyard, I just arrived in the inner court. Beze and Jihan appeared in front of Ye Xuan, I saw Ye Xuan, Beze Haha smiled, then gave Ye Xuanchang a heavy hug!

Looking at the Yaixuan, I didn\'t talk, but I took a chicken leg in the hand!

Ye Xuan looked at the Ji\'an, smiled: "Anzhi!

Ni\'an\'s nodding!

Ye Xuan looks into the ink, "" This gimmick is given to you! "

Ink, I watched Ye Yu, then laughed: "Shantou, come with me!

Ye Yu suddenly looked at Ye Xuan, "Do we also meet?"

Ye Xuan slight smile, "should be!

Said, he is calm, and a sword fly out, and then did not enter Ye Yu\'s body.

Ye Xuan squatted in front of Ye Yu, seriously said: "If you want to revitalize Ye, you have to cheer, understand?"

Ye Yu nodded, "I will!

Ye Xuan laughed: "I believe you!"

Ye Yu looked at Ye Xuan film, then turned around with Mo Yun and Bei Zen!

In the field, there is leftover and !

Ye Xuan went to the face of Ji\'an. He stretched out his right hand and gently wiped the oil of Ji\'an\'s mouth, smiled: "Give me!

After finishing, he directly pulled the hand of Ji\'an.

I didn\'t resist it!

Ye Xuan was going to the back of the mountain, on the road, Ye Xuan turned his head and looked to the Ji\'an, smiled: "Come on these years?"

Notles of Ji\'an!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Do you want to go with me?"

After the silence of Ji\'an, he shake his head. "I am here waiting for you!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "If I don\'t come back?"

Ji\'an\'s look of Ye Xuan, "I have been waiting!

After Ye Xuan silent, he will take Commissioner.

The sun, the two are quiet!

After Ye Xuan came back, he did not publicly appear, and after a period of time, he came to Tuo Yan\'s palace!

He naturally did not forget the first woman in this life!

Inside the palace, the Tuo Yan, who is dealing with official jams, suddenly looks up, when seeing Ye Xuan, her mouth suddenly slammed a smile.

Ye Xuan went to Tuoba, laughed: "I am back!"

Tuo Yan got up and slowly hug Ya Xuan and whispered: "It\'s good!

Ye Xuan is tightly holding Tuo Yan!


I have to say, go back to Qingzhou, he only has a feeling!

Here, people with love, friends.

Ye Xuan and Tuo Yan are sitting at the gate of the main hall, at the moment, the starry sky, a round of moon hanging!

Tuo Yan is lying in Ye Xuanji!

At this time, Tuo Yan suddenly said: "I want to give you a child!"

Ye Xuan slightly, then shook his head smile.

Tuohiko looked at Ye Xuan, "Every time we do every time.

Why, can I always be pregnant? "

Ye Xuan Shen said: "It may be my blood cause, or it may be other reasons.

Tuo Yan\'s eyebrows, "other reasons?"

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "It is very complicated!

However, you can rest assured that I will solve it!

Tuo Yan nod, "Good!

Ye Xuan looked to Tuo Yan, looked at the beauty of the arms, and Ye Xuan smiled slightly. "Maybe it\'s a few times!

Wen said, Tuo Yan\'s face suddenly rises two messenger!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, directly picked up Tuo Yan to disappear in the same place.

The number \'day\'.

Ye Xuan left the palace and returned to the chaos.

Nowadays, the view of the inverting place has begun to take shape.

Because the Western Academy has become the first forces of the crowd, many people can join, only to watch the school, in this case, more and more people join Xuanxuan!

Inside the hall.

Ye Xuan is sitting in the first place, in front of him, is an ancient giant, these giants, is the dust!

Everyone knows that Ye Xuan will bind to Tianzhong, which is that Tianzi is the rule of this inversely!

Of course, Ye Xuan is a real boss!

Ye Xuan looked at the people in the temple, then said: "The rules of the college, you have to follow, understand?"

Everyone is busy!

For Ye Xuan, they are respectful and fear!

Ye Xuan looked at non-fish, smiled: "Non-fish tutor, after coming to see Xuan Academy, can you hable?"

Non-fish is busy: "Hab!

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "The book is just building, but also a lot of talents, I hope you will help me!

Non-fish smile: "Do you want to dig people from the Yinhe College?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I only want you to come over, as for others, I don\'t care!

Wen said, no fish blink, "Is it true?"

Ye Xuan nod, "nature!

Non-fish smile, "I am very happy!"

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "The purpose of the position is practice, this, I also understand, so I will do my best to help you improve yourself!

Wen said, everyone in the temple is excited!

Their purpose, naturally want to go further!

Who is willing to have been there? Ye Xuan suddenly said: "What is the movement of Han?"

At this time, Tianzhong came out, he was deeply said: "We get news, the Han has a long old, but the other side is behind!"

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "since it is gone!

Then you don\'t have to manage him for your time!

After finishing, he got up, "The things of the book are troubled!

Tian Dilla is busy: "Ye Shaoye is relieved, the matter of the book is our business, we set our best!

Ye Xuan Xiao; "Good!

After half a time, everyone broke!

In the temple, Ye Xuan suddenly browed micro-wrinkle, next moment, he disappeared directly in the original place, when it appeared again, already in a starry sky!

Not far from him, there is a black old man!

Black old people look at Ye Xuan, don\'t talk.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Is the legal?"

The old man is not a expression, "You are broken!

Ye Xuan smiled: "Are you talking to me, or come to me?"

The old man shakes the head slightly, "We have no or talk!

Ye Gongzi, we know, you have a big relationship with the avenue, there is a little relationship with the owner, but this doesn\'t mean you can mess!

Now, we ask you to return to the card, apologize to my legal, otherwise you will pay the price!


Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, the avenue pen suddenly said: "What price?"

Black old man looks to the avenue pen, "the avenue pen, you collude the killing of outsiders, you can know, you have committed a big disaster!

The avenue pen is laughing, "the sky is big? The old man, don\'t scare me!

You know that this rule has colluded with each other, earning interest, and it has seriously violated the owner\'s meaning, you.

The old man puts his hand, "Even if it is wrong, it is also my legal world to manage, why do you kill him? What?"

Wen said, Ye Xuan brows wrinkled slightly!

The avenue strokes suddenly laughed. "It seems that the fancy is also rotted into the bones!

The old man is dead and staring at the avenue. "Do you think you are still a big road? Everyone gives you a little face, you really take yourself serious, what is!

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan, disdain: "There is also you, I really have to be in the mountains, there is no enemies? What?"
