One Sword Reigns Supreme

2554 Swords in the second thousand and five hundred and forty chapters: leaning on the mountain!

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To shut up!

God is full of horror and looks at the owner.

The owner is returned to the right hand, whispered, "Don\'t shoot me hips, I don\'t eat this set, understand?"

After finishing, he walked in the distance!

Originally, God is still some.

There is no sudden double, "I haven\'t understood it yet? You took the horse leg!

God name: "

After a while, the three continued to go far away!

At this time, the black sea area in the distance suddenly retired in the distance.

The never looks at the black sea that is returned, I don\'t know what I\'m thinking.

There is no first to break the calm, "No side, what is the land for ban?"

Head, "an old and mysterious ban!


Winterless main point.

: "The nine holy king is also for this gods?"

There is no longer laugh: "Of course, for this dam ban, they have waited for nearly 100,000 years!"

There is no some intake, "What is this gone?"

By, laugh, not speaking!

At this moment, the Black Sea in the distance suddenly retired from the distance.

The unilateral light channel: "Do you know what these black water?"

Even the nine holy king, I don\'t dare to touch!

After finishing, he turned to see the , "Don\'t ask I can touch, understand?"

: "

There is no side of the owner; "Do you not always die?"

There is no deep voice: "He will not die here?"

Winterless main point.

The two people shocked!

They did not expect that ancient Tiandi was falling in this place.

Shen Ming Xiao said: "Where is the necklace, what is this wild?"

The never looks at the distance, whispering: "Here is a place to be suppressed by the avenue owner, and here, it is buried in many people who have reborn him.

, "Resistance Avenue Pen Master?"

Head, "He is everything, can be said, and many people\'s fate is almost around him.

There is no deep voice: "Is it so powerful?"

No side, turn around, is there. "Is there any misunderstanding?"

, "The main you said before, he didn\'t dare to make a skirt woman.

After the side of the silence is silent, the road: "See the Nine Big Holy King is not? The avenue pen owner wants to kill them, afraid that it is a thought!


There is no side of the black sea that is still retreat to the future, continue to say: "In fact, the avenue owner is not so bad!"

Everything in this world must have rules, order!

If this is the case, is this universe? However, for some people, the so-called rules and order is a shackle. They are not willing to obey, they want to break the shackles, so many people will choose against the sky!

Said, he shaken his head, "Of course, those monks have not failed!"

They cultivated to a certain level, want to break through, pursue a higher realm, what is wrong? Moreover, no one is willing to be destined to be left and right, they want to get rid of the shackles of fate, to pursue higher freedom, this itself is not wrong, if you have to say anything wrong, then it is not enough, but the master of the avenue .

Weak is wrong.

Many times, this world is such an egg!

There is no silence: "If we reach a certain limit, will we just get up with the avenue owner?"

The never looks at it, "You still read it!"

There is no eyebrow, "We don\'t work with the owner of the avenue."

The boundless look is not, "Are you funny?"

: "

At this time, a distant remains suddenly appeared in the distance.

Seeing this scene, the nine holy princes in the distance suddenly excited, they got up!

The boundless look is far away, but the brow is deeply frowned.

There is no silence: "Isn\'t the avenue owner personally seal it? Why is the nine storm king dare to come here?"

The boundless main road: "Reassured, the avenue owner will not manage these messy things!"

He is busy every day, in addition to the king of the mountain, other people, he will generally not focus on paying attention!

, "Why will he focus on leaning on the king?"

Headless is calm: "If the king is dead, he is also cool.

There is no silence: "The Master of the Avenue is also afraid of the skirt woman behind the mountain?"

The never looks at it, "I advise you to say less to his bad words, can he not have a large person!

After finishing, he turned to walk towards the distance.

Originally, there is no turn to see God, "Are you afraid of the avenue owner?"

God thought about it, then said; "I don\'t know when I started, how do I feel that someone else seems to be in addition to the skirt woman.

