One Sword Reigns Supreme

2588 Jian Zhongxian Chapter 2,574 Chapter: Blame I!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

There is also a bit embarrassing!

In the new world, he really counts a person, but in this place, of course, it is not saying that he is weak, just in this place, he is not the strongest!

At this time, an old man appeared in front of Ye Xuan and Tiandao!

The old man looked at Ye Xuan, "Is it?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Ye Xuan!

The old man brows, "I have never heard!

Ye Xuan speechless.

At this time, the old man suddenly looked at the heavens. When he saw the heaven, he frowned, "You are the world of the new world!

Tiandao nodded.

The old man is a little negligible. "I am from the new world, why do you want to kill our people?"

What is Tian Dao just want to say, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I like it!"

Wen said, the old man is slightly squatting, "Are you sure?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "If you want to retaliate, come at any time!

After finishing, he turned around with heaven.

Originally, the old face is quite gloomy, but there is no dare to do it!

New world!

This place is actually very uncommon, because this place is also created by the avenue pen owner, and that day is still the idea of ​​the avenue, that is, the two people may represent the avenue master!

After the old man is silent, turn around!

In the distance, Tiandao hesitated, then said: "Ye Gongzi, why not explain with him?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "If you explain, he will shoot!

We don\'t explain, he thinks we have no fear, so don\'t shoot!

Tiandao hesitated, then said: "Ye Gongzi, I will say, why do you want to kill the person directly?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "If I don\'t have strength, what do you think?"

Heaven is silent.

Ye Xi Xiao said: "My kindness and kindness, only people equally kind and kind!

He has already started me, then why should I be kind to him? My kindness, not give him a dog!

Heaven: ".

The two are preparing to return to Danchen\'s yard!

All the way, the heaven is silent!

He didn\'t think of Ye Xuan, he just felt that Ye Gongzi\'s character is very easy!

Because there is no accident, now they have an enemy!

Fan Zong!

Just coming to the world has become a dead enemy.

Thinking of this, the heavens couldn\'t help but smile.

When Ye Xuan and Tiandao returned to the small yard, the two found that there were more than a dozen black rones at the entrance of the small courtyard!

See this scene, the heaven brow wrinkled.

The two are going in, but they are stopped by a black robe!

The old man looked at Ye Xuan and Heaven, did not speak, but it was already obvious!

Tiandao raises hand is a wave.


A horrible Wiya directly pressed on the old people in the black robe. In an instant, the old man was pressed directly into the waist!

And at this time, the black power of the side must do it.

In the yard, a voice suddenly sounded, "Stop!

The sound is falling, and those black strong are quickly returned.

The heavens are cold and looked at the black people, and then with Ye Xuan entered the yard, after entering the yard, the two saw a woman with a man!

When you see this woman, Ye Xuan and Tiandao are all in it!

This woman has seen it, it is the purple dress woman who saw it in the starry sky!

The purple skirt woman looked at the Ye Xuan and the heaven, and it was returned!

At this time, Danchen in the side smiled: "The princess is in the temple, I like freedom, so the big Wei Guo\'s kindness is my heart!

After the purple skirt is silent, he said: "Danchen girl, is the condition for my Dafu, is not rich?"

Danchen shook his head, "I really just like freedom, otherwise, I have already added the Silver Corner!"

After the purple skirt woman is silent, he said: "Come!

After that, she slowed down.

What seems to be, she suddenly turned to see Danchen, "Danchen girl, my Empire found a secret, I think you will be interested!

Danchen is about to say, the purple skirt woman said: "The ruins of Guantong!

Shangguan Danzong!

Wen said, Danchen\'s face is one of them!

Shangguan Danzong, this is an ancient Zongmen, rumors, this ancient Zongmen has a "Avenue Dans".

And the Dan Jing, the rumor is the hand of the owner of the avenue, and is the first of the world.

She is coming to everything, I want to find the site of this ancient sect.

And now, she did not expect that this big Wei Guo actually found it!

At this time, the purple skirt suddenly said: "Danchen girl, I want to invite you to go to the site, if there is a" big road ", I can give it to Danchen girl!

After Danchen silence, he said: "If I get this, I will repay the girl!"

I heard the words, the purple skirt woman\'s mouth is slightly!

Danchen answers can be interested in telling her, rather than repaying the Great Wei.

This difference is very big!

The purple skirt is a smile and has to say that she likes to deal with the smart person!

The purple skirt woman said: "Then let\'s go now!"

Danchen suddenly said: "Can I bring one person?"

