One Sword Reigns Supreme

2620 Chapter 2666: Knowing is dead!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Follow the Ye Ye!

Tiandao hesitated, then said: "Avenue pen, is he really the order of the owner?"

Honestly, he is also skeptical now!

The main reason is that he did not get any news!

He before he visited the Tiandao circle, and there was no such thing in other heaven!

Is there a lot of avenue? He also thought of this, but he felt that the avenue pen should be lying!

This is a great crime of the kill!

When I heard the heaven, the avenue strokes said: "If there is no master\'s head, how can I get the Galaxy?"

Tiandao thought, then nod, "this is also!

The avenue pen continued: "This is a chance to be a thousand, you have to grasp!"

Tiandao hesitated, then said: "I think about it!

The avenue pen is slightly nodded, "Good!

Tiandao looks down the next Ye Xuan, caught in meditation!

In this way, time is a little more!

Now, Ye Xuan has taken three Tianda!

And his flesh is also getting more and more horrible with the help of Tan medicine and heaven!

Ye Xuan\'s entire body has appeared countless fine golden stripes, and every golden stripe contains extremely terrible power!

In this way, about a month later, Ye Xuan sitting in the starry sky suddenly opened his eyes!


He is in his eyes, two purple lights strokes, in a moment, the time and space in front of him is directly to a piece of ashes!

At this moment, the golden stripes of his whispered have become deep purple!

At this time, the avenue pen appeared in front of Ye Xuan, "Successful?"

Ye Xuan slightly nodd, he handed hard!


This grip, surrounding time and space actually becomes illusively!

Pure flesh power!

Looking at your fist, Ye Xuan faces a smile!

so horrible!

He feels that he has a constant horror power in his body!

At this time, the avenue scored: "That took it down, we sprite the heaven!"


Ye Xuan looks to the heaven, "I have been working!

Tiandao hesitated, then said: "Ye Sha is polite!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, then, he was starting to sprint Tiandao!

For others, it is very difficult to reach Tiandao, which is very difficult, because it is necessary to pass the level of heaven, but for Ye Xuan, it is not so difficult!

Tiandao full of cultivation!



At this moment, the Yinhe Trin\'s commander is gathered in a hall, and the tutor of Ye Xuan is also!

What is headed is the deputy dean of the Yinhe College!

The vice president looked at the people in the field, then said: "What do you see for Ye Xuan?"

In the temple, there is a material in front of everyone!

Obviously, they all know that Ye Xuan\'s comment is!

Ye Xuan is from all directions, and the silver corporal alliance of all years is Ye Xuan off!

Obviously, Ye Xuanlai Yinhe College, the purpose is not simple!

Although the Galaxy College and the Silver Wagle, there is no great relationship, after all, the two sides have never contracted it for a long time!

But, you can\'t completely do your relationship!

After all, the ancient worship is from the Milky Wild League!

At this time, non-fish suddenly said: "He is not targeting our Yinhe College!

Everyone looks to non-fish!

Non-fish continued: "On the contrary, he also helped our students. If he didn\'t him, our students were afraid that they have been killed!

Everyone is silent.

Non-fish continued: "If he really has a for us, ask, in addition to the dean, who can we make him?"

Every face is all bitter!

They have already got news, Ye Xuan is now able to kill ancient giants!


At this time, non-fish continued: "I think, what we can do is to repair with him, repair the good margin!

At this time, the deputy chief nodded slightly. "This matter is handed over to non-fish tutors!

When it comes to this, he suddenly said, and said: "From today, non-fish tutors are promoted to elder, enter the length of the group, can you have any objection?"

Inside the temple, everyone is shaking!

The vice president nodded slightly, he looked at non-fish, "After the next Ye Xuan, you are responsible!"

Non-fish nodes, "Good!

Vice President: "Receive!

Everyone spread!

After the fish left the hall, she looked up and looked at the horizon in the distance. After a long time, her mouth was slightly picked up, and there were 10 style.


the other side.

Among the void, an old man is looking at the place!

This person is a great old Han Qian!

After the child, the man of Ye Xuan killed the Korean family, and the Han nature would not be good for the Han.

However, when he came to the place of chaos, he was shocked and found that a few great trends of the chaotic land actually succumbed to Ye Xuan\'s teenager!

Things are not simple!

Therefore, Han Qi did not immediately seek a boy in Xuan!

He decided to first investigate and then decided to report it!


Among the stars, Ye Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, he was very open, and a thunder appeared in him!

Tiandao God!


The avenue pen appeared in front of Ye Xuan, smiled: "Congratulations!

Ye Xuan Shen took a breath and had to say that he really had invincible feelings at this moment!



Especially this day, it can be said that he is now definitely invincible!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan looked up to the sky, smiled: "Thank you!