I have no nod, "I am also.

After a while, the Black Sea in the distance is completely returned!

At this time, an old remains appeared in this world.

In the distance, the nine holy kings get up toward the old remains!

The ancient king suddenly walked to the side of the world, he looked at the owner, smiled slightly, "No side, I have something curious, I don\'t know if I can solve it?"

There is no answer between the neighborhood.

The ancient king didn\'t care, continue to ask, "As far as I know, you have stopped the ancient Tiandi from going to this god, but he didn\'t listen to you!

In other words, do you know that he will die, right? "

Wen said, the remaining eight Holy Kings also looked at the boundless owner.

Head, "Yes!

The ancient king looked at the owner, "Why?"

Headless is calm: "What Why?"

The ancient sisters: "I am waiting and ancient Tiandi is the enemy, but this person is strength, if it is a single fight, we have no one in the opponent!

And with his horrible strength.

Say this, he did not continue.

No side shook his head, "he is really a good, but also in the future!

Unfortunately, he chose the wrong way!

The ancient holy king brows, "" Choose the wrong way? "

Head, "he was in the big man by the avenue owner, and it was a noble glory, but in his own opinion, he thought that his destiny was left by the avenue. .

Therefore, he wants to worship his own destiny to get true freedom.

In fact, if he wants to do this, there is nothing, but he should not provoke the owner of the avenue, hey, after all, it will die!

The ancient saint said: "Pattern?"

The never looks at the ancient Holy King, "A proud person, only to see the truly invincible strong, he will understand how small it is.

Know your own small, you can always keep the modest mentality!

He is no longer having a higher world, stronger people, arrogant think he can change against the sky.

Said, he shook his head, "he is unfortunately!

This can be farther!

The ancient saint said: "Do you have a big man with the avenue?"

Headless is calm: "Go fine!"

The ancient king looked at the owner, no longer asked anything.

Not long, everyone came to a dry well.

The well is not big, and the well is dark, it looks very desolate.

The ancient king and others look forward, in the second universe, they are invincible, but in this place, they don\'t dare to think that they are invincible!

You know, the ancient Tiandi in that year is falling in this place!

The never looks at the end of the well, then said: "Mu Xing, did you die?"

"Lying in the trough?"

At this time, there was a sudden sound from the wellhead, "" Hey! "

Big brother, you are finally here!

You saved me out!

Dear brother!

Everyone: ".

Headless, calm, "How do I save you?"

Shepherd\'s excitement: "I am boundless, I know, you are very familiar with the owner of the avenue, can you help me ask him? You will tell him that I am wrong!

I will never go back to the sky!

After I come out, I am willing to be a good people!

The ancient king and other people are quasiors.

No side shook his head, "I know so, why bother?"

Shepherd\'s low sigh.

The boundless look at the ancient Holy King, etc.

Everyone: ".

Under the well, Mingshen also said: "Hey, help!


After a while, the main silence is silent, said: "I can\'t help you!"

Under the well, Mingshen once again sigh again.

At this time, the never of the owner suddenly jumped!

Seeing this scene, the ancient king and others are surprised, hesitate to three, they still have no choice to jump in!

Under the well, there is no side to come to a stone wall, on the stone wall, a man shallowed by the hair is dead.

This person is the Shaxing.

I saw the neuro master, and the husband shaking his head smile.

The unilateral son sound: "If I save you, not, but, you should know that I saved you, it may harm you.

Shepherd\'s silence.

There is no side of the owner: "I give you a bright road. I have someone to save you. After he saved you, if you follow him, the owner of the avenue will not count after the autumn.

Shepherd is busy, "Who?"

After the side of the silence is silent, "by the mountain king!

Shepherd, "Is it very powerful?"

No side shaking his head, "it is not very powerful!

Mingshen\'s brows, "that.

The boundless owner is sigh, "he is not strong, but he has someone!


He has a mountain!

Shepherd; "
