One Sword Reigns Supreme

2556 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and forty-two chapters: people who like!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Ye Xuan bloated his eyes, he looked at the cigle in front of him, brows, "Are you?"

Takhi did not looked at Ye Xuan, "I am the ancient monk Chatha!

I have challenged the owner of the avenue!

Ancient monks? Ye Xi Ye, "We know?"

Cartoan has no photo of Ye Xuan, then said: "Don\'t know!

Ye Xuan said: "Do you have anything?"

Cartoa did not looked at Ye Xuan, "I am coming to kill you!"

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "We seem to have no hatred!

Kili said: "Kill you, the avenue owner will die, right?"

Ye Xuan stunned.

There is no way: "At the beginning, I thought that there was no one to give me a set, but now I seem to blame him!

You are so weak, what threats do not make me at all!

No side!

Ye Xuan face is suddenly black, "Is it a neighborhood to let you kill me?"

There is no calmness: "He said, killing you, the owner of the avenue will die!"

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Why don\'t you go directly to kill the host? I know where he is, he is at the Milky Way.

Cartia is not shaking, "I can\'t play him!

Ye Xuan looked at Cartia, "So you come to me?"

Kikan has no nod.

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "I don\'t fight with you!"

Said, he pointed to the Qingqiu on the side. "This is my sister, you first fight with my sister, have already played my sister, I will fight with you again!"

Takhi did not turn to look at Qingqiu, when he saw Qingqiu, he frowned, "you.

It seems that it is weak!

Qingqiu smiled slightly, "How do you want to fight?"

Kishaless said: "You can hear the legendary monk?"

Qingqi shook his head.

Jane is ridiculous: "Also, how can you have this level, how can we come into contact with our circle?"

Qingqiu smiled and waved.

This sword is out, and the Cartians suddenly suddenly shrinks. He is full of shackles. He is more horrible, he is handsome, and he is a defensive gesture!


A terrible force suddenly swearing in the past!

However, there is nothing!


A sword is directly in the eyebrows!

Cartoo is directly treated!

Qingqiu looked at the Cartare, "The ancient monks? Is it so weak?"

Cartians looked at Qingqiu, "you.

How is you so strong? "

Qingqiu smiled: "It may be too weak!"

None: "

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "You even don\'t even fight, I still want to fight with me.

You are a bit of self-strength!

Cartoan didn\'t turn to Ye Xuan, "you.

Are you very powerful? "

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "My sister is so strong!

You said, I am brother.


None: "

Ye Xuan also said: "You go!

"Do you let me go?"

Ye Xuan nod, "You go!

Jike has no hesitation, then turn to look at Qingqiu, Qingqiu laughs, and the right hand is lightweight, and Qing Xuanjian flew back to her.

There is no deep voice: "The owner is in the pit!"

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Ask a question, what is the ancient monk?"

I didn\'t want to think, then said: "From the monk of the ancient times in the ancient times!


Ye Xuan brows, "Where is the wilderness?"

Cartoo didn\'t look at Ye Xuan, then said: "Far far from here!

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "You go!

Takhake: "When?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Do you make a sense?"

There is no hesitation, turning around, and the end of the stars.

Ye Xuan looked at the end of the starry sky, silence.


Obviously, it may be a stronger universe that is more than the universe!


Ye Xuan low sigh, there is no domain in the second universe, this is the shrine appears again!

At this time, Qingqiu suddenly said: "Brother, you practice first!

I am going shopping!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Qingqiu smiled slightly and turned away.

Originally, Ye Xuan double eyes slowly, continue to cultivate!



After the soul of Carto returned to the body, the face was very ugly!


This time, I almost directly killed the main pit!

Oh shit!

Cartoo has no turning, "no side, you are shameless."

The sound is brought to the mysterious blessing, spread throughout the whole god!

At the end of the distance, the never stopped suddenly, he turned and looked at it, laugh, "actually did not kill him.

This is interesting on the mountain king!

After finishing, he turned and looked not far away, there is a huge altar!

On the altar, a woman was lying quietly.

The woman hits the red skirt, such as the blood.

In front of the mate, he looked at the woman in front of him.

The boundless main point, "once a very amazing super strong, the ancient sky, when the year is here, being killed!

