One Sword Reigns Supreme

2612 Chapter 2,598: I have to!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

The sword falls from the sky and finally falls in Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at the old man, the old mouth of the old mouth, "Come, I will let you three swords!

Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the same place!


The old man suddenly shrinks, and it has not responded, and a sword is directly incompetent!

Several people in the field are petrochemical in the same place!

That Mo Shan is full of horror, the whole person is like seeing ghosts!


An ancient giant is actually killed!

How is this going? His mind is completely chaotic!

The Xing Ling on the side is also petrochemical in the same place!


Ye Xuan actually killed an ancient giant!

Old days!

At this moment, her brain is blank!

Only that Su Xin\'s gods are normal, but he is also afraid!

Fortunately, I just abandoned the darkness!

Otherwise, your end is afraid that it is better than this!

The old man who was in the eyebrows by Qing Xuanjian, and the eyes were also rounded, and it was unbelievable.

At this moment, his eyes are fear!

Ye Xuan slowly walked to the old man, the old man trembled: "You are.

Ye Xuan took out the avenue and Yang, "Understand?"

I saw the avenue pen, the old expression directly stiff, "the avenue pen owner.

Ye Xuan suddenly pulled out Qingxuanjian, then said: "Do you want to change evil?"

Wen said, the old man suddenly excited: "You don\'t kill me?"

Ye Xuan blinked, "Look at you!

The old man is , "I will be a good person from now on!

Ye Xuan looked at Mo Shan on a look, Mo Shan also kneelted directly, trembling: "I.

I\'m wrong!


Ye Xuan shook his head.

The old man contends, when the right hand is hand.


Mo Shan directly goddess!

Ye Xuan looked at the old man, then said: "Let\'s!

The old man hesitated and then slowed down.

However, his body is still trembling!


Ye Xuanzhi has no expression, "Your life, stay, but not you, understand what I mean?"

The old man is busy: "I understand!"

I know!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, then turned to see Xing Ling, smiled: "Let\'s go to the city!"

When I heard Ye Xuan, Xing Ling came back to God, she walked to Ye Xuan face, trembling: "You.

You are not an ancient giant, you are.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Don\'t be shocked!

Let\'s enter the city!

After finishing, he walked in the distance!

The old man is busy with Su Xin!

Originally, Xing Ling shook his head smiled and he had to follow!


After a time, several people came to a magnificent ancient city!

Reverse city!

Just arrived in the city, Ye Xuan felt countless !

Ye Xuan looked at the city, the brow is slightly frowned!

This city is really too heavy!

At this moment, Xing Ling suddenly pointed to the distance, "You see!

Ye Xuan looks away, in the absence of far, the two are surrounded by more than a dozen people!

These two people are not someone else, it is the Xuejia brothers and sister who left before!

At this moment, Xue Jia brothers and sisters are unparalleled, including Xue Baimei still insert a sword, hurt!

At this time, the brothers and sisters saw Ye Xuan. When I saw Ye Xuan, the brothers and sisters were all stunned!

They didn\'t think that Ye Xuan actually lived!

Not only that, before, the old giant old man is still respectful to Ye Xuan at this moment!

what happened? Xue Yu brothers and sisters were stunned.

At this time, the group of the two people around Xue Jia brothers also looked at Ye Xuan and others. When I saw the old people next to Ye Xuan, a few faces became incomparably lighter!

At this time, the Xue Yu is busy: "Ye Gongzi!

Seeing this scene, Xue Di\'s previous middle-aged man\'s brow wrinkled!

know? He felt the power of two old people next to Ye Xuan, at this moment, he has been born!

They are doing the days of the knife, knowing what people can provoke, can anyone can\'t provoke!

This group of people in front of you is definitely not they can provoke!

At this time, Ye Xuan looked at Xue Tei, blinking, "Are we very familiar?"

Wen said, Xue Yu suddenly stunned, very fast, her look became incapacitated, "Ye Gongzi, you.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "We are not familiar, thank you!

After that, he walked towards a few people!

Xue Yu suddenly sorcered: "Ye Gongzi, before our fault, our brothers and sisters.

Ye Xuan put his hand, "You choose to leave, it is your choice, I am not angry, you don\'t need to explain what to explain to me, so I don\'t have to explain to you, understand?"

After finishing, he took Xing Ling and others to walk towards far away.

After the body, Xue Dai face became incapacitated!

And the middle-aged man who was originally retired and stopped immediately!

At this time, Xue Yu suddenly opened to the palm, and a monk made from her palm!

Call people!

Xue Bai face the color of the color, "How can you call?"

This trial is specified!

People who can\'t call their families!

