One Sword Reigns Supreme

2608 Chapter 2,594: Will you agree?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

In the box, it is a sword!

This sword, Ye Xuan meet!


Old acko accessories!

The sword was followed by him for a while!

And he didn\'t think that this sword was here!

This is why he is shocked!

what happened? Is it that the old man stay here? Ye Xuanzhi took the sword with the doubts of the heart, he looked at the sword in his hand, then said: "Sword Ling?"

No response!

Ye Xuan brows smashed, his eyes were slow, after a while, his sword in his hand slightly fused!

There is a response!

Seeing this, the non-fish eyes of the side suddenly squinted, and the eyes flashed, I don\'t know what I think.

At this time, the sword spirit in Ye Xuan suddenly turned into a sword and did not enter the bluff.

Soon, there are more swords in Ye Xuanhai!

After a moment, Ye Xixiang was deeply in the middle: "Sword Spirit, why are you here?"

After silence and half, the sword spirit sounded in the Xuanxuan brain, "Waiting for you!

Ye Xuan has some intake, "" Wait for me? "

Jianling said: "Yes!

Ye Xuan said: "The old man is waiting for me here?"

Jianling said: "Yes!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What is the old man to wait for me?"

Jian Lingdao: "Let me bring you grow up!

Ye Xuan has some intake, "Why will I know that I will come here?"

Jian Lingdao: "You don\'t ask so much, then the next time, you will follow me!

Ye Xuan smiled, "I think, it should be no!"

Jian Lingdao: "You.

When I said this, the Sword Spirit suddenly came to an abrupt, and she suddenly shouted: "You have reached no way.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Yes!

The sword spirit fell into silence. She didn\'t think that Ye Xuan did not reach there!

No, you shouldn\'t!

Ye Xuan smiled: "Jian Ling, you go back to find my father!"

I don\'t need you to point, don\'t need you to follow!

The sword spirit is sigh. "Are you saying what I said when I said?"

When she left Ye Xuan, she did not politely accused Ye Xuan, so she believed that Ye Xuan was crying her!

Ye Xuan is shook his head, "This is not, just, I really don\'t need you to follow!

In terms of cultivation, I have a big road, as for the sword, I have a Qingxuanjian, you follow me, there is really no role!

What are you talking about? "

Sword is silent.

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, Jianling suddenly said: "Blood!

Do you want to break through your blood? "


I heard the words, Ye Xuan\'s eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and since his blood reached an unyielding, his blood was not broken!

His blood is too special, I want to improve again, it is really difficult!

Think of this, Ye Xuan said: "Can you help me break through the blood?"

Jian Lingdao: "Can!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "Then you follow me!

Sword Spirit: ".

At this time, the non-fish on the side suddenly said: "The sword chose you?"

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, looking to non-fish, nod, "Yes!

Non-fish silence: "Why do you choose you?"

Ye Xuan blinked, "Hui Yao Heroes!

Non-fish live!

Ye Xuan Xiao: "You will not regret it!

Non-fish glance, Ye Xuan, "Reassure, I will not repent!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Thank you!

Non-fish sink: "Can you tell me, why do you choose you? I want to listen to the truth!

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "I know with her!"


Non-fish, I still want to ask, Ye Xuan smiled: "Why do you know, I still don\'t want to say, wait, I want to say, tell you, how?"

Non-fish think, then nod, "you can!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Don\'t you say that there is a sword?"

Non-fish shaking your head smile, "You are really greedy!

Said, she took Ye Xuan to a stone pillar, she picked up the box on the stone column, then opened, "for you!

Ye Xuan looked down to the fentender, his palm became open, and the sword flew to him. He opened it. After a while, he frowned slightly!


It contains six strong swords!

However, for him now, this six sword skills are really not very enough!

Now he, basically no sword!

If you have a sword, you have a destroyed land!

Non-fish suddenly asked, "How?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Others!

After finishing, he received it.

Non-fish looking at Ye Xuan, "Just OK?"

Ye Xuan blinked, "Yes!

Non-fish silence.

This sword, but a high-spirited, an ancient giant has created, and she didn\'t think of it, this is just still in front of Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan suddenly looked at Xing Ling, smiled: "Xing Ling girl, you also pick it!"

Xing Ling nodded slightly, she looked at the non-fish, mouth slight, "Master help me pick it!

Non-fish is white, Xing Ling, "You this little furniture.