, "Is this woman?"

Into the main point, "This woman will only wake up once, and when the ancient sky is here, it is just that she woke up, so he was killed!

Said, he shaken his head, "" The luck is too bad! "

I didn\'t have a look at Nangqing, then said: "Very strong!

Very strong!

Wen Yan, there is no god of gain!

During this time, he has learned from the boundless personality. Under normal circumstances, it is like that, including the ancient Tiandi, but it is not bad here!

At this moment, the owner said that Nan Qing is very strong!

God suddenly asked, "Are you playing?"

No side, laugh, don\'t talk, go to the distance!

, , :::::::::::: : : :

The two shook his head.

Hey, the lake: "Because she once woke up, I am present!"

And I am still alive, do you understand? "

Two people: ".

The owner continues to go in the distance, "If you don\'t brag, you can kill me, there is not yet.

Speaking of this, he hesitated, then said: "Forget it!



Both people speechless.

There is no side of the owner. "The ancient king should have got through those inheritance!

Hey, if they are also low-key, I should be able to live for a long time, if not.

Said, he shook his head and did not speak.


On the other hand, there is a broken hall, and the ancient king and others are laughing at the moment.

They got an ancient passage.

A new door opened for them!

When they arrived, I want to improve my step, it is actually very difficult!


They have reached the tenth of the secondary, which can be said that the second universe has restricted their development, this is why they are suffering and so on!

Now, they have hope to reach the secondary state, reach a higher height!

Inside the sea, the Holy King is crazy!

Even the steady ancient king is also laughing!


Secondary universe.

Ye Xuan is still crazy, and more and more power will enter his body, and as these times have to enter his body, his breath began to skyrocket!

During this time, the secondary universe has been very calm, and all Yuan strong people are like disappearing!

I don\'t know how long, the cultivation of Ye Xuan suddenly slowly opened his eyes.


A terrible breath suddenly swept from him!


Ye Xuan greedy deeply took a breath, and the whole body was relaxed.

At this time, the Qingqiu on the side suddenly said: "Breakthrough!

Ye Xuan nod.

Now, he has reached the second state!

Under the body, the feeling of power is incapable, his current strength, before, it has increased at least several times!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts and looked at Qingqiu and smiled: "Shantou, let\'s go!

Qingqi nod.

After the brothers and sisters left the nine yuan, they just returned to the Xuan Academy, and the farther\'s farther was coming.


Go to the universe!

Ye Xiu Xiang, then said: "They will go now?"

He nod, "Are you going?"

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "I haven\'t died yet.

Green shirt man: "???"

He smiled and smiled, "You are not interested in the universe, but you can also go see.

Ye Xuan wants to think, then nod, "Good!

Raise the way: "Take me!

Ye Xuanran.

"Is there a problem?"

Ye Xuan shake his head smile, "no problem!

The mouth is slight, "Go!

Use your college to transfer!

Ye Xuan: ".

In the passage of the passage, he suddenly asked, "Ye Gongzi, the Qin Guan girl is your favorite person?"

Wen Yan, Ye Xuanmai, then smiled: "How to suddenly ask?"

Oh, he looked at the Ye Xuan, "is curious!

Ye Xuan smiled: "I have a record of Qin Guan girl!

Live in fun!

Wen said, the brow wrinkled slightly.


Somewhere, Chutian and Ye Chen are slow.

The goal of the two is the entrance to the nine-year universe!

Before you come, Ye Ethist is sent for them!

Ye Chen and Chutian can be said to be the hope of Ye people. Ye people can create more brilliant, just see these two people!

And after the two came to the second universe, they were somewhat!

Along the way, there is no strong person in any Yuan universe blocks them!

They are very smooth!

They all feel abnormal!

Not long after, the two actually unimpeded to the entrance to the nine Yuanyuan!

At this moment, they are not far from the front!

On the road, Chutian suddenly said: "Successful is not normal!

Ye Chen looked at the four weeks, nodded, "indeed!

And at this time, there is a shadow of the distance!

The two stopped!

Chutian looked at the vivid shadow, I immediately said: "You don\'t mind we have two you?"

Ye Chen turned to see Chutian, horror.
