One Sword Reigns Supreme

2569 Jian Zhongxian Chapter 2,555 Chapter: Daozong!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Refute? Ye Xuan can\'t refute!

Because the old man and the big brother have been really hitting it!

Sad reminder and big brother!

Ye Xuan shake his head smile.

Qin watched a green, no more.

This girl, everything is good, it is not very good!

If there is Ye Xuan again, she doesn\'t dare to get along with you!

The temper is too ubous!

At this time, a white light suddenly appeared in the distance, the next moment, the three people passed through the white light, came to the endless star field!

Just appeared, a horrible voice suddenly came from the starry sky, "bold, dare to be a new world, die.

The sound is falling, a horrible power is swept away from the distant starry sky!

The percent of this horrible pressure, the Ye Xuan face is sinking!


I have become the younger brother in my brother!

At this time, the sidewalk sword in the hands of the yourself suddenly flew out.


The deep starry sky, the horrible Wiya suddenly disappeared, followed by a bloody skull slowly fell in the starry sky!


I have no expression in the green, "If I don\'t want my brother to go shopping, I will destroy your new world!

Ye Xuan: ".

Youth pulled Ye Xuan and walked in the distance!

Qin Guan quickly followed!

On the road, Qingyan said: "The Master of the Avenue has lived in this place. This place can be said to be founded in one hand. Here, everyone must abide by the avenue order!

Here, the heavens are stronger than those of other places!


Ye Xuan Qi Tao: "The heavens created by the avenue pen owner?"

Qingye shook his head, "The heaven here is made by him!

Ye Xuan light channel: "It turns out!

In fact, he also curious about the strength of the owner of the avenue, because he has never seen this guy!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Do they come here?"

Qingyan Road: "Can!

Probably use it!

Ye Xuan expressive stiff.

Qingli looked to Ye Xuan, "I took you through at least 100 million universe!"

Ye Xuan Shen said: "I am here, is now the younger brother, right?"

Yellow shook his head, "You are invincible here!

Ye Xuan looked to the youngers, Qingyan said: "Because I am invincible, so you are invincible!"

Qin Guan suddenly said: "Delicious girl, what do you take us here?"

Jindier said: "You are there, the practice is too slow, give you a place!"

Qin Guan speechless.

Green Belt Ye Xuan and Qin Guan came to a mountain foot, she looked up to the top of the mountain, on the top of the mountain, there is a very luxurious hall, and there are two big characters in the mountains: Tao Zong.

Dao Zong!

Qing Yan said: "This truth is that the owner of the avenue is created, and there is a complete set of cultivation system, suitable for new hands.

Speaking of this, she suddenly talked, then changed, "Suitable for your brother, you will cultivate!

Ye Xuan: ".

Qingren look to the Taozong, the palm is spread, the sidewalk sword suddenly appeared over the road!


In an instant, a terrible Weiya directly enveloped the entire Taoist!

The whole road is shocked!

At this time, an old man suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan three, the old man looked at the beginning of the young, the horror: "You.

Yin children look at the old people, "Are you Dao Zongzong?"

The old man shook his head, "No.

Qingye is smashed, "Let you come out!

The old man is hesitant.

The green right hand suddenly pressed, and the sword fell by one.


Here, a horrible sword will directly press all the strong people in the ground!


At this time, the depths of the road suddenly sounded, "I also ask the seniors to be in hand!

The sound is falling, a middle-aged man appears in front of Ye Xuan three!

Middle-aged man\'s face, cold sweat DC!

Young people look at the middle-aged man in front of the world, "Are you a Dao Zongzong?"

Middle-aged man is busy: "It is!

Young nod, "I am here, there is no malicious, I am sending talents for you!"

Said, she turned around to see Ye Xuan, "This is my brother, I want him to join you, he is in Taozong, and later said by me.

The middle-aged man looked at the Ye Xuan. When he saw Ye Xuan, he slightly, then said: "Once the people who have been destiny?"

Ye Xuan nod.

Middle-aged man wants to say.

Qingli looked at the middle-aged man and said: "How?"

Middle-aged man is busy: "No problem!

I have no expression, "Who is the most powerful people in the new world?"

Middle-aged man looked at a young, "may be heaven!


Qing suddenly looked up to see the deep depth of the star, "rolled out!

The sound has just fallen, and a vain suddenly appeared in the starry sky, this vain is the idea of ​​the owner of the avenue!

