One Sword Reigns Supreme

2549 Swords in the second chapter of the second thousand and five hundred and forty-five chapters: Tao!

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Have to say, the boundless owner is indeed a little unexpected!


This is not simple, even if he is, it will not be despised.

He has always, and he feels that Ye Xuan is the emperor of this generation. Even the Chutian is certainly unable to compare with Yuxuan!

But he didn\'t think that the owner of this avenue actually gave this word to Ye Chen!

what does this mean? Means that Ye Chen is the person he recognized!

The big emperor of the avenue pen owner? Can Bisby Tiandi? No side shook his head.

Shen Ming Shen: "So, this Ye Chen is the same as the ancient Tiandi?"

No side of the son sound: "No!


God looks to the boundless owner, the unilateral son sound: "I have never touched this person, knowing there, but the ancient Tiandi did not help any of the avenue owner, so the ancient Tiandi\'s emperor is definitely high. very many!

If the ancient Tiandi has a large road owner to help, this Holy Hall also plays a hammer!

God looks to the boundless owner, whispered: "No side, you still want to kill Ye Xuan, right?"

No side silence.

Shen Ming Shen said: "What will Ye Xuanrui dead, what will it?"

There is no side of the main god, "all everything is dead!

God\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, "All everything?"

Head, "everything!


God is somewhat intake, "Why?"

The unrelians: "Because the woman will kill all the universe known as the universe and unknown universe.

Said, he looked at God, "You are too weak, feel that the woman is terrible!

There is no sudden silence: "Is it too powerful than you?"

I thought I thoughtless, then said: "You are not taking me with too weak, just take me and too strong.

Said, he shook his head, "You are okay!

: "

The never looks at it, then said: "No matter!

Go with them!

After finishing, he turned and left.

There is no look at the unilateral owners in the distance, whispered: "Kill the king, everyone is dead!"


Do we want to persuade the owner, let him not engage in these flowers in the whistle!

I think that the king is also very good!

Shen Ming is sigh, "I don\'t feel the burden!

, "What do you mean?"

God is seriously said: "The survival of the universe is related to us!

After a moment of silence, he said: "What is the relationship with you?"

Shen Ming said: "If we can\'t persuade the owner from the lord, then Ye Xuan is not dangerous? Ye Xuan is a dead, the whole universe has to accompany!

You said, is there any relationship with us? "

There is no thumbs up to God, "You don\'t want to face, follow the mountain kings!

God name: "


Parallel universe, in void.

Zheng Lao is also incredible in the eyes when seeing the \'Tao\' word between Ye Chen!


The first of Wan Dao!

Is this a person in the avenue pen master? At this moment, Ye Chen suddenly turned right away, and then a pressure, this pressure, Zheng Laoou suddenly broke, followed by, a golden hand palm was directly pressed!

Zheng Lao\'s eyes suddenly shrinks, he jumped, and born directly!


In an instant, a terrible force rushed to the sky, greeted the huge golden palm!


Suddenly, a man fell into the emptiness.

It is that Zheng\'s old!

When Zheng Lao stopped, the golden hand palm was pressed against his head, and he killed him to death, and he couldn\'t move!


Everyone is stunned!

This is defeated? At this time, the Ye Dust spends a sleeve, and the golden palm print is directly disappeared!

Zheng Lao resumes freedom!

Ye Chen is greeted by Zheng Lao, "Sin!

Zheng Lao looked at Ye Chen in front of him, silent, and said: "Congratulations!


Ye Chen laughed, then turned to disappear in the original place, when he appeared again, he is already in the door of the holy city!

In the field, everyone is watching the dust!

Including Chutian!


Zheng Lao actually lost!

what does this mean? It means that the current Ye Chen is already the first person!

At this time, Ye Chen suddenly went to the holy city.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the field is silent.

Once, Ye Emperor had said that Ye\'s home did not go out, and he could not enter the Holy City!

Now, Ye\'s family has already been out!

Moreover, it is very likely that the avenue owner is intimate!

Ye Chen slowly walked to the holy city, when entering the moment of the Holy City, his eyes slowly closed, whispered: "Ancestors.

I am coming!

Said, his right hand slowly grasped!


Nature is Ye Emperor!

So far, Yejia is proud of Ye Emperor.

Ye Chen suddenly opened his eyes, he slowed down toward the center of the city!

Outside the holy city, everyone is also busy with the past!

Ye Chen came to the ancient Tiandi\'s coffin money. He looked at the coffin in front of him, respecting a gift, "Ancient Tiandi, thank you for everything to do in parallel universe, will give it to me!

Said, he turned and left!

At this time, the coffin suddenly fusedly!

