One Sword Reigns Supreme

2567 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and fifty-three chapters: change that little sister!

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Ye Xuan is directly awkward!

Originally, he thought it was Qingqiu!

However, it is not Qingqiu, but the vegetarian skirt!


The things are striking!

Ye Xuan suddenly began to worry about the universe!

Yiner is there is no Take the ancient Holy King, she looked to Ye Xuan, "Do you not want to see me?"

Wen said, Ye Xuanli quickly took the hands of young children, "Where!

You don\'t know, I miss!

The young looked at Ye Xuan, "Then you just have the expression.

Ye Xuan laughed: "I still asked where you have gone.

She said you went to a higher level of universe.

Child nodded slightly.

Ye Xuan has some curiosity, "Is the world of the avenue owner?"

Qingye shook his head, "no!

Ye Xuan still wants to ask, the ancient holy king of the side suddenly said: "For the sister!"

The green suddenly turned, she fell, and a sword suddenly turned around!


In an instant, seven brains in the field flew out!

Seven Holy King instantly fall!

And the head of the old Holy King was hit by the sidewalk sword!

All people in the field are petrified!

In particular, Ye Chen and Chutian, two people stayed directly in the original place!

Gone? The holy king who used to exist in the parallel universe and the universe, such as God, is there? The ancient Holy King is also a blank!


At this moment, he feels like being a dream!

After the eight people were killed, Qin Guan quickly collapsed the eight people\'s quenches, and then looked at the remaining ancient kings and that Mingshen, it is like what.

On the other side, the look of the Mingshen suddenly gains!

Qingren looked at the ancient Holy King, "Do you want to change one?"

Ancient Holy King: "

Qingre is cold and looked at the ancient Holy King, "weak!



In this case, the ancient Holy King\'s face is difficult to see the extreme.

But he can\'t refute!

At this time, the animal husbandry of the next side said: "Taoist friends.

It\'s a sword suddenly turned around.

Seeing you, the eyes of Mu Xing suddenly shrink, and the eyes were full, but he responded very fast. When the sword came to him, he slammed!

This punch is full of efforts!

Because of this moment, he felt danger!

However, there is nothing!


The sidewalk sword passed directly to the fist of Mingshen, and finally took his arm in his chest!

Shepherd is directly stained to the original place!

See this scene, the old man in the future is instantly white!

Mingshen is also an incredible manner.

Qingmen looked at Mingshen, "Daoyou? What do you count?"

Shepherd is completely awkward!

Heavy, he can easily kill!

Don\'t say that the top ten is the strong, he can easily kill it easily!

However, he didn\'t think that he also had a spike!

It is a spike!

Even the power is not!

Shepherd\'s look at the woman, trembling: "Who are you!


Are you sent by the avenue?

I heard the words, the vegetarian woman brows, "send me? What is he?"

Miss Xing is so angry, "You do despise the pen owner!

Although he once rebelled the owner of the avenue, the avenue owner was in his heart, it was very very horrible!

It\'s just like God.

At this moment, I see the sedami woman actually contempt the owner of the avenue. He can\'t do it!

Skirt women looked at Mingshen, "weakness is not tight, I am afraid, I don\'t know how weak yourself!

It\'s a sad thing!

Shepherd\'s roar, "Since you feel that the avenue owner is weak, why don\'t you challenge him?"

The woman looks calm, "will you deliberately challenge an ant?"

Avenue pen owner: ".

Mingshen\'s stunned, I still want to say anything. At this time, the \'Tao\' word between Ye Chenshi suddenly emerged, the next moment, the word directly broke out a horrible force on the shackles.


Shepherd is completely raised!

The owner of the avenue is shot!

At this moment, the whole gods were banned, and many people who were imprisoned were shivering!

They feel the breath of the avenue owner!

Qingmen looked at the Ye Chen on the side, the eyes were slightly, it was clear that the owner of the avenue suddenly shot, she was very uncomfortable!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Forget it!

Ye Chen brother is a person!

Jungly will receive your eyes!

When I saw it, the Ye Dynasty suddenly made a breath, just now, he felt that he was dead!

After the death of Mz Xiao, Qin Guan quickly collected the other\'s quince!

At this time, the young people look at the old people in the future, the old face is instantly, and I am busy with respect: "Seniors!

At this moment, his body is shaking!

The strength of Tha Xing is very horrible. However, the other party did not even have the power in front of this woman, which means that he has not held the power!

Still hover!

