One Sword Reigns Supreme

2564 The second thousand five hundred and fifty chapters of the fairy in the sword: give me a face!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Own? Ye Xuan god color became an old!

How can the strong in this well? Is it a set of boundless owners? This is really not a person!

Ye Chen, etc., the Ye Chen, is also a face, they look to Ye Xuan, did not think of the peerless strong in this well, unable to know Ye Xuan!

At this time, the big knife on the side suddenly went to the wellhead, he slightly, "seniors, I don\'t know if I have the predecessor\'s inheritance?"

Mao Yi recommended!

The big knife is very confident!

Because he is from the future, it is the most enchanting person!

Inside the bottom, the sound suddenly said: "It is not qualified!

I heard the words, the big knife was stunned.

On the other side, the enchanting genius in the future is also stunned!

Not qualified? This big knife is not qualified? At this time, Chutian suddenly went to the wellhead, he slightly, "the seniors, then we three?"

Since understanding Ye Xuan, he understood one thing!

Many times, I really can\'t have a face, my face will hinder him to make a fortune!

Inside the bottom, the voice: "What is your teenager next to you?"

Chutian turned his head to Ye Chen, then said: "He is Ye Chen!

After the sound is silent, he said: "Oh!


Chu Tian stunned!

That voice said: "The people in the avenue pen master.

Give you an advice, you don\'t have this place, otherwise, I don\'t know how to die!

Wen Yan, Chu Tian\'s brow, "why?"

That sound is whispered, "Do you not know where is this place? God is banned!

The monks who were sealed here were the master of the avenue. You two are people in the avenue, let them see, you don\'t have to eat you!

I heard the words, Chu Tian\'s face suddenly sinked!

And at this time, a vain suddenly appeared in the field.

Seeing this vain, the face of the strong field in the field is a drama, and then I am busy with respecting, "I have seen the wood adult!

Wooden adult!

Ten majority!

The wooden adult went to the wellhead, then said: "If the Taoist is willing to leave inheritance, or join my future domain, I will wait for the help!

That voice laughed, "You can\'t save me!

Wooden big people look calm, "Taoists\' strength to our strength, maybe a little less understanding!


That voice suddenly said: "You are wrong!"

I am because I know your strength!

So, I will say this!

Wooden adult frown deeply frown.

He didn\'t know how strong people underground, but he knew that it is certainly weak, at least ten!

At this time, Chutian on the side suddenly asked, "I don\'t know what the predecessors are looking for that Ye Xuan?"

He didn\'t say that Ye Xuan is here, because he is also afraid, in case this guy is looking for Ye Xuan trouble, then he said, is it not harming Ye Xuan? Inside the bottom, the sound said: "Long Wen Yongzhi is the first demon in today, I have been admiring, so I want to see you!

Wen said, Chutian stunned, he turned to look at Ye Xuan, full of horror!

Ye Xuan himself is also stunned!

This is admirable? On the one side, the wooden adult brow is slightly frowned, Ye Xuan? He didn\'t hear this name!

Chutian hesitated, then said: "You, you say that you admire the Juan?"

That voice: "No?"

Chu Tian turned his head to see Ya Xuan, "Let yourself!

Ye Xuan did not speak, the voice suddenly excited: "This is Ye Gongzi. When Xiazha Xing, I have seen Ye Gongzi!"

I gave you a hoe!

Hoe? Everyone: ".

Ye Xuan is also a face, "predecessors?"

"no no!

Shepherd is busy: "Ye Gongzi called my little animal husbandry!

The predecessors are two words, they don\'t dare to be!

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "The pastoral doctors know me?"

Shepherd: "I didn\'t know it before, but I know it now!

Can see Ye Gongzi, even if I die now, I also recognize it!

Everyone\'s face is getting a bit ugly!

Is this guy really a unioneer? How to be like a dog? Ye Xuan said: "Seniors, why do you know me?"

When I saw Ye Xuan and asked, Mingshen did not dare to hide again, "is the owner!

No side!

Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, this guy won\'t give yourself a set? Shepherd Suddenly: "Ye Gongzi, can you go downhole?"


Ye Xuantili is some hesitant!

He is still a little afraid of boundless owners to give yourself, this grip is not a general bad, before that Cartia is not a case!

It seems to know that Ye Xuan is worried, Mingshen is bitter, "Ye Gongzi, I dare to hurt you?"

After Ye Xuan silent, he jumped into the front, and Qin Guan quickly kept following the past!

In the field, the good people and others have a gloomy, and I don\'t know what I am thinking.

