One Sword Reigns Supreme

2585 Swords in the second thousand and five hundred and fifty-one chapters: successors!

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When Ye Xuan came to Ye, Yerton was one of them!

They didn\'t think of Ye Xuan back suddenly visited!

Of course, Ye people still welcome Ye Xuan!

Now the ancients, Ye people are not the first forces, and the Xuan Academy is that because there is a super powerful man: Qingqiu!

Ye Xuan directly found Ye Chen and Chutian!

Ye Chen and Chutian are really enchanting. At this moment, the two have reached the tenth of the second!

In other words, the two now have the strength of the Holy King!

Seeing Ye Xuan, two people are also a little unexpected!

Of course, they still don\'t know what Yixuan is doing!

Ye Xuan looked at the two, then smiled: "Ye Chen brother, Chu brother, don\'t be innocent!"

Ye Chen said: "Ye Xuan brother, where did you go?"

Ye Xuan slightly said: "A very far away universe!

Chu Tian\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, "Far far from the universe?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Chu Tian asked, "What is the universe?"

Ye Xuan looked at Chu Tian, ​​laughed: "It is useless, because the strength of the Chu brother is still unable to reach there!

Wen said, Chutian expression stiff.

At this time, Ye Xuan played two people and then said: "The two have reached the tenth of the secondary."

Chutian calm tone: "Is this not very normal? Why, Ye Xiong will not be a secondary place.

His words have not been finished, the Ye Xuan\'s breath suddenly skyrocketing, in an instant, the informality of the inner situation is directly filled with the whole sky!

Chutian and Ye Chen live!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "I have now reached the inner road.

Chu brother, look at you, do you seem to know the inner country? I came to introduce you that after the tenth of the secondary, it is the logo, and the foreign road is the inner road.

do you understand? "

Chu Tian\'s expression stiff, both hands are nowhere.

Forced to force, the most important!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Chu brother, Ye Chen, I am coming with you this time!"

Ye Chen said: "Where is the Ye brother going?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "I am going to a higher level of civilized universe!

Ye Chen hesitated, then said: "Is it far away?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Ye Chen suddenly held his fist, "Ye brother, you are walking in front of us, can you give you a two?"

Ye Xuan laughed, then the palm was boiled, and the two ancient books slowly floated to two people. "This is the two cultural laws I brought from the Taoizong. There is a detailed realm introduction and cultivation. You Take it to practice!

He came this time, naturally not really in order to make it!

He is not so boring!

Ye Chen glanced at the ancient books, very fast, and the two faces changing!

The method of cultivation!

What are their most lacking? In fact, it is the method of cultivation!

Because they are not lacking, as long as they have practicing practice, they have to break through, in fact, very simple things!

After all, both are proud of God!

Ye Chen suddenly looked at Ye Xuan, sincerite: "Ye Xiong, you.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Do you not say that I am your friend?"

Ye Chen stunned.

At this moment, he thought of the original.

At that time, when the future domain, the other party gave the Ye Emperor, did not find him trouble, but he chose Ye Xuan!

Good cause!

Ye Chen smiled.

At this time, Ye Xuan said: "Two, I am waiting for you!"

After finishing, he turned and disappeared in the end of the star.

Ye Chen looked at the end of the starry, whispered: "Isn\'t he no longer a person? Why is it so reborn? Not normal!

Ye Chen also shook his head.

Not long ago, Ye Xuan\'s realm was lower than they, but now, the realm of Ye Xuan has been far over them!

This is too abnormal!

You must know that they are two people who choose the avenue.

At this time, Ye Chen suddenly said: "Work hard!

Chutian nodded.

They are all proud of the sky, and naturally they are reluctant to be behind the same year.


After Ye Xuan returned to Daozong, he did not cultivate, now he has just arrived in the inner road, and wants to reach the goddess, you must set a time!

The way to practice, you can\'t help!

Ye Xuan has come directly to the midnight!

Just arrived in the mid-ghost circles, the extraten is in front of him, and the sky is pair in the sky, and the trembling said: "Ye Ye.

Ye Xuan looked at the same day, then said: "Ask you a few questions!

I am busy with the sky; "I know all!

Ye Xuan said: "As far as I know, there is no anti-Tiantao owner, right?"

Into my head, "Yes!

The main day is not present on the same day!

Ye Xuan brows, "why?"

It\'s a bit hard, "I don\'t know!

