One Sword Reigns Supreme

2610 Chapter 2,566: I want to be killed!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

When I heard Ye Xuan, Xing Ling couldn\'t help but smile!

She found that this Ye Gong is a fun person, with him, very happy daily.

Xue Yu is like laughing, looking at Ye Xuan, "Ye Gongzi, honestly said, I really look forward to seeing that you are not hidden!

How can she see it, Ye Xuan is now hiding themselves, just, she doesn\'t know how deep it is hidden in Ye Xuan.

When I heard Xue Yu, Ye Xuan smiled.

He also found that it seems to be a bit inflated!

However, he has set it!

However, the strength is not allowed!

Now look at all over the day, who is his opponent of Ye Xuan? Of course, you have to remove those top-level powerful!

I have to put a sentence, many times, invincible is really loneliness!

At this moment, an old man appeared not far in front of everyone, this old man appeared, those students were quiet!

The old man looked at the Chinese students, then said: "This time trial is the same as usual, practical training!

Actual training!

I heard the words, and everyone was suddenly exciting!

The old man laughed: "Everyone in this actual training should be familiar, then it is a chaotic zone!


Wen said, some students in the field suddenly solidified, replaced by it!

Ye Xuan turned his head to see Xing Ling, "Reverse the land?"

Xing Ling Shen Sheng said: "A more dangerous place!

This place is very confusing, and the three people who have a nine flow, usually, we will not easily go to this place!

Unexpectedly, this student\'s trial is this place.

At this time, the old people headed suddenly laughed: "How, afraid?"

Everyone quickly shook his head.

If you go yourself, they may be a bit virtual, but they are taking the team by the college, they are not afraid!

In this surrounding universe, the Galaxy Academy is still very big. General forces don\'t dare to provoke!

At this time, the old man suddenly laughed: "Since everyone is not afraid, now everyone will go to the crowd, I am waiting for everyone in the city, I don\'t care what you use, you must give me a chaotic city.

After that, he disappeared directly in the end of the sky.


An invisible pressure suddenly swept in the sky!

In the field, everyone is discolored!

Ancient giants!

Everyone discovered that the old man who just speaking is an ancient giant!

Next to Ye Xuan, Xue Bai looked at the sky, the eyes were hot!

At this time, Xue Yu suddenly said: "Don\'t watch it!"

You have to reach ancient giants in our lives, afraid it is a bit difficult!

Xue Bai glanced at Xue Yu, "Do you look at you?"

Xue Dai has no expression, "Even if you have talent, the family doesn\'t have so much money!

Xue Bai sighed whisper.

Repair is money!

Especially cultivation to the end, every time it enhances a realm, it is a need to spend huge money!

Unless you are too enchanting, the enchanting is home to all cost to cultivate you!

Otherwise, many times, the family will not take everything to help you, because if you fail, then you will lose money!

I can\'t afford!

At this time, Xing Ling suddenly said: "Let\'s go!

Ye Xuan nod, "go, go against the city!

Xue Bai smiled: "Then we will group!"

Xing Ling nod, "can!

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xi Xiao: "I have no problem!"

He found that many people in the field became a group.

After a while, the four departure will go to the ground!

At this time, Xing Ling suddenly said: "This time is some accidents, the college actually chose this actual battle in a rebellious place.

Xue Bai nodded, "It is really active training, but it is not in chaos.

This time, the college seems to be true!

Xue Yu suddenly said: "It may be that we are too escape in the college!

So, let us go out to see the sinister of society!

Xing Ling nodded, "Go to the battle!

Said, she suddenly looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Ye Gongzi is the first time to go against chaos?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Xing Ling suddenly asked, "Where is Ye Gongzi?"

Wen Yan, Xue Bai and Xue Wei also looked at Ye Xuan, for Ye Xuan\'s origin, they are also so claps!

Ye Xuan laughed: "I am from everything!


Wen said, Xing Lingan is all stunned.

Xue Wei suddenly said: "Is the ancient dean from the same place?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Xue Wei looked at Ye Xuan, "Is Ye Gongzi and the ancient dean?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Don\'t know!

do not know!

Xue did not say anything.

Xing Ling suddenly said: "There is a forces in the place in all directions, called the Yinhe League.

Said, she looked to Ye Xuan, "Is Ye Gongzi is a silver corned member?"

Ye Xuanbai\'s eyes, Xing Ling, "Isn\'t I said to you before? I am watching Xuan Academy!

Watching the book!

Xing Ling smiled, "I forgot!

At this time, Xue Yu suddenly said: "I know that the big Wei, Ye Gongzi and the big Wei are familiar?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Da Wei\'s Wei Wei girl has now joined me to watch Xuan Academy!