According to the news they get, these strong people in the wild are all in the legendary ancient times, and now, the future domain has already made this place as a Chinese meal, the flesh, they can\'t make others Food!

On the side, Chutian looked at the Wood adult, then the mysterious voice gave Ye Chen, "I am afraid that I can\'t be good!"

Ye Chen nodded slightly, nothing to say.

After the bottom of the well, the bottom of the well, there were some blacks in the bottom, and Qin Guan immediately took out a fist big stone. This stone shines, illuminated the whole well!

Ye Xuan looked at the distance, there was a man on the stone wall, and the man was helped.


Shepherd\'s louder, and then laughed: "Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan walked to the face of Mingshen, "The neighbor is to let you find me?"

Noddown, "Yes!

I am boundless, only you can save me!

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, "Are you prisoned here by the owner of the Avenue?"

Shepherd\'s bitterness, "Yes!

Ye Xuan asked, "Why?"

Mingshen shook his head. "When I was too young, I called my life, I couldn\'t help himself, so I thought about the sky every day, I want to dominate my own destiny.

Young is happy, don\'t understand low-key, hehe!

Ye Xuanqi color is coming!

Obviously, this guy failed against the sky!

Qin Guan suddenly asked, "The owner said that Xiaoxuanzi can save you?"

Noddian, "he said, only if you are not afraid of the causal revenge!

Qin Guan smiled: "Do you know? I still want to kill him before I am bound!

Shepherd\'s stunned, then said: "I don\'t know this.

Of course, he just let me find Ye Gongzi, in addition to this, don\'t say anything else!

Qin Guan turned to look into Ye Xuan, "he should not say fake!

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "Mumerion, boundless, I can save you, but I don\'t know how to save you!

As for the owner of the avenue, honestly, I should still have a little gap now, I can\'t play him!

Shepherd said: "You don\'t need to find him, as long as Ye Gongzi helps me break the ban on this avenue owner!

Ye Xuan referred to the body of Mingshen\'s body, "this?"

Noddown, "Yes!

Ye Xuan silence.

Shepherd: "If Ye Gongzi is willing to help, after the rest, I will pay for Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Seniors, I do our best!"

After that, he walked into the face of Mingshen. He looked at the contest, then took out the Qing Xuanjun, "Give me a face, do you?"

Shepherd\'s god suddenly became an old!

How does this Ye Gongzi look still so unreliable? However, at this time, the inheritance on him disappeared at a point.

See this scene, the Petrochemical of Mu Xie is in place? this is okay? Is a sentence finished? Mingshen\'s brain!

That way, he will freely!

Suddenly, he thinks some sorrows!

Many times, this world is such an egg, you can\'t solve something, but some people can settle one sentence!

Ye Xuan looked at the Qing Xuan sword and shook his head.

The owner of this avenue is willing to give you a green face!

Ye Xuan gains from Qing Xuanjun, then looks to Mingshen, "the mother of the pastor!"

Shepherd\'s recovery, then said: "Ye Gongzi, you and wait for me to wait for me, I will come out!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

After finishing, he left the field with Qin Guan.

After returning to the ground, Ye Xuan found that everyone didn\'t go, everyone looked at him and Qin Guan!

Chutian and Ye Chen walked to Ye Xuan, Chutian Shen Sheng: "Ye Xuan brother, be careful!"

Ye Xuan looked at the wooden adults in the distance, and the field can pose a threat to him. In addition to the big knife, this is this wooden adult!

At this time, the Mu Nab suddenly saw the Ye Chen. "You are the future of Ye Emperor, I don\'t want to be difficult, you will go!"

Ye Chen\'s eyebrows are slightly frowned, "You.

Wooden adults shake their heads, "young people, some fun!

Ye Ye has so many years later, it is rare to have such a enchanting, don\'t recruise yourself with your people!

After the silence of Ye Chen, he said: "I am coming with Ye Gongzi, so we have to leave together!

Wood adult looked at Ye Chen, "In this case, then you will die together!"

The sound fell, he waved his hand.


At this time, the two horrible breath suddenly appeared in the field, with the appearance of these two, two old people are ten heavy people!

Three ten-retentate!

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen was sinking with Chu Tian\'s face!

That Muner looked at Ye Chen, "Many times, choose is very important!

Since you choose to stay, then I can tell you how stupid you choose!

Not only do you want to die, in order to diabze, your Ye is also dead!

Ye Chen silence film is behind: "I am friends with Ye Jion!"

He chooses Ye Xuan!

For your friendship? no!

As a big disciple, he will not go to emotionally, at least will not use it easily.

He chooses Ye Xuan, because he has always believed that the people behind the bliss!