Said, she refers to a stone column to the right.

Xing Ling quickly walked to the stone column, she picked up one of the iron boxes, then opened a look, very fast, her mouth flooded a smile, and then quickly received the box!

After receiving the box, Xing Ling looked at non-fish, sweet smile, "Thank you Master!

Non-fish smile: "Let\'s go!

Xing Ling nodded.

After a while, the three left the martial arts. When I left, Ye Xuan suddenly turned, and there were hundreds of feet in the right, then you have a Chinese ancient building.

In the ancient building, there is an evil breath!

The eyes of Ye Xuan were noticeed, and the non-fish god suddenly became incomparable!

At this moment, she is shocked in my heart!

She didn\'t think that Ye Xuan actually felt powerful existence in the ancient building!

This guy may not be known!

Do you know? impossible!

Non-fish is busy in the heart!

Ye Xuan is too young, if it is known, it is too terrible!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly returned to his eyes, then said: "Non-fish tutor, is the ancient building?"

Wen said, non-fish recovered their thoughts, then Shen Sheng: "Our college is banned!"

Forbidden place!

Ye Xuan is slightly nodd, not saying.

Non-fish suddenly said: "What do you feel?"

Ye Xuan smiled and smiled, "Nothing!

After finishing, he walked in the distance.

Non-fish deeply glanced at the Ye Xuan, did not speak.

After returning to the hospital, Ye Xuan also entered the bookstore!

Continue reading!

He is now interested in reading books!

Especially some old ancient books, although these ancient books are not cultivating cheats, but they record many interesting things.

Now, he also understands the history of this Yinhe industry. The history of the Galaxy industry is not long, only about millions of years, while the Galaxy is just a small world until the ancient worship is here, She created the Yinhe College, and will be renamed it here as the Yinhe industry. After that, the Galaxy industry began to grow up!

In addition to the Galaxy, Ye Xuan also learned some universe around, including Xing Ling\'s family Xing people!

In this surrounding universe, the family is a grade, respectively, the third-level forces, second-class forces, first level, super-level forces!

And the family of Xing people belongs to a level!

It is worth mentioning that the Yinhe College is also equal, but this place is quite special, because this place has a super strong, ancient worship!

This mysterious monk from the Yinhe system!

It used to have a brilliant record, that is, one enemy five!

One person is a five ancient giants, the most terrible thing, she is actually win!

That battle, the name of the ancient worship, thoroughly showing the sky!

One fight five!

Ye Xuan caught in meditation!

This is still more than ten thousand years ago, in ten thousand years ago, the ancient worship will be able to fight five, have to say, this is very enchanting!

Because even when he, when he knows, he can\'t do it!

Of course, it is ok now, but now, it is a realm, don\'t say a fight, there is no problem in a dozens!

But in the same order, he is still difficult to do!

Obviously, this ancient worship is a very enchanting super strong!

Can\'t underestimate anyone!

Ye Xuan god is quite dignified!

This world, except for the three swords, the enchanting people are certainly a lot, don\'t say anything else, the mixer is unilateral, he is still afraid to play!

In addition, there are many mysterious super power!

Although he is already there is no good afternoon, there are many people in the realm, but he has not forgotten a law: handsome but three days!

Still low-key!

No, it should be said, or improve the realm, you can\'t let your realm are below the map where you are!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuanhe across ancient books, then said: "Small pen, come out!

After the avenue pen is silent, I said: "What?"

Ye Xuan said: "After no way, what is the realm?"

The avenue pen sink: "Do you want to continue to improve?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Although I am very invincible now!"

However, I am still a sense of crisis, so I want to continue to improve!

The avenue pen is sigh, "You are already very powerful now!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "it is far from enough!

I want to continue to improve!

Tell me, what is the realm after no way? "

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "The legendary heavens, self-cultivated heaven, in other words, you are your own heaven, to this level, if the owner is metaphor as the world, the strong, It is a prince, and it is the owner to attract, that is, to reach Tiandao, you must get the consent of the owner, there is no master\'s consent, it is impossible to reach Tiando, and those who want to reach Tiandao, it is also necessary After the master\'s heavy test, it is possible to have a heaven!

Said, he smiled.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "If I want to upgrade to Tiandao, do you need your owner to agree?"

In an instant, the avenue pen was silent.

Will the owner agree? Under normal circumstances, it will definitely!

However, if this guy is called.