The purple skirt is turned to look at the Ye Xuan and the heaven, "with the heaven?"

Danchen shook his head, "I took Ye Gongzi!

Wen said, Ye Xuan stunned.

Danchen looked at Ye Xuan, smiled: "Ye Gongzi, can you take me?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Is it good?"

I heard the words, and the aprot of the road on the side wrinkled.

Danchen is also slightly, then laughs: "What benefits do Ye Gongzi want?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Danchen girl, I am joking!"

Danchen was quiet.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "However, after the end of the matter, invite the girl to my watching the book!

Just go to play, there is nothing else!

Danchen thought after a moment, said: "Yes!

At this time, the purple dress of the side suddenly said: "Then we will start!"

Danchen nodded, he looked to the heavens, "Heaven grandfather, then you will help me back, I will come back!"

Tiandao hesitated, then Xuanqiyu, "Shantou, no matter what happens, must follow Ye Gongzi, must, even if Ye Gongzi is facing desperate, you have to follow him, understand?"

Wen said, Danchen eyes flashed a surprise.

She naturally can see that Ye Xuan is not simple, because Ye Xuan is together, the attitude of Tiandao Ye Xuan can be said to be very respectful!

Who is the heaven? That is, the avenue owner is the idea, the master of the new world!

However, he is so respectful for Ye Xuan, is Ye Xuanhui average? At this moment, she found that she may still underestimate Ye Xuan!

At this time, Tiandao said: "Remember my words?"

Danchen recovered his thoughts, nodded, "I remember!

Tiandao nodded.

After a while, a group of people left!

When I came out, an old man blocked a few people.

It is the old man who is that.

Ye Xuan looked at the old man, it was obvious that the other party was for him!

The old man looked at Ye Xuan, then looked at the head of the proposed purple dress, "the princess is!

The woman looks calm, "Is Li Chang?"

Li Chang Lao looked at the Ye Xuan, "Ye Gongzi, do you think you should give me a confidence?"

Ye Xuan looked at Li Chang Lao, "explain? What is the order?

Li Chang\'s old eyes slightly, "I will destroy me. Ye Gongzi, you are tone!

On the other side, the purple skirt also looked at the Ye Xuan, and the eyes were flashing.

Differenzong? Even if the big Wei is also can\'t do!

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "Li Chang is old, if you look at me is not cool, you will go to the Milky Way to find a big pen master, and the person behind me is him!

Avenue pen owner: ".

Li Chang\'s face is extremely ugly.

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Li Chang\'s old expression stiff, after a while, he took a deep breath, then said: "Ye Gongzi, the owner of the avenue is also reasonable, don\'t you think you are too much?"

Where is the Zongqiang? Affirmation!

However, Van Zong dares to say that dares to ignore the owner of the avenue!

The avenue owner, that is in the heart of cultivation, just like God.

Although because the owner of the avenue does not appear all the year round, many people are now not so awesome!

However, there is absolutely no one dares to ignore him!

Ye Xuan looked at Li Chang Lao, "Do you want to reason?"

Li Chang is nod, "telling the truth!

When you encounter weak, naturally tell your fists, you can encounter a background, or talk about the truth!

Ye Xuan Tao: "You have seen my Gongzi\'s close to Danchen girl, thinking about what special relationship with Danchen girl, so he sent people to warn me, let me leave Dan Chen Far, otherwise, let me see the sun in tomorrow!

You said, can I bear it? "

Wen said, Li Chang\'s face became difficult to look.

He naturally knows, he naturally knows, and for this matter, Van Zong is strongly supported. This Danchen girl is a super talent. It is necessary to reach unknown now. If there is Dan Chen\'s Dan If the medicine is helping, the successful opportunity can improve at least 50%!


This is too horrible!

On the side, Danchen looked at the Ye Xuan and didn\'t speak.

Ye Xuan continued: "Danchen girl is so beautiful, so good, pursued, it is normal, but that Zeng Gong is so small, and, Dan Chen girl is in his own private material!

Li Chang is old, don\'t you think he is too much? "

Li Chang Lao Shen said: "The Ye Gongzi should not kill!"

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, "It is what he is looking for me!

Li Chang Lao said: "Sin is not dead!

Ye Xuan said: "I didn\'t think he was so weak!"

A sword can\'t stop, blame me? "

Li Chang Lao is anger, "Ye Gongzi, you don\'t have too much!"

Ye Xuan angered: "If you don\'t accept it, go to the Milky Way to find the protector!

Li Changshan expression stiff.

Avenue pen owner: ".