If it is not the heaven, he wants to reach the heaven and Tiandao, at least two hundred years!

Tiandao laughed: "Ye Sha is very polite!

It\'s all my own, and I will say that these guests will say!


Ye Xuan blinked, then laughed: "Tiandao brothers help the feelings today, I am in mind!

Tiandao laughed: "Pure!

By the way, I was originally surnamed Zhao, so the peers called me Zhao Tian Road!

Zhao Tian Road!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Zhao brother, is your heaven is powerful, or those laws?"

Tiandao laughed; "Nature is amazing, the law is above, it is, and this way, also includes our heaven!

Of course, the legal god of the legal world is very powerful!

Act of God!

Ye Xuan\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, "" Is it harder than your heaven? "

Tiandao hesitated, then said: "It is much more powerful. I don\'t know, but the law is really not simple, it is our main, you have to give her three points!

Ye Xuan slightly, "I understand!

Zhao Tian said smiled: "Ye Shao, if you have anything, I will leave!

After all, the public is in the body, it is really a bit busy!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Okay!

Zhao brother, we will be a period!

Zhao Tian Daoti nodded, and then disappeared into the starry sky.

After Zhao Tiandao, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Little pen, what is the existence of this law?"

Know thyself, ever-victorious!

He still have to understand some of this legal world. After all, the other party may continue to engage in him!

The avenue pen is free to say: "You are relaxing, don\'t think so much, anyway, this law god couldn\'t play your sister!

Ye Xuan Master face black line, "What is this?

I can\'t always be a second generation!

dont you agree? "

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "I think, in the face of this legal god, you are best to make a second generation!

Ye Xuan brows, "What do you mean?"

The avenue pen silently said: "This person is a legend, very very horrible existence, once a master\'s strength assistant, her strength, I don\'t know how strong, anyway, it is very very very very The kind!

Ye Xuan silence.

The avenue pen continues to say: "If you encounter her, I still have to be careful!"

Of course, you don\'t have to be too afraid, after all, she must be able to play your sister, this, I can take the head to guarantee!

Ye Xuan speechless!

Your master can\'t play my sister, how can you play under your master? Also headed.

How did this little pen don\'t work now? At this time, the avenue pen continued: "I think, the legal may immediately come to you!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Why?"

The avenue pen silent: "The legal, representative law, the secularity, it is equivalent to the Royal Government, you open the law, can\'t stand it!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "They know that I am leaning on the mountain, don\'t you know that I have to rely on the mountain?"

The avenue is a pass: "I know you have relying on the mountain, but I don\'t know how strong you rely on the mountain!"

Ye Xuan looks to the avenue pen, "I don\'t know how strong I am leaned by the mountain?"

The avenue pen nod, "Yes!

Because of knowing, it is basically dead!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Your master can be!

The avenue pen is silent.

Ye Xuan blinked, "Your owner did not say young things about himself?"

The avenue pen nodded, "If it is you, will you say?"

Ye Xuan silence.

It\'s hard to get it!

The owner of the avenue, only the strongest this is terrible, but others don\'t know.

Ye Xuan suddenly has some headache!

The avenue pen continued: "In fact, we are very deep!"

Before, I didn\'t know so much, but later, I found out that we have interest, especially when the owner is not born, our circle has become a chaotic!

Some people have begun to make some illegal things.

It can be said that some places have even been rotted into the bones!

Just like this, the rule of the owner is that this place is going to be peaceful, not chaotic, but that the law is yang Yin, as long as this place is not destroyed, as for other people\'s life, he does not care about it!

Similar to this, there are still a lot!

Ye Xuan silent is half-sighted, said: "So, let me change?"

The avenue pen hesitated, then said: "Yes!

Ye Xuanzheng color: "Small pen, this is not your master\'s meaning, you tell me the truth, don\'t you do?"

The avenue strokes said: "I think you don\'t care if you don\'t care about it, anyway, no matter what he does not agree, you will do it, isn\'t you?"

Ye Xuan silence.

The avenue pen continues: "Change order, change everything, I support you!

Ye Xuan looked at the avenue pen, "Do you betray your master?"

The avenue pen is fun: "How?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I just talk about it, what are you tense?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "I know a lot of things, I follow you, there are a lot of help to you.

Ye Xuan laughed: "What do you want to get?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "I don\'t want anything, I like it to help!"

Ye Xuan laughed, then said: "I believe in you temporarily!

Said, he blinked. "Is your master left a treasure?"

Avenue pentagon: "Yes!

Ye Xuan said: "We join hands, do bigger, create brilliant!

Avenue pen: ".


PS: Take a live broadcast tomorrow, do you understand what I mean? That\'s right!

Out of tomorrow!

Out of tomorrow!

Out of tomorrow!

Everyone can pay attention to my shake: 1748688249.

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See you will see tomorrow night.