Once the person who is called his family, it means it automatically waives.

Xue Yu looked at Xue Bai coldly, "Can you play them?"

Wen said, Xue Bai face became incapacitated!

Because he doesn\'t!

In front of you, this group of guys is the peak of God, and it is all people, it is definitely not that they have two people to compete!

At this time, a horrible breath suddenly swept away from the horizon, next moment, a white-haired old man appeared in the field.

Seeing the old man\'s old man, the middle-aged man\'s face is turned to change, and when it turns and runs, those people around him are also busy!

Although God knows and Kao knows only a situation, this gap can be described as a heavenly difference!

Seeing the middle-aged man and others to escape, the white-haired old man\'s mouth flouries, and the sleeves are loud.


Middle-aged men and others are directly erased by a terrorist force!

White-haired old people look at Xuejia brothers and sisters, look complicated.

Xue Bai respects a gift, shy: "" Great to the ancestors!

White hair is slightly shaking, "It\'s good!

After finishing, he turned and looked at the leaves in the distance.

After the old man is silent, he said: "You, stay for step!

His gaze is on Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan fidelized to see the white hair old, the latter Shen Sheng: "I don\'t know what I don\'t understand, I hope you want to do it!"

Obviously, he already knows what the dragon goes!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "This is not worthy of me!

After finishing, he turned and left.

White-haired old people are sighful, the look is complex!

Can you let an ancient giant will be satisfied, how horror, how horror? Thinking of this, he couldn\'t help but shake his head, and there was a disappointed disappointment in his eyes.

Seeing the disappointment in the eyes of white hair, Xue Jia brothers and sisters have become more complicated!


The old man, Ye Xuan looks to the old man, "How to call?"

The old man is busy: "Lin begins!

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "You are busy with Zhoujia!

Needless to follow me with Xing Ling girl!

Lin Qi hesitated, then said: "Ye Gongzi, this inverse city is a bit messy.

Of course, I am not afraid of Ye Gongzi\'s accident, I am afraid that there is no eye to provoke to Ye Gongzi, add blocking Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan looked at the forest, quite speechless.

How do you follow me, how do I put it? At this time, Zhou Xi, one side, busy: "Lin Xiong, we want to bother Ye Gongzi!"

Walk away!

Said, he went to Ye Xuangong and then quickly took the forest.

Ye Xuan looked Xing Ling, smiled: "Xing Ling girl, we are here!"

Xing Ling looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "Good!

The two came into the city, just in the city, the two felt a lot of knowledge toward them!

Xing Lingbow is slightly frowned!

Ye Xuan is calm!

The street is very cold, no one is at all, but the secret is countless double eyes!

The two are slowly walking, and there is no one in the way!

Ye Xuan eye wrinkles!

Why don\'t you come to find trouble? Thinking of this, Ye Xuan suddenly took out a quite in the hand, in the quince, there were hundreds of millions of Yuanyuan Shenjing.

The secondary god crystal pair ancient giant strong, still has a role, and hundreds of millions of Yuanyuan, it is definitely a super huge sum!

Seeing Ye Xuan took out financial demonstrations in front of the world, Xing Ling couldn\'t help but smile, "Ye Gongzi, are you afraid that others will not come to you?"

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "Xing Ling girl does not think, what is the reason why I do it, is it forced?"

Xing Ling looked at Ye Xuan, did not speak, but the heart was dark, isn\'t it like this? Ye Xuan low sigh, "Xing Ling girl, do you think I am a shallow person?"

Xing Ling has some doubts. "Don\'t Ye Gongzi don\'t have it?"

Ye Xuan Dang is a positive color: "Of course!

Said, he looked at the four weeks, then said: "You don\'t think this place, too messy, is it mad?"

Xing Ling Shen Sheng said: "Ye Gongzi wants to change this place?"

Ye Xuan nod.

Xing Ling hesitated, then: "Ye Gongzi, this place is a special place, the water is particularly deep, even some super-class forces, do not want to have unpleasant things with this place, you.

The small tower suddenly suddenly said: "Little Lord, I think you have a little more than you have recently!

You are still!

You will continue to put it down, you have to make a great angle!

Ye Xuan brows, "Isn\'t I still low-key?"

The small tower is deep: "Do you think you low-key?"

Ye Xuan nod, "of course!

After the small tower is silent, the road: "Xiao Lord.

Ye Xuan suddenly sighed, "The small tower, we will come all the way, which isn\'t hanging by others? Which time isn\'t it going to be a place? Now it is very powerful, I put it forced? Is it broken? "

After the small tower is silent, he said: "Then I have to install!"
