One Sword Reigns Supreme

2560 Jian Zhongxian Chapter 2,546: I mind!

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so, update the fastest sword Domination!

Kendo big reincarnation!

Have to say, Ye Hyun really shaken up!

For all the world creatures restraint!

Listening to good regressed feeling!

Guan did not waste the world, her palms spread out, not directly into a white leaf black eyebrows.

Soon, there are countless information again leaves the influx of mysterious brain!

Large reincarnation kendo practice of law!

After a long, mysterious leaf slowly opened his eyes, his face full shock of color!

Guan said: "You run cycle of the Heart, will be able to feel the power of reincarnation among which the world!

Ye Hyun nodded, his eyes slowly closed up, running the Heart, and soon, his whole person entered into a very mysterious state!

Before long, he felt those forces around reincarnation, the power of reincarnation like air generally exist between heaven and earth, but they are different from air, they are hidden very, very deep between heaven and earth, if there is a big cycle of heart law, let him enter into a mysterious state, he can not be found!

Guan also said: "You can absorb the force of these reincarnation!

And then fused them with your sword meaning the world!

Guan mysterious look to leaf, "can you?"

Guan nodded, "definitely yes!

Your human beings sword is the sword intended meaning, can accommodate all the world, including this reincarnation of the force!

Ye Hyun nodded, then began to try to absorb these forces reincarnation, gradually, surrounded by those of reincarnation force between heaven and earth began to move him from the convergence!

However, when these reincarnations poured into his body, his face was instantly changed, because in this moment, he felt countless mysterious pictures into his brain, too much, at least billion pictures This makes his brain almost collapsed!

See Ye Xuan\'s painful face, Qin Guan quickly said: "To hold back!

These reincarnations have carried some of their hometown of the owner, you have to endure the impact of these incontinence memories!

Ye Xuan nod, bite the teeth, stand up!

Qin Guan said again: "Working with the heart, quickly absorb these reincarnation!

Ye Xuanlian is busy!

However, when he absorbs the reincarnation, the more memories of the incomplete!

Gradually, Ye Xuan\'s hair turned out to be white!


He didn\'t turn back, but after he was absorbing these reincarnations, he as if he would experience a reincarnation.

Qin Guan looked at Ye Xuan, "support!

This big turn back the sword, nature is not so easy to practice success, because this round of power is different from other power, not ordinary people can bear!

Must be able to cultivate people can practice!

In addition, there is an external force, this external force is the human sword of Ye Xuan!

Because Ye Xuan\'s human sword is able to include everything!

When she is creating this practice, she created this skill, it can be said that this sword skill is only Ye Xuan to practice!

Wu Gate!

Qin Guan did not expect that this Warrier, which is built, now although the name is not passed, but in the future, this pavilion has become a very horrible existence!

The world is in the world, the pavilion accounts half!

Time passed at this moment, at this moment, Ye Xuan and Qin Guan have left the transfer channel, and he is still absorbing those reincarnation. He began to make his own swords and these reincarnations, and he still worried. But soon, he found that these reincarnations did not exclude his human sword!

it works!

However, he also suffered from non-human torture!

The countless misconduct, the miserable deviation of his soul!

If it is not his will force firm, plus the little soul helpers, he is now afraid that it has become idiot!

Although he supported it, it is more and more on his head!

Qin Guan looked more and more white hair on Ye Xuantou, whispered: "Science and Technology is plus military road, it will be possible!

The road of technology is plus military integration, this is the goal of her life!

She wants to create a new way of cultivation!

I don\'t know how long it took, Ye Xuan slowly opened his eyes, and at this moment, his hair had become a white!

At this moment, he looks a lot of vicissitudes.

Ye Xuan\'s heart is spread, Qing Xuanjian appears in his hands, his heart, countless swords, and in this countless human sword, it also mixes countless reincarnation!

Feel the strength of those reincarnations in the sword, Ye Xuanqi also gradually gains!

This round of power is really terrible!

This sword goes down, who is going to live? At this time, Qin Guan, on the side, suddenly laughed: "Congratulations!

Ye Xuan looks to Qin Guan.

Qin Guanzhi Head.

Ye Xuan is limited, "Xiaoguan, how did you think of this round?"

Qin Guan smiled: "My people are exploring unknown power of unknown universe, this round of back, I let them study, and I have this idea, because of the small tower!

Ye Xuan is a little surprised, "small tower?"

Qin Guan Head, "Yes!

You may not know that the time in the small tower is different from the outside time, there is a most important factor, that is, there is a reincarnation of the momentum in the small tower.

Said, she shook his head slightly, "Your sister is really terrible!

At that time, she had already mastered this reincarnation, and it can also be transformed.


Ye Xuan: ".