Among the eyes of everyone, the Tiandao deeply aprovers in the green, trembling: "See the gods!

He is naturally aware of his life!

This is, even the super existence of his owner!

How did this com star come here? I have no expression in the green, "I will practice this world today, do you understand?"

Tiandao is busy: "understand!

I know!

I will arrange it!

Tenthop, then look at the Zongzong Lord of the side, at this moment, this Zongzong is already awkward!

Who is this big? Why is there a respect for her so respect? God looked at Dao Zongzong, "I think, you may not know much about my strength, in order to let you respect my brother, so I need to give you two hands!

Come, you call the ancestors!

I put your ancestors!

Heaven: ".

Tao Zongzong is busy: "No!

I have already understood it!


No need to call a ancestors!

The eyes of the earth, "No, you call the ancestors, you can rest assured, I don\'t kill him!"

I only hit him a meal!

Tao Zong cried, "Seniors, I really have known your strength!

He naturally does not dare to call a ancestors!

This is called, isn\'t it true? At this moment, he is already determined, and his ancestors will definitely fight this senior!

Even the heavens are so humble, not to mention their own ancestors? He is really awkward at this moment!

From this point from which it comes out? At this time, you are shaking your head, "no!

I have to let you realize my power, only this, you will respect my brother.

Said, she swept a four weeks, "You refer to the direction, I will let you see you!

Dao Zongzong: "

Ye Xuan pulled the blue sleeves, laughed: "Qing, you can!"

Qingli whispered: "I have to go anywhere, stay you here.

I am not very relieved!

Mainly, you are too strong, even if you are bullied, you won\'t call me.

Qin Guan god suddenly became a little quirky!

Small mystery is not strong!

It\'s just how is it? Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You can rest assured, if I am playing, I will call you!

Qingyan Road: "OK?"

Ye Xuan nod, "OK!

Qing people think about it, then look to the Zongzong Lord, the latter\'s face, and quickly said: "Seniors, you can rest assured, this son and girl are in my Daozong, there must be no one dare to bully!

The green nodded slightly and said: "This is something!

I will send you a way to make it!

After that, she looked to Ye Xuan. "You are well cultivated here, I will go to do something, I will come back to find you!"

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Children nod, then turn around to disappear in the end of the starry.

Ye Xuan looked at the end of the star, smiled slightly.

At this time, the Tiandao suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, he hugged boxes, then said: "I have seen Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan is a little surprised, "Do you know me?"

Tiandao smiled: "Yes!

I am quite familiar with the avenue!

Avenue pen!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Is it still in the Milky Way?"

Tiandao nodded, "It has made mistakes, so by the owner ordered to be in the Milky Way, there is no order, no order, no order!

Make mistakes!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What is wrong with him?"

Heaven shook his head, "I don\'t know this!

I asked him, he didn\'t want to say!

Ye Xuanmoo nodded, "I saw him next time, I asked him to him!

Tiandao smiled: "Okay!

Said, he suddenly taught, then said: "Ye Gongzi, then you will practice peace of mind, what needs, you can call me directly, I am here!

Ye Xuan nod, "Thank you!

Tiandao is busy: "This is what it should be, don\'t thank you!"

Said, he hugged boxing and disappeared in the same place.

After the Tiandao left, Ye Xuan looked at the main owner, the latter hesitated, then said: "Ye Gongzi, what do you want to practice?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "What is cultivated!

He knows that since the Qingren come to this Taoist, then this truth will definitely help him!

Avenue pen owner!

Tao Zongzong thought, then said: "Ye Gongzi, at this moment, you are the deputy principal of our Daozong, um, the first deputy, in our Daozong, you don\'t need to give gifts, have the right Any ban, any resource you can transfer.

Ye Xi Xuan, then said: "This.

Not so good? "

Tao Zongzong is busy: "Good!

very good!

It\'s so decided!

He is actually afraid, if you don\'t give Ye Xuan\'s identity and status, if you don\'t have a long eye in the door, you will find Ye Xuan\'s trouble. Is it not to play the scorpion? At this moment, he is actually a bit helpless. He didn\'t know that Ye Xuan came to Daozong. It\'s good or bad for the Taoist!

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "Thank you!"

Tao Zongzong laughed: "Ye Gongzi, we entered the door!"

Also, start now, you will practice with my Cave Tianfu.

Ye Xixiang is sigh.

I seem to have started hanging!
