One Sword Reigns Supreme

2538 Swords in the second thousand and five hundred and twenty-four chapters: the world!

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Shen Ming pulled the sleeve sleeve, then said: "Monk, will you chat?"

: "

There is no expression in the boundaries, "Don\'t talk nonsense!

Look at the fight!


In the distance, Chutian right hand is grip, around, countless old runes suddenly rotate quickly.

The sub-black robe man looked at Chu Tian. "It turns out that you are the wilderness!


He is naturally known, it should be said that the emperor of the nine yuan, the people of the sub-universe met!

Chu Tian is dead, staring at the man, "Come on!"

The sound falls, he bounced directly!


In an instant, the world, countless ancient rune suddenly turned into a boxing of the boxing of the black robes!

Dao law!

This is not a punch, but a million boxes!


The black robe man is slightly squatting. He also has a touch of lightening in his eyes. He slowly scooted. After a while, he was calm, and then gently pressed, this pressure, he suddenly became a slightly Endless stars!

In an instant, countless stars are like a meteor to hit!

See this scene, everyone\'s face has changed!

At this moment, everyone felt a horrible death oppression!

Because the black robe is also hit, it is not a child of Chutian, but everyone in the field!

Everyone retreats!

If Chu Tian can\'t stop, then everyone.

Everyone looks forward!

Soon, Chu Tian\'s punch with the hazag River star stars!


In an instant, the entire virtual world directly started to be broken.

Everyone is watching the poetry and the black robes in the distance!


In the world, countless stars and the ancient boxing screens continue to break, so, after about a moment, Chutian suddenly paused, and then slammed into a punch, "Dao Fan"!

Daofa god!

This fist is out, Chu Tian\'s right hand becomes a ribbon!

In the distance, the black robe man is slightly smashed, and the front of the front, one finger point, in his fingertips, countless terrorist power aggregation.


The two have just contacted it!

The two people have repeatedly retreat to the foot!

Yu Wei, who has caused by the power of the two, there is millions of miles directly, and the whole void is borrowed!

Ye Xuanxin thought, the world\'s swords directly resistant to the Yue Wei of the two.

Ye Xuan looked at the two people in the distance, and Chutian soul became a lot, and the black robes were also broken, only souls left!

Two defeats!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Hey, you just said that you are one of us, this is still countless?"

Everyone: ".

The black robe man looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan pulled blink, "I will ask!

Everyone is quirky.

Although this black robes are very arrogant, now this time.

Still can\'t do this, you have to face!

The black robe man looked at Ye Xuan, "Why, do you want to kill me?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "no!

You are so powerful, there is definitely not low in the position of the universe, if you seize you.

You should change a lot of crystal king!

Everyone has a stiff!

The black robe is staring at Ye Xuan, "Then you will try it!"

Ye Xi Tao: "Is it really ok?"

Black robe man: "Yes!


And at this time, Ye Xuan has disappeared in the same place.


Black robe man is stunned!

Oh shit!

What is this beer horse? Laozi is seriously injured, you are still a danger of thinking about people? Face? What about your face? Not only the Yuan men, the people in the field also stunned.

I didn\'t think that Ye Xuan actually shot!

It seems that it is not very good!

But when I changed, my mother, this yuan is the good fortune, I have to play all!

At this moment, Ye Xuan has already rushed to the black robes, the black robe man is slightly smashed, directly bombing!

A terrible soul power is with the power of the submitivity to Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan is a sword!


Among the eyes of everyone, Ye Xuan\'s sword is easily tearned with the soul of the black robe, and then it is in its eyebrows in it yet!


The elder men\'s soul are directly used by Ye Xuan this sword!

Everyone stunned!

This is the end? Although this black robes are not right, it is impossible to be so weak!

The black robes are also awkward!

He didn\'t think that his soul\'s strength was even so broken!

After Ye Xuan nail, after the black robes, then knew directly locked the black robe man. After a while, his mouth was slight, and the palm was boiled, the black robe man was so moving down!

Ye Xuan looked at it and then quickly received it.

Everyone: ".

Ye Xuan looked at the black robe man, "You now inform you to redeem you!

Black robe: ".

Seeing that everyone in the scene is watching themselves, Ye Xuanzhi, then smiled: "What do you do? It is he wants to be a group!

I still hesitated at the beginning, so I asked him a few times, you also heard it!

He said yes!