Qin Guan also said: "You are now a second-day, plus your current human swords and big rounds back to the sword, you can say that even in this Yuanyuan, there is also an enemy!

Ye Xuan nod, now able to pose a threat to him, only the power of the Holy King!

At this time, Qin Guan said: "In fact, I have forgotten it before, that is, I am engaged in research, but I burned too much!"

I study the weapons, study the martial arts skills, all have to burn money!

Do you know how much your sword is burned? "

Ye Xuan is so curious, "How much?"

Qin Guan shook his head smile, "Very much, you will use more than 800,000 yuan to use it.

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "How is so much?"

Qin Guan said: "In order to capture the power of reincarnation, we built a huge receiver. This receiver not only accepts some signal and information from the universal\'s deepest, but also senses some unknown power!

In this huge receiver, there is a full-footed billional array. In order to build this array, I mobilized almost all of the strong array of Master, in addition to this, there is also a singer, because every array In the law, you need to draw some special runes!

Said, she shakes his head, "Not a general burning!

Wen Yan, Ye Xuan Ming is!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Then we have to make money now!

Qin Guan smiled: "Yes!

follow me!

After that, she turned and left.

Ye Xuanli is busy with the past, on the road, he looked at the four weeks, then said: "Xiaowei, here?"

Qin Guan said: "God is banned!

This place, once every 100,000 years, special mystery!

As far as I know, the Holy King seems to have been waiting for more than 100,000 years, it is for this god!

It\'s better to hurry, we are just good!

God is banned!

Ye Xuan looks away, just talk, at this time, a voice suddenly came from the side, "Ye brother!

Ye Xuan and Qin Guan turn head look, not far, two men have come!

Come, it is that Ye Chen and Chutian!

Seeing the two, Ye Xuan is a little surprised, "How come you?"

Ye Chen said: "The gods are banned, we naturally want to see it, see if there is any chance!

Ye brother, are you also? "

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Yes!

Ye Chen said: "Then we are friends!"

Ye Xuan turned his head to Qin Guan, Qin Guan smiled: "You can!

Ye Chen said: "Then let\'s go!

A group walked in the distance.

Ye Chen suddenly said: "Ye brother, have you reached the second state?"

Ye Xuan nod, "just reached out!

Ye Xiong, Chu Xion, what are your two? "

Ye Chen said: "I am the eighth heavy in the foreigner, the Chu brother is also!"

Ye Xuan smiled and smiled. "I am more than you than you.

Ye Chen said: "The realm has many times, what is the representative, the power is the most important!

Ye Xuan nod, is going to talk, at this time, the distance between the horizon suddenly appeared two white lights, the next moment, the two white lights directly fell in front of Ye Xuan, and the white man is a young man and a beautiful appearance. woman!

These two suddenly appeared, let the Ye Xuan have been one of them!

Obviously, I don\'t know these two people!

That young man looked at the Ye Chen and Chutian, his eyes were slightly smashed, "the second year is eight!

Ye Chen said: "Xiongtai is?"

Young man is calm, "" Future Domain, Han Sheng!

Future domain!

Ye Chen was incen, then said: "Han brother comes from future fields?"

Han nod, "Yes!

I am from the future, she is a name!

The woman named Zongxian pointed to Ye Chen and Chutian nodded, and he said hello!

They all come from future domains, although their two realms are just the sixth weight of the second, but in the face of the eighth people in the two times, they are not true!

Because they come from future fields!

Ye Chen hugged boxing and smiled: "Fortunately!

Han Sheng said: "Do you come to this honesty?"

Ye Chen said: "Yes!

Han Sheng Shen said: "Don\'t you know that this is no longer allowed to enter it now?"

Wen said, Ye Chen lived, "Do not allow outsiders to enter?"

Han nod, "Yes!

Now the gods have been banned by our future domain. In addition to people in the future, anyone may not step into this wild disabilities!

Wen Yan, Ye Chen wrinkled!

This future domain is to eat alone!

At this time, Han Sheng suddenly laughed: "Two, I have a way, that is, the two can go in with us!

Han Shengzheng suddenly, then said: "Han Sheng brother, we have four people!

How did he see that this hanger is ignored from the beginning, he also understands that this is the truth, because Ye Xuan has just reached the secondary.

When I heard Ye Chen, Han Sheng looked at Ye Xuan and Qin Guan, and then smiled: "IMHO, the two realms are too low, it enters it, but in danger.

We have went here, and the danger is incomparable, and it cannot bring two cumbersome.

Speaking of this, he looked at Ye Xuan, "I am very straightforward, you don\'t mind?"

Qin Guan suddenly took out the gun buckle!


The Han Sheng also did not react to it directly outside a white light, and when he stopped, the flesh was directly destroyed, the soul quickly dissipated!

Qin Guan looks calm, she blows a gun, then said: "I mind!

Everyone: ".
