One Sword Reigns Supreme

2606 Chapter 2,592: Isn't it?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Read the book!

In the next time, Ye Xuan is reading a book every day.

He is still interested in reading books!

The books in the book house are very comprehensive, all aspects, including cultivation.

Of course, with his current strength, some cultivation methods have not used him!

Time sway, in January.

Ye Xuan is reading a book in the bookstore, and has not been out.

On this day, Xing Ling suddenly appeared in the bookstore, seeing the Ye Xuan, sitting in a corner, Xing Ling slightly, then said: "Ye Gongzi?"

Ye Xuan slightly looked up, when I saw Xing Ling, he smiled: "Xing Ling girl, do you repair it?"

Xing Ling nodd, she walked to Ye Xuan face, smiled: "Yes!

Ye Xuan played an eye Xing Ling, Xing Ling is wearing a white dress today, long hair shawl, looks very fairy.

Xing Ling smiled: "Ye Gongzi, this month, is you really reading here?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Xing Ling smiled: "It\'s amazing!

Although she also read the book, but let her see it every day, she still can\'t eat!

Ye Xuan put down the ancient books in his hand, then laughed: "For a month!"

I got out of breath!

After finishing, he got up and walked outside!

Xing Ling looked at the Ye Xuan, then followed it.

In addition to the bookstore, Ye Xuan looked up to the sky, at this moment, it was already in the evening, the sun, the sun, the sky, the beautiful.

Ye Xuan greedy took a fresh air and smiled: "Comfort!

On the side, Xing Ling looked at Ye Xuan, and smiled!

At this time, a man suddenly appeared in not far, the man was seeing Ye Xuan, slightly, but quickly returned to normal, he looked to Xing Ling, smiled slightly, "Xing Ling girl!

Xing Ling went to Ye Xuanqiang, then laughed: "Mo San!

Mo Shan smiled: "Xing Ling girl, there is a society tonight, all inner hospital students will participate, do you want to be?"


Xing Ling is a bit surprised.

Mo Shan nod, "Yes!

Every time I, we will organize a society, or it is also a dating meeting, entertainment and entertainment!

Xing Ling wants to think, then look at Ye Xuan, "Ye Gongzi,?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Yes!

Xing Ling looks to Mo Shan, smiled: "Is it tonight?"

Mo Shan\'s expression is somewhat unnatural, "Yes!

Xing Ling said: "Thank you, Momshan Mon!

Mo Shan smiled: "Xing Ling girl is polite!

After finishing, he looked at Ye Xuan, and then said: "Xing Ling girl, now go together?"

Xing Ling smiled: "I will go with Ye Gongzi!"

This is already very naked and refused!

Mo Shan smiled, "Xing Ling girl.

Xing Ling smiled: "I am coming with the son, we should naturally have!

Mo Shan nodded, no more, turn around!

Say anything, that is, you are not interesting!

Ye Xuan looked at Momo, who left, then laughed: "Xing Ling girl is very charm!

Xing Ling laughed, then said: "Ye Gongzi, the female student of this college is much!

With Ye Gongzi\'s charm, I am afraid that I can\'t take a long time. There will be countless pursuits around you!

Ye Xuan smiled, "There is Xing Ling girl next to me, who dares to pursue me? Isn\'t it a self-suction?"

I heard the words, Xing Ling slightly, and immediately shook his head. "Ye Gongzi is a joke, as this, I am afraid that I can\'t get Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Xing Ling girl, is there a favorite person?"

Xing Ling looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Why is Ye Gongzi ask?"

Ye Xuan said: "It is some curiosity!

Xing Ling shook his head smiled, "The people of the big country, marriage never doing yourself.

My favorite and I don\'t like it, it is not important. It is important that people I choose can bring to me with my family!

Said, she looked to Ye Xuan, "Is Ye Gongzi not this?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "No!


Xing Ling is interested, "Ye Gongzi is in the family, doing himself?"

Ye Xuan nod, "is it!

Because my old man is basically not made me!

Xing Ling smiled: "That is really envious!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Xing Ling girl, I can\'t do it, I also opened a book, named Wen Xuan Academy, Xing Ling girl is interested, can come to my college to travel!

"Watching Xuan College!

Xing Ling nodded, "must!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Let\'s take the one what to learn!

Xing Ling nodded and then walked with Ye Xuan.

After a while, the two came to a temple. At this moment, some students have already gathered!

For example, Xing Ling said that female students in the Military College have a lot, more than men!

Ye Xuan and Xing Ling come, suddenly attracted some students\' attention.

That Mo Shan is here, he went straight to Xing Ling and Ye Xuan, and then smiled: "Xing Ling girl!

Xing Ling nodded slightly, it was greeted!

