One Sword Reigns Supreme

2562 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and forty-eight chapters: gamble!

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Secondary holy!

Chutian is naturally excited, because he is now using it, it is only Jing Wang, this kind of sacrifice, he only have heard, have not seen it!

Now, how can he have more than tens of thousands of , how do he not happy? What seems to be, he looked at Ye Xuan and Qin Guan, and then gave up to 20,000 yuan.

Looking at Chu Tianyi\'s face, Ye Xuan shook his head smiled, he did not refuse, the future domain strong is killed by them, he naturally.

Chutian sighed: "The fastest way to make a fortune is robbery.

Ye Xuanzheng color: "Chu brother is poor!"

Chutian and Ye Chen look to Ye Xuan, Ye Xi Tao: "We are not robbery, we are precise defense!"

This gods are dismissed, it is all monks between Heaven and Earth. In the future, the future is reversed, but they want to invade them, not only this, but also want to kill me, this behavior is, it is a heart, the heavens and the earth are not!

So, we are justified, we are punishing evil!

After Chutian silence, he said: "This is said, my sense of guilty in my heart doesn\'t seem to be!"

Ye Chen suddenly felt so good!

Robbery? nonexistent!

I\'m waiting for someone to punish evil!

Ye Xuan said: "If I have not guess wrong, the future domain should come back to us again!"

Said, he looked at the two, "If they come again, we will not talk to them!

Because of this place, they all feel that they have equal, so as long as they appear, they directly!

You first, I sneak attack, fight for killing!

Ye Chen hesitated, then said: "Ye brother, if we continue to kill, will we cause war in parallel universe?"

Chutian is also slightly nodded, limited worry, "continued to kill, contradictions will be seriously upgraded, when the two universe have a war, we.

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Where are you communicating with them?"

Ye Chen head, "I will communicate!

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, just at this time, the time and space in the distance suddenly trembled!


Soon, dozens of powerful breath come, the time and space in the field is boiling!

At this time, an old man took the lead in appearing in front of Ye Xuan and others, behind this old man, there are hundreds of thousands of powerful people!

There are more than a dozen people are actually a secondary state!

After the old man appeared, he looked at the Ye Chen and others, "parallel the universe!

Ye Chen took the front step, he hugged boxing, just talking, the old man suddenly saw him, "Do I let you talk?"

The sound fell, and he looked at him.


A horrible force is shocked in the scene, go straight to the Ye Dust!

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen\'s face was cold, and he born directly.


This fist is out, the power of the old man is directly bomb!

Seeing this scene, the old eyes flashed a strange, "you.

Ye Chen stared at the old man, "Don\'t talk about it?"

The old man is clear, "Talk? You kill our future domain, now come to talk to us, don\'t you feel ridiculous?"

Ye Chen said: "We just want to enter the wilderness.

The old man said: "The shelter is now the future domain, understand?"

When Ye Chen is silent, he said: "So, it can\'t talk!"

The old man ridiculously: "Do you think I am here to talk to you?"

The sound fell, he suddenly took a front, and took directly to the old man!


At that moment, this moment, a terrible terrorist force suddenly lost the Ye Chen!


With a sound of a sound, a vast shadow has returned!

Not Ye Chen, but the old man!

The old man will be retired!

This refund, the strong people in the future are directly !

The old man looks at the leaves in the distance, and it is also unbelievable in the eyes. "How can you, you will be eighth.

Ye Chen shook his head slightly and sighed.

He really doesn\'t want to make things great, because he still has Ye people behind him, he is acting outside, an inadvertent, it is very likely to bring a big disaster for the family!

But obviously, many times, you are going to tell others!

This world, only fists can make people respect!

Think of this, Ye Chen looks to Ye Xuan, "Ye brother, play?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "You have to know that if you kill these people, then we are likely to be a dead enemy!

Ye Chen looked at the old man and others, shook his head, "We will come now, it is too late!

At this moment, they think that we are afraid of them, they will be more unscrupulous.


Kill it!


The sound fell, he suddenly fell, directly disappeared in the original place!


Among the eyes of everyone, the old people who were previously returned by the Ye Chen were directly brought by a terrible force, and the soul of the soul was taken!

Direct spike!

At this moment, Chutian also disappeared in the original place!

Ye Xuan\'s heart, Qing Xuanjian suddenly flying out!

In an instant, there was a scream in the field.

After a while, all the strong people in the field fall!

Chu Tian\'s hand, holding dozens of quarters, these quinces, there are more than 20,000 sacred sacrals!