Ye Xuan silence.

It\'s time: "The main road is very mysterious, even if we have seen a few faces!

Ye Xuan said: "So, don\'t you know his strength?"

I nodded, "I don\'t know, but we guess, he should be unknown!


Ye Xuan slightly, "I know!

Said, he looked at the same day, then said; "Soon, my people will come to the universal world to open the book and Xianbaoge, you will not stop, right?"

I am busy with the sky: "Do you dare to dare!

Ye Shao relieved, Ye Ye\'s people came to our illegal community to establish an entry and Xianbaoge, I must strongly support it!

Ye Xuan nod, "the boss is not far away!

After that, he turned and disappeared at the end of the star!

Originally, when I heard the phrase of Ye Xuan, the cold sweat flowed directly!


Ye Xuan came to the starry sky, he found the heaven.

Tiandao Shen Sheng said: "Are you worried about the opposite?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Do you know more about this person?"

The heavens shook their heads, "I don\'t know much about this person, because I have not played with him!

However, one day I can make sure, that is, this person is not a strong power of our new world!

Ye Xuan brows, "Isn\'t the new world?"

Tiandao nod, "if it is a new world, it must be full!

And I don\'t know him, it is obvious, he is not a new world!

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "Can the seniors talk about other worlds?"

Tiandao laughed: "He is a north here, there is a world named Xinghe Domain, where an ancient giant star river is, this person has gone by the owner, and the strength is very powerful!

Star River Domain!

Ye Xuan slightly, "Is there still?"

Tiandao said: "There is also a place, this place name is all the world, this place is quite special, because this place can lead to the Milky Way!

Milky Way!

Ye Xuan stunned, "Top to the Milky Way?"

Tiandao nodded, "this place, it is also the owner of the year, but according to what I know, this place can no longer be transferred to the Milky Way, because the owner has closed it!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Why?"

Tiandao smiles, "Specific, I don\'t know!

I only know that the owner does not allow the outside world to travel to the Milky Way!

Of course, this is normal, and the universe of the universe of the Milky Way is not high. If people here, if they go there, they may mess with the world there!

Ye Xuan asked, "Can the people in the silver river go to this world?"

Tiandao nodded, "The year is ok, that year, the Milky Way is a movie person, it may be able to go to all directions.

Because the owner did not completely closing the Galaxy and outside channels, there were some people in that place, often there were people in the Milky Way, from the Milky Way to our world, they called it!


Ye Xuan listened to Qin Guan said this word!

Tiandao laughed: "People who have passed through the Galaxy cross-recognized person, they all believe that they are the protagonist between the heavens and the earth, is the core of the story!

Of course, these people are indeed good, and many people come over, they have indeed become a giant.

And they also want to change this universe through their knowledge of the Milky Way, but basically failed!

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

Tiandao thought, then said: "I want to change the rules, you must break the existing rules, but to break the current rules, it is really hard!


Said, he looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "Ye Gongzi, you should know, I am a master\'s idea, right?"

Ye Xuan nod, "know!

Tiandao Shen Sheng: "I have some truth with you, my feelings are that the owner wants to change this world through them, so they will open this convenient door, but those people come here, did not think about it. To build a new order, so the final owner gave up them and freedom.

Speaking of this, he looked at Ye Xuan, "But I think Ye Gongzi is thinking about the owner!

Ye Xuan brows, "why?"

The sky is shaking, "I don\'t know!

Just me guess!

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "The avenue owner hopes that others will overthrow his order and rules?"

Tiandao thought, then said: "It should be said that the owner wants to establish a new order and rule.

Or, he wants to find a brand new heir.

Speaking of this, he looked at the Ye Xuan and his words stopped.

In the end, he still didn\'t say the words in his heart!

What is the biggest problem? Three swords!

Because no matter what order and rules, if the three swords are not observed, it is white!

Moreover, the three swords are a very unstable factor because they can break every order and rules at any time!

These three people, super off!

His intuition is that the owner\'s ultimate goal may be.

But he didn\'t dare to think deeply!

Because if the owner is really intended, then this is terrible!

A peerless battle, essential!

The heaven is sighing, he looked at Ye Xuan, he knew that Ye Xuan is a key!

If there is no Ye Xuan, this world will be chaotic.

Moreover, he also found a point, that is, from the boundless appearance, there is also Chut Tianye and others, and some signs have shown that it is like the owner to cultivate successors.
