One Sword Reigns Supreme

2604 The second chapter of the second thousand five hundred and ninety chapters of the fairy: What do he do?

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Seeing the attitude of Tianzi, Xing Lington stunned!

She didn\'t expect that a peerless strong person was so respectful to Ye Xuan, this is really a little outrageous!

Soon, she looked at Ye Xuan, then smiled: "Ye Gongzi, you are very uncommon!"

At this moment, she is more curious about the identity of Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, did not answer this question, but asked, "Xing Ling girl, do you go to the Galaxy in this trip?"

Xing Ling nod, "Yes!

Ye Xuan said: "Can I talk about the Galaxy?"

Xing Ling wants to think, then said: "The son is the first time?"

Ye Xuan nod.

Xing Ling smiled: "This silver river, Nai Yinhe is ancient and worshiping girl, this place has a legendary counter-time space, so there are countless strong people.

I am going this time, it is also for this counter-time space!

Ye Xuan brows, "counter-time space?"

Xing Ling nod, "Ye Gongzi didn\'t know?"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

Xing Ling looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "This counterclockwise space is a special time and space, and this is in a special counter-time time and space, its time passes different from the outside world, simply, in one Year, it is only equivalent to the outside world!

one day!

When I heard Xing Ling, Ye Xuanlun stunned!

Isn\'t this a small tower? Of course, this counter-time and space obviously no small tower is against the sky, you know, in the 10 years in the small tower is equal to the day!

Xing Ling suddenly laughed: "I thought that Ye Gongzi was also in this counter-time, but now it is not!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts and smiled: "I just go shopping!"

Xing Ling smiled: "Then I arrived with Yongzi, I am more familiar with this silver river industry!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Then thank you!"

Xing Lingdao: "Very polite!

Said, she took Ye Xuan to have a small temple, and Tianzhi is very interesting!

Xing Ling looked at the dust that was automatically pushed. It flashed in his eyes. She looked at Ye Xuan, nothing to say.

Inside the temple, Xing Ling smiled: "Ye Gongzi, the predecessor, he is Kao King?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Xing Ling looks gradually, "" The knowledge of outside walking ".

This is very small!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The girl is very bad, I can see the realm of the old age!"

Xing Ling smiled: "Ye Gongzi laughed!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Xing Ling girl, only this Yinhe industry has counter-time?"

Xing Lingnimi, "At present, I know only the Galaxy world!

I came to the Galaxy in this line, because the realm has reached a key point, I want to break through this counter-time and space!

Ye Xuan wants to think, do you want to take a small tower? Tower: ".

In the end, Yaxi still gives up!

This kind of low-level load has not met his inner and mental needs!

At this time, an old man suddenly came in, the old man went to Xing Ling, "Miss, we are here!"

Xing Ling got up, she looked to Ye Xuan, smiled: "Ye Gongzi, let\'s go!"

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Said, the two left the star ship.

Just left the star ship, Ye Xuan was found that Xing Ling stood 100 people!

And the lowest is in the past, in addition to this, the old man after Xing Ling is a peak, although it has not reached Kozu, but it should not be used!

At this time, Xing Ling suddenly turned to the old man beside him. "Wu is old, you follow me!"

Wu Lao nodd, he turned his head and looked at everyone and waved.

Everyone will, quietly retreat!

Xing Ling looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Ye Gongzi, let\'s go!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

When I first arrived, the life is not familiar, nature is to choose Xing Ling.

Xing Ling smiled: "Ye Gongzi, since you don\'t have any other place, it is better to join us to join the Yinhe College!

Ye Xuan see Xing Ling, "Yinhe College?"

Xing Ling blinked, "Ye Gongzi did not heard the Yinhe College?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "no!

Xing Ling god suddenly became an old!

Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "Xing Ling girl talks about this college?"

Xing Ling nod, "The founder of this Military College is also the ancient worship, and the land of the counter-time and space is in the case, in addition to counter-spatial cultivation, the martial arts civilization in the Yinhe College is also very horrible. It is said that The inside of the instructor is an ancient giant!

Ancient giants!

Said, Xing Ling also looked at the dust.

Ye Xuan also looked at the dust, the dust nodded. "Normal, even ancient giants, you also need to cultivate resources, and they can\'t do too much to hurt the child, so I can only go to make money.

Said, he shook his head and sighed, "Ancient giants are also working people!

Xing Ling smiled: "The seniors laughed!