Four people, one person is about 5 or 60,000!

Chutian is excited, "Fortune!

Fast fortifications!

Ye Xuan: ".

In the eyes of Ye Chen, there is a worry, future domain, this world\'s martial arts civilization is higher than the Yuan universe, and now the parallel universe and the second universe are already the water fire, and come to a future field.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen is more worried!

After a few people divided the sacrifice, Ye Xuanzheng was talking, and at this time, the world suddenly became illusively!

Ye Xuan double eyes are tight!

Not endless!

At this time, the Ye Chen on the side suddenly woven: "This breath.

This breath is a ten prefecture!

Ten high!

Ye Xuan looked up to the sky, in the sky, a vain quietly stared!

Holy king level? A few people have a touch of downs!

The same is true of Ye Xuan, although he is not afraid, but, but don\'t dare to look at a strong sense of Holy King!

The sky, the vain is overlooking the next Leaf Xuan, after a moment, he said: "Ye Emperor!

Ye Chen calm, no talk!

The vivid shadow is silent, it seems to be thinking!

After a while, the vain: "It is the future generation of Ye Emperor, this is a matter!

God is banned, you can enter!

After finishing, he turned and disappeared!

Can be entered!

Ye Xuan\'s a few people look at it, all are some accidents, because they didn\'t think that the other party didn\'t act!

Chutian suddenly said: "I really want to be with Ye Emperor in the same era.

Ye Emperor!

Even if it is falling for so long, some people still willing to give him face, respect him!

This strong person, with the same era, is unfortunate!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Let\'s go!

Chutian and Ye Chen head, a group walks towards the distance!

On the road, the Ye Xuan saw some of the strong people in the future, and these people saw them at a glance.

Not long, a group came to a dry well, at this moment, this dry well has gathered dozens of people!

All are young!

Moreover, a white teenager headed has reached the ninth weight of the second!

Everyone focuses on the wellhead and looks respect.

Seeing Ye Xuan and others, the white teenager looked at the four people in Ye Xuan, "parallel the universe!

Parallel universe!

At this point, the genius eyes of those future fields suddenly showed the color!

Don\'t say parallel universe, even if they are the universe, they all don\'t see it!

This world, despise the chain is all!

Ye Chen looked at the white teenager, then said: "How, can\'t see the parallel universe?"

After the previous things, he also understood, many times, and and gas!

Some people are guilty, you have to play him, you hurt him, he will respect you!

Ye Chen came out, and the genius of the future fields were angry!

One of the teenagers are laughing, "Even if you look down on the people in the universe!

how? Dissatisfied? Playing Laozi!

Ye Chen directly disappears in the original place!

The teenager whispered, he did not refund, the front of the front, directly bounced by the Ye Chen!


As a fried sound rang, the boy was directly flying to the hundreds of feet, just fell, the flesh was directly crushed!

See this scene, those in the future are geniors!

And that is the white boy who is the eyes of the eyes, and the eyes flashed a murder.

Ye Chen suddenly looks to the white teenager. "You are their heads? Come, you fight with me!"

The white teenager is open, and a terrible force suddenly condenses from his palm, and at this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "It\'s so boring!

I heard the words, everyone in the field looked to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Let\'s gum!

After saying, he looked at Qin Guan, Qin Guan blinked, understood, took out a quite to Ye Xuan, Ye Xuanyang raised, "I have 500,000 yuan , if my friend Loss, these fifty thousand is you!

Of course, you have to take 500,000 yuan holy crystal!

I heard the words, the genius of the future fields wrinkled.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Don\'t you dare to bet?"

At this time, the white teenager suddenly said: "Bet!

After finishing, he was paid to spread, and a quite ring appeared in his hand. "I have 500,000 yuan of !

Of course, you can also increase the bet!

Increase bet!

Ye Xuan turned his head to see Qin Guan, Qin Guanju thought, then look at the white teenager, "How do you have to play?"

White teenager\'s mouth is a smile, "Most of you can!

Qin Guan slightly, "Slightly!

After finishing, she took out a big girl in the ear, then said: "Xiao love, let the order, let the big Xianbao Pension Branch will work all the dollar holy crystal!

Yes, fast!

Not long after, the space in front of Qin Guan suddenly trembled, followed by a quite ran!

Qin watched a new one, then said: "20 million yuan !"

If you still have, or want to increase the bet, I can still get!

In the field, everyone stayed with a wooden chicken.