See this scene, everyone\'s face is instantly changed!

Ancient Tiandi!

At this moment, the coffin cover suddenly opened, followed by a small smoke slowly, under the eyes of everyone, the lack of smoke folays into a virtual image!

This virtual image is the ancient sky!

Seeing the ancient Tiandi, everyone in the field is excited, and they will rush to worship!

That Zheng Lao is also trembling his body!


For the ancient Tiandi, the whole ancient neutrians did not respect!

Ye Xuan did not give birth, he looked so far!

Although Chutian did not worship, it was also a gift.

After the ancient Tiandi appeared, he looked at the dust in front of him. After a long time, he lightly said: "You ancestors, very good.



not bad!


At this point, everyone in the field is shocked!

Of course, this is very good!

You must know that this is an ancient sky, the first emperor!

Ye Chen deeply a gift.

The ancient Tiandi palm is spread, in his hands, is two scrolls!

The ancient sky looked at Ye Chen. "This is my inheritance with your ancestors, non-emperor can\'t learn!

I had an agreement with him. If I didn\'t encounter a suitable person, and your Ye\'s family has a new emperor, then he can get the inheritance of my two!

The inheritance of the two peerless emperors!

Even if Ye Chen, it is also excited at this moment!

If it is possible to obtain the inheritance of the ancient Tiandi and the ancestors.

Think about it, it is enough to be excited!

But at this time, the ancient Tiandi suddenly turned to look at the Ye Xuan in the distance.

Seeing the eyes of the ancient Tiandi, everyone in the field looked at Ye Xuan!

The ancient emperor knows Ye Xuan? In the field, everyone is some doubts!

At this time, the ancient Tiandi suddenly smiled slightly, "" You come over!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then walked to the ancient Tiandi, the ancient Tiandi got an eye, whispered: "Why is you exhausted in your body?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "Maybe the avenue owner wants to change people!

The ancient sky is slightly, and you can laugh: "Are you interested in the same way as this little guy?"

Wen said, everyone in the field stunned!

Give two people? This ancient emperor actually looks like Ye Xuan? Ye Chen is also a bit shocking. He turned his head to look into the Ye Xuan, and it was incredible in his eyes.

envy? He is not!

Will people who can be seen by ancient Tiandi? Will it be a general person? This focus is, and the dust is still there.

And, even if you are embarrassed, you can\'t show it at this moment. Now it is not a stupid? After listening to the ancient Tiandi, Ye Xuan was slightly, then shook his head smiled, "The predecessors are kind, I have told!


This words are out, all people in the field are petrified!


Ye Xuan actually refused the ancient Tiandi and Ye Emperor\'s inheritance? Everyone looked at Ye Xuan, and it was incredible in the eyes.

At this time, the elite has been unable to take care of it. She directly went to the Xuanxiang arm to pull the arm of Ye Xuan, she carefully: "Do you know what you are talking about? This is the inheritance of the ancient Tiandi!

Ancient Tiandi!

Ye Xuan smiled and smiled. "I don\'t have to respect the predecessors, but I really don\'t want to go to the way to the seniors and Ye Emperor!

The ancient Tiandi looked at Ye Xuan, "You don\'t want to protect this parallel universe?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I am willing, but I will use my own way!

Furthermore, I already have my own way, although it is not particularly powerful now, but I will stick to it!

My own way!

inherited? He really doesn\'t really pay much attention to the inheritance of others. If he really wants, the heritage of the old man, the inheritance of youth, the inheritance of the big brother, is not more fragrant? He now, I really only want to take my own people\'s swords!

Of course, white gave him, he still wants.

But now it is not white to give, and the other party is inherited, it means to bear the responsibility of each other.

It may even be targeted by the universe. Of course, he is not afraid of it, but you don\'t want to be targeted!

He now, just want to engage in the college!

After a long time, the ancient sky, said: "I understand!

Said, he smiled slightly, "You are the person who is boundless!

Ye Xuan nod.

The ancient Tiandi shook his head, "It seems that he is failed!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Yes!

The ancient sky smiled slightly. He looked at Chu Tian, ​​then laughed: "This generation, you are all very good, parallel universe is handed over!

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan three people, "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!

If so, we have the powerful people to escape, then this is all sentient, what are their fate? I am coming to the Treaty signed by the sub-universe.

The parallel universe of the future is relying on you.

After finishing, his body gradually became illusively!

Said, the two reels in his hands suddenly two bits of six, and they fell in front of Chutian and Ye Xuan and Ye Chen.

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Seniors, I don\'t want!

Everyone: ".

The ancient sky smiled slightly, "In addition to inheritance, there are some special times, a lot!

Ye Xuan: ".