Any ancient giant, that is all the existence of the national treasure.

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan and said.

In fact, her is the most curious thing is Ye Xuan\'s identity!

Ability to recruit an ancient giant to work with the class, Ye Xuan status, must be a general!

However, such a question, she feels Tang!

It seems to know Xing Ling Those, Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "In fact, I am average person, really!"

Xing Ling shook his head smiled.

After a while, a few people came to a mountain, and at this moment, Ye Xuan found that there were many young people who were going towards the hills!

Xing Ling smiled: "Today is the day of recruiting students, so many local students have come.

Of course, we can also join the Yinhe College, but there is a requirement.

Said, she refers to the right side, "I saw a round counter there? It is a test station. If you want to join the Yinhe College, you can go to this station, you will be on the table, there will be an ancient giant strong The soul of the gods test you, only through his test, can enter the Yinhe College!

In addition, the normal processes have not been able to join the books, or because of the shady, there is no enrollment in the school, but you can also go to this table, but the ancient giant strong, but will not leave the hand, it is said, there is already Thousands of people die on this stage!

Ye Xuan looked at the test station, on the test bench, he felt a weak soul!

Obviously, this is the ancient power!

Looking at the test bench, Ye Xuan is thinking.

I have to think of a way to express it!

Of course, it will go, naturally, it is low-key!


Xing Ling suddenly turned to see Tianzhi and Wu Lao, "Two predecessors, you may have to stay!

Now, I will trigger the ban on the Yinhe College. When they can cause many bad things.

Wu Lao Wei, then quietly returned.

Tian Dilla looks to Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan Xiao: "Don\'t worry about me!"

Dizhen is silent.

Oh shit!

I don\'t worry, I am worried about the Yinhe College!

Now this Lee is not a bad way of thinking, this is not a general danger!

There is not much to say anything, the dust is quietly retired.

In the distance, the old Wu went to the dust, he was slightly rolling, "Can a predecessor, can you give one two?"

Tian Chen looked at Wu Bao, then said: "Why is your family call you brain?"


Wu Junzhi, then said: "Is there any problem?"

Dizhen color becomes quirky, "Is there no problem?"

Wu is old, "no problem!

Dizhen speechless.

Wu Lao continued: "Do you give you a 2nd?"

Dizhen nodded, "You said!

Wu Laoyuan is busy: "How can I get Keway?"

Tian Dust under the demon: "There is a sister!


Wu Lao hit.

Tian Dizhen smiled and said: "Try to cultivate!

Wu Lao smiled, "I have no direction now!

Tian Dust whisper: "cultivate.

There is a hair.

After seeing the practice of Ye Xuan, he didn\'t want to work hard!

effort? He just wants to lying flat now!


Many times, it is so bad, you work hard to get something likely, you get a word!

Of course, if you don\'t work, then you will never get it!

He is very clear, he can follow Ye Xuan, because he is strong enough, so there is a chance to follow Ye Xuan, or, he has not qualified to follow Ye Xuan!


In the distance, Xing Ling took Ye Xuan to an old man, Xing Ling took out a reel and handed it to the old man, the old man took the reel, he looked at Xing Ling, smiled: "It turned out to be Xing Jia\'s That girl.

Since you are you, then you don\'t have to take those processes!

Said, he took out a piece of wooden card to handed to Xing Ling. "This is your cardboard. Today, you are the students of the Galaxy Academy!"

Xing Ling took a scholarship, and then turned to look at Ye Xuan, smiled: "The longer, this is Ye Gongzi, he is also here today to join the Yinhe College!

I heard the words, the longer the old and looked to Ye Xuan. When I saw Ye Xuan, he frowned, because he did not see the leaf in Xuan!

Ye Xuan is like there is no existence!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly.

The longer the old, the old man: "Are you?"

Ye Xuan said: "Ye Xuan!

The longer the old and old look at Ye Xuan, "Do you want to join the Yinhe College?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

The longer the old man: "No one can join the Yinhe College, to join the Yinhe College, must.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I understand!"

I see!

I understand!

Said, he walked towards!

The longer the old, then turned into Xing Ling, "he.

What did he do? "

Xing Ling blinked, "I don\'t know!

Just then, the longer the old and suddenly shocked: "he.

Do he want to get a test desk? "

Xing Ling is also stunned.

The longer and the old, the voice: "I didn\'t let him get the test bench!"


Said, he turned to look at Xing Ling, full of face, "I just really not this!