Oh, yes, she is now the emperor of the Great Wei!

Xue Wei looked at the Ye Xuan, if thought.

At this moment, Ye Xuan brows smashed, he turned his head and looked at it.

The eyes of Ye Xuan, Xing Ling asked, "What\'s wrong?"

Ye Xuan said: "Someone is tracking us!

I heard the words, Xue Bai\'s brow wrinkled, he turned to look at it, but did not find anything!

Ye Xuan has said: "Let\'s go!

Xue Bai hesitated, then said: "Ye brother, is there anyone tracking us?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Already gone!

Xue Bai Face Black Line!

This leaf brother will not deliberately do it in order to make it? Four people speed up!

After leaving a few people in Ye Xuan, an old man suddenly appeared in the field, the old man looked at the disappeared in the distance, his eyes were slightly, "he could find me!

At this time, a teenager appeared next to the old man.

From the past, there is a conflict with Ye Xuan!

Mo Shan stared at the Yu Xuan, "Seniors, what is the realm of this person?"

The old man has no expression, "should be the peak of God!

God of knowledge!

Wen said that Mo Shan\'s face suddenly became difficult to look, "The seniors can have confidence to kill this person?"

The old man is smirk, "" Is this not a light? "

Said, he looked at the right side.

I will wait, if there is a right opportunity, I will kill him!

Mo Shan nod, "Good!

The old man said again: "You now go to the ground, rest assured, I have greeted you on the road!"

The real power will not come to provoke you, there will be some small characters to practice your hands, and let you get a good record!

Wen Yan, Mo Shan is busy respecting the gift, "Thank you for the ancestors!

The old man suddenly pulled Momo\'s right hand, then softly: "You and me, say thank you?"

Said, he relieved directly.

Mo Shan\'s eyes flashed, but did not dare to refuse.


At the end of the star river, Xing Ling Shen Sheng next to Ye Xuan: "Ye Gongzi, Square.

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Nothing!

do not worry!

Xing Ling hesitate, then nod, "Good!

On the one side, then Xue Duan looked at the Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Now she, it is more and more curious about Ye Xuan!

About half a day, four people came to a dead star farm!

Xing Ling looked at the distance, and the look is lighter: "After the distance from the distance, we officially entered the scope of the inversely!

In this place, there is a lot of dangers!

At this moment, Xue Bai suddenly pointed to the distance, "You see!

Several people look not far, there are a few bodies, from the clothes, it is the Yinhe College!

See this scene, Xing Ling Shen Sheng: "It seems that this time trial, it is really not so simple!"

Xue Wei nodded, "Yinhe College, is a real talent.

After this time, it is possible to live, it should be the elite in the elite!

Xue Bai smiled: "The big wave is sand!

Several people continue to advance!

Not long after, the number of gods suddenly swept away from the distance, and this kind of gods were unscrupulously sweeping with Ye Xuan and others!

Ye Xuanqi is calm, no resistance.

And Xue Bai on the side is a double-eyed, and his right hand is slow, and a powerful force is condensed from him.

At this time, six people appear in front of Ye Xuan!

The head is a man, the man is wearing a single black dress, holding a long knife in his hand, his eyes are cold, with an evil smile with the corner, and watching a big bad guy!

The black men\'s eyes fell directly on Xing Ling and Xue Yi. He smiled coldly, "Hey.

Good pechemists.

Ha ha.

Said, he also stretched out his tongue and licked his mouth and evil.

Xing Lingbow is slightly wrinkled.

Xue Wei suddenly walked to Ye Xuan, she pulled the sleeve of Lafixuan, then said: "Ye Gongzi, the hero to save the beauty!"

Do you want to express it? "

Ye Xuan blinked, "Will you have your body?"

Wen said, Xue Yu, then smiled: "Ye Gongzi, are you serious, still joking?"

The ball is kicked to Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan smiled, is going to talk, Xue Yu suddenly said: "Ye Gongzi, they are all god, if you can kill them, I can consider it!

Ye Xuan suddenly sleeved.

A sword is light!


In an instant, six heads directly from the sky, blood like a fountain!

Several people in the field directly petrified in place!

And the expression on Xue Yu\'s face is also instantaneous solidification!

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "Xue Yu girl, IMHO, the three swords can\'t come out, who can kill me? Who dares me?"

After finishing, he turned to walk towards the distance.

At this time, the horror of the horror, a horrible breath came, and at the same time, a roaring suddenly sounded, "I dare to kill me.

Ye Xuan right hand suddenly lighter.


The sky, the sound is abundant, followed by, a bloody head is directly in the stars!

In the distance, Ye Xuan looked up and looked at the horizon starry sky, whispered: "I want to be killed.

Everyone: ".