Young people look at the old people, "no use!

The sound of the sound falls, a sword has been in the eyebrows!


The old man is spiked in the original place!

The old face is instantly changed, and I am busy: "You, I am from the future, I am a ban!"

Forbidden place!

The future domain is forbidden, then in the future, there is a general existence!

Qingren look at the old people, "Where is the future domain? Refers to a direction!

The old man hesitated and then pointed out towards the right, "there is.

The old voice is just falling, and the sword suddenly flew out.

Future domain, prohibited.

On this day, a sword suddenly appeared in the future, the sword just appeared, a white old man appeared over the ban, the old man looked at the sword of the sky, his eyes slightly, "Whoever dares to be good Is it a forbidden place? "

The sidewalk sword suddenly fell.


In an instant, the entire bunch of directization is nothing!

Hard students are erased!

After being blocked, a vain suddenly appeared over the ban!

The vain is gradually condensed, it is an old man!

This old man is the old ancestors in the future, and it is also a person who has created a ban!

The old man looked up, this is directly seen the gods of the gods!

The old man looked at the young, and it is about to talk, and the green suddenly swollen.


The old man is erased in an instant!

Since then, the future field is completely disappeared!

God is banned, and the green suddenly turned to see, not far away, an old man came out, this person is the ancient Sang!

Guulu, respectful gift, "I have seen the seniors!

Qingli turned to look into Ye Xuan, Ye Xi Xiao said: "The ancient Sang seniors, what are you here?"

I thought you were not there!

I heard the words, the ancient hoods were suddenly hot!

For example, Mingshen said, he does not fight with Mz Xiaozhao for Ye Xuan!

Not worth it!

Of course, he naturally is naturally regret!

Unpaired regret!

He didn\'t think that the strength of Ye Xuan\'s sister is so horrible. Even Miss Xing can be off!

This is too foreigner!

This strength has exceeded his cognition!

Guzang recovered his thoughts, deeply average, "Ye Shao, sorry!

Ye Xuan is shaking, "I don\'t have to sorry, I saved you, you gave me something, we are two clear!"

As for three things you said.

forget it!

You go!

Gu Zang deeply a gift, then turn around to disappear in the sky!

At this moment, he naturally doesn\'t dare to say anything, and quickly escape is being.

Ye Xuan looked at the young in front of him, smiled: "Yellow, how come you?"

Qing Dynasty direct view of Ye Xuan, "I miss you!

Wen said, Ye Xuanmine, then laugh!

On the side, Qin Guan is also a bright and incomparable.

Just now, she has received too much too many quenches!

Fast fortifications!

It\'s really a big money!

Jindier said: "Let\'s walk!

Ye Xuan nod.

Brothers and sisters walked away from the distance!

Chutian looked at the back of Ye Xuan and the Skirt woman, whispered: "The old is old, you are not right before!"

Ye Jie\'s sister is much more powerful than before we have seen!

After the old silence is a moment, he said: "It is really powerful!

I am eye!

Chu Tian still wants to say anything, the old man suddenly said: "Her strength should be the level of the Master\'s master!

Of course, it is just approaching, and the owner of the avenue is definitely a bad gap!

Chu Tian hesitated, then said: "Can she say that she said, what is the avenue owner.

It can be seen that she dismissed the owner of the avenue!

Wild laugh: "Normal!

Why did you be prisoned by people in this manner? It is very simple, because they have been highly high, I feel that I can go against the sky, anti-avenue owner, that time, these people also despise the owner of the avenue, but the last result is? You also saw it!

Chutian hesitated, said: "I think she may be powerful than the avenue owner!

"How can it be!

The old road: "This is absolutely impossible!

Do you know what the avenue owner does it exist? That is all the horror of all fruit!

He does not leave home, but he can control the fate of all life in the world!

Although this woman is very strong, she is never possible to reach the hierarchy of the owner of the avenue. You think that she is really strong, will her brother will be abandoned by the avenue owner? "

Chutian silence.

Wilderness continues: "There is another point, you think about it, if this woman is really a big road owner is so strong, then she is not a little famous? This world, where the power, especially the kind The people in the sky, which is not amazing a time? And the woman in front of me, but I have heard it, not only me, you will see what I have just learned, it is obvious that he has never heard of this Skirt woman!

Therefore, my analysis summed up, this woman is really strong, it should be the kind of the enemy\'s hand under the owner of the avenue!

So, you don\'t be discouraged, try hard, you will be able to surpass it!