If it is before, I will not ask!

Everyone: ".

The black robe is looking at Ye Xuan, "Human sword repair, don\'t you think your behavior is very shameful?"

Ye Xuan glared in the black robes, "It\'s what you want to go together!

You don\'t have this strength, what do you put? "

Black robe men\'s expressions stale.

Ye Xuan also said: "Why, is it not counting?"

The black robes are dead and staring at Ye Xuan, "Shameless!

Ye Xuan put his hand, "Hurry to let your family to redeem you!"

The black robe is a look, "the taxi can kill, can not be humiliated, I will die.

At this moment, Qing Xuanjian suddenly trembled, and the man\'s soul was directly absorbed quickly!

See this scene, the black robe man is very awkward, and I am busy: "How much do you want!

Ye Xuan\'s right hand is lightly pressed, and the Qing Xuan sword stopped. He looked at the black robes. "How much can you give!

The black robes are sonless: "10,000 crystal kings!"

Ye Xuan\'s eyelids, but soon resumed calm, "Is your life only only 10,000 crystal kings?"

The black robe man looked at Ye Xuan, "Then how much do you say!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "100,000!

The black robes are: "Time!


Ye Xuan is amazed in place.

Oh shit!


Is this guy rich, or is it too poor? The black robes were suddenly paid, and the time and space in front of him suddenly turned up, soon, a quite slowly drifted into his palm, he handed Ye Xuan, "100,000 crystal king!

Ye Xuan looked at the quenteen, he hesitated.

The black gown is calm, "Why, is your people who are in parallel, are you not talking about?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Of course!

After finishing, he put away from the ring, then the palm is spread, and let the Qing Xuan sword!

The black robe man looked at Ye Xuan, "What is your name?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "How, want to retaliate me?"

The black robes are calm, "I asked!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Are you not guessed?"

The black robe man is slightly smashed, "You are alone!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled, then said: "My name is with leaves, you guess it!"

After finishing, he turned to go!

Everyone: ".

The black robe man is dead, staring at the leaves of the departure, "the alone.

Name with leaves? Lonely leaves? "

After finishing, he turned to disappear in the depths of the stars.

Everyone\'s looks become quirky.

Benefits yourself!

Give others a pot? Of course, this is not the focus, the focus is Ye Xuan got 100,000 crystal kings!

100,000 pieces!

And, still crystal king!

Even if they are these big disciples, there is not so much, this is really a huge amount!

Some envy!

And that Chutian is a bit wrong, mother, Laozi hard work, come to the head? Human head dog? Just then, Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "Chu Tianxi, do you still play? Continue!

Chutian is dead, staring at Ye Xuan, "Your money, is it half of me?"

He also decided not to face!

100,000 crystal king, he also wants, the Ye Ethi is very generous, but each cultivation is only about one hundred!

Therefore, he is also poor!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "I can give you 50,000!

Chutian slightly, then said: "You.

Is it really willing? "

Ye Xuan nod, "of course!

My Yaxi is not the kind of person who eats eating!

After all, if you don\'t die, I can\'t hurt!

Chutian looked at Ye Xuan, "Then you give it!"

Ye Xuanzheng color: "You can\'t give it now, give it!

Chu Tian\'s brow, "What is your trick you have to play?"

Ye Xi Xiao said: "Chu Tianshi, 100,000 crystal king in the talent area, you are satisfied? The pattern is small!

Chutian looked at Ye Xuan, "What do you mean?"

Ye Xuanzheng color; "Is there a lot of days this time? We can continue!

You will continue to fight with them, let them break their flesh, then I will play their soul, wait until I caught them, we will ask them to redeem them, you think, the universe is so rich.


Chutian stared at Ye Xuan, "Why isn\'t you desperate, I am coming?"

Ye Xuanyang raised the Qing Xuanjian in the hands, "My sword is specially restrained soul, are you?"

Chu Tian express is ugly.

Ye Xuan continued: "Seize the next sub-universe genius, we are not only flat, my 100,000 crystal kings will also be halfd by half, that is, as long as you promise, there is 100,000 crystal kings to the hand!

Everyone: ".

Distance, boundless, admire: "Talent!

This guy is really suitable for going to the Milky Way!

There is no double hand and ten, then said: "No side, always listen to you to mention the Galaxy, what special place?"

No side, the main god, "" Night will always be good!


There is no side of the head, and you don\'t talk.