Mo Shan smiled: "Xing Ling girl, I have a gift to send you!"

Said, he is on the palm of its palm, and a hollow stone appears in his hand.

Mo Shan smiled: "I know that Xing Ling girl has been used, so I deliberately prepared a vacant stone for Xing Ling girl, this empty stone is enough to let Xing Ling girl practice March Long!

March, it is equivalent to a hundred years!

This is a big hand!

In the field, some women looked at Xing Ling, with the eyes of envious and one!

They came to this Galaxy Academy, the purpose is to enter the counter-time and space, but in this Yinhe College, the empty stone is really too precious!

This empty stone in Mo Shan\'s hand, what is going to earn, and it is afraid to earn ten years.

It\'s too big!

Xing Ling looked at the empty stone in Mo Shan, then laughed: "Mo Shan\'s kindness, I have a heart!

If you don\'t worry, please also take it!


Xing Ling, this words, everyone in the field!

Actually refused? That Mo Shan is also stunned, he has been unfavorable, this time no matter? Still, less? At this point, Mo Shan has taken out a hollow stone, "Xing Ling girl, these two empty stone is enough to make the girl in the counter-time and space for two hundred years!

One of the fields!

Two hundred years!

This is too precious!

On the other side, a white man looked at Mo Shan and smiled: "This person picks up the girl, it is really reluctant!"

Next to him, a blue woman is calm: "This is the tricks of your men, use money, make it strong, and smash it down!"

The white man laughed: "Little sister, do you say this Xing Ling girl lying down?"

Blue clothes women have no expression, "no!

White man looks to the blue woman, "Why?"

The blue woman has no expression, "She is a Xing family!

Xing people!

I heard the words, the white men\'s face became more daring!

The blue woman looks to the distance, ridiculous: "Pay your own humiliation!

In the distance, Xing Ling looked at the two empty stones in front of him, laughed: "Mo Shanzi, are you insulting me with money?"

Mo Shan is slightly, then smiled: "How? This is really my heart!

Girl is not mistaken!

Xing Ling looks still calm, "Mo San, I would like to bother me again!"

Still refuse!

At this point, everyone in the field is stunned.

Xing Ling ignored everyone\'s eyes, turned to look to Ye Xuan, smiled: "Ye Gongzi, we go to the other!"

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

The two walked towards the side!

Originally, that Mo Shan\'s face is incomparably ugly!

At this time, a man suddenly blocked in front of Ye Xuan and Mo Shan, the man is laughing, "Xing Ling girl is really good!

I did a good heart, and Xing Ling girl was so trampled. Is it too much? "

Xing Ling is going to talk, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "What is this brother?"

The man looks to Ye Xuan, "Do I talk to you?"

Ye Xi Tao: "This brother, you don\'t do anything, why do you want to do a dog?"

I heard the words, the man suddenly became anger, and a horrible pressure directly rushed to Ye Xuan, seeing, Ye Xuan\'s face, and he retreated after Lianlian, shocked: "You don\'t want to do it!"

Said, in the eyes of everyone, he directly fell on the ground.

The man stunned.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly pulled out the sword of the waist, and then said: "You.

The man is about to talk, and the sword of Ye Xuan suddenly disappears.


In the eyes of everyone, Ye Xuan\'s Qing Xuanjian directly wore a man\'s eyebrow.

Everyone stunned.

The man is also stunned, what is going on? At this time, the Qing Xuan sword fiercely trembled, and the man was directly fascinating!


In the field, everyone is incredible!

Shot except? At this time, the Mo Shan on the side suddenly said: "You dare to kill!"

Ye Xuan gains to celebrate the sword, carefully: "Mo Shan brother, you have to see clearly, he first started!

If I don\'t pay back, I will die!

Said, he took out an ancient book, then said: "The regulations stipulate that the book is not allowed to do, but you can defense, I am just a defense!

Everyone: ".

Mo Shan angry: "You.

At this moment, a long and old sudden appeared in the field, seeing people, Mo Shanyun said: "Master!


Wen said, the people in the field suddenly became an old!

This is the old postage of the inner delegation, and it is also Momo\'s Master!

Xiao Yuan looked at Ye Xuan, "just a defense?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Xiao Yuan is laughing, "I like to play the text game? Then I tell you, he released his own momentum, it is not a hand, because his hand did not move!

Everyone: ".

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "So you said, release the momentum, isn\'t it?"

Xiao Yuan directly looks like Ye Xuan, "Yes!


At this time, in the hunter, a horrible sword swept!


Among the eyes of everyone, Xiao Yuan is directly crushed by this sword!

Everyone petrochemical!

Ye Xuankao: "You will give me a testimony, this long says that the momentum is not a hand.

I can not do it!

Everyone: ".
