One Sword Reigns Supreme

2535 Swords in the second chapter of the second thousand and five hundred and twenty-one chapter: What is your clothes?

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Looking at the lonely leaves in front, Ye Xuanmi shook his head.

It is no wonder that the guy is really like a mentally disabled!

On the side, the son suddenly said: "Seniors, take him back!"

The old man is looking to the slogan, and the lack of light: "Lonely bodies have drank some wine today, some are drunk, take him back to take a break!

Lonely leaves still want to say anything, the old people in the black robes directly grabbed him shoulders, and then disappeared in the same place.


Ye Xuan slightly shakes his head, sitting next to him.

Sir, smiled: "Ye Gongzi\'s strength, let me shocked!

I heard the words, several people in the temple were looking to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan smiled and smiled, "Maybe the lonely union is too weak!

Everyone: ".

,,, !

Ye Xuan laughed, then said: "Swings from the girl, don\'t you think I am too much?"

The head shook his head, "Ye Gongzi already took him many times!

Don\'t say that Ye Gongzi, even if I am, I can\'t help!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Thank you for understanding!"

, "Ye Gongzi is very careful about my thoughts?"

Ye Xuanzheng color: "Of course, because I will be friends from the girl!"

And, you are bringing me here, so I don\'t want to add trouble to you!

But I am also clear, I am close to the girl, there is a lot of trouble!

Ye Xuan smiled: "Because the girl is a good person!"

The muddy, then shook his head smile, "Ye Gongzi, you can really mean this person!

On the one side, the family looked at the Ye Xuan, and the heart praised: "This is a master!

At this time, a man was slow into the hall.

Everyone looked at the man, the man wore a long dress, and the right hand held a folding fan. He just entered the main hall. He was holding a blank: "Everyone, everyone!"

Oh, he looked at the man, then said: "Qin Qin Feng!

Ye Xuan looked at Qin Feng, at this time, Qin Feng suddenly looked at him, then smiled and came over. "This is a Ye brother?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Yes!

Qin Feng Positive Tao: "Take a long time!

Ye Xuan hugged boxing, "Qin brother, fortunately!

Qin Feng haha ​​smiled, he sat next to Ye Xuan, then said: "Ye brother, I heard that you are still in the external domain now?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Qin Feng is positive: "What is going on? Is the lack of foreign resources, not suitable for development!

It\'s better to move directly to the internal domain. As for the place, I will come to you, pack you satisfied!

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "How is this easy?"

Qin Feng is talking, and Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Free?"

Qin Feng slightly, then laugh, "Free!

Of course!

Not only free, if you want to help, if you enter the internal domain, what needs to be helpful, you can know, I will promise you to you, I can help you, I will help you!

Wen said, everyone in the field looked at Qin Feng.

Obviously, this Qinfeng is in the shadow of Ye Xuan!

Watching the book!

This is a new force. Once entering the internal domain, it must develop rapidly, and the future is unlimited.

Moreover, the top ten forces have no way to contain, because everyone has to give the boundless main face!

No side: ".

Ye Xixiang Tao: "Qin Feng brother, you will meet for the first time, you are warm, I.

I am not very embarrassed!

Qin Feng smiled: "I like to make friends!"

Ye Gongzi is a table talent, and there is less, I like to make friends with you!

Ye Xuan Dang said: "If so, I will be welcome!"

Qin Feng haha ​​smiled, "You don\'t have to be polite.

His words have not been finished, I saw Ye Xuan suddenly took a map, this is the map of the internal domain, which is before Qin Guan, gave him a copy.

Ye Xuan explored the map, have to say, this map is very large, the whole hall is not open, so Ye Xuan only built a corner, then look to Qin Feng, "Qin brother, you want Give me the inner domain to me to watch the book? "

Qin Feng expression stiff!


What is this? Is this directly started? The people in the temple have become a certain weird!

Ye Xuan saw Qin Feng did not speak, he blinked, "Is it difficult?"

Wen Yan, Qin Feng is just: "Is it?"

Said, he looked at the map, but this time, Suddenly it is difficult!

The internal area is sufficient, basically taken by the top ten forces, even if it is not a top force, it is also the confident.

Qin Feng suddenly hurts!

How can this be good? Give a general place, it seems that it is not very good, after all, you can talk too much!

Give a particularly good place.

He has some distressed!

Ye Xuan\'s face is looking forward to watching Qin Feng, nor does it talk!

Everyone in the field is also watching Qin Feng.

Qin Feng two eggs have begun!

Just then, the sides of the side suddenly said: "Qin brother, is it a bit reluctant? Or do you not do it?"

Said, her mouth slight, "Ye brother, since Qin brothers must not be, then you don\'t want to be difficult!

You will watch the inner domain of Xuan Academy, my office is all.

At this moment, Qin Feng suddenly finger a map, "Ye brother, this position!

The Van Nian Mountain has covers an area of ​​millions.

This place has 18 best dragon veins, sufficient aura, and there is also a lower-level mine vein in Qin family!

I am the Lord, I will give it to you!

At this point, everyone in the field is shocked!

Including !

In the case of practice, it is still aura, so this spiritual pulse is still very important.

And the dragon pulse is the spiritual pulse of the highest level of the universe, the 18th dragon veins, this is not a small number!

In addition, a sub-mine pulse is also given, although it is just equal, it is very precious!

Big hand!

The heart is shocked in the heart of the people, this Qin family spends such a big hand and wooling Ye Xuan? Although Ye Xuan did not know the preciousness of the dragon veins, this yuan mine pulse, he still knows, very precious!

He didn\'t think that the other party actually so generously!

At this time, Qin Feng said again: "Ye brother, you can send people in the past!"

Ye Xuan smiled: "Qin brother, do you want to go back to a long life?"

Qin Feng immediately shook his head, "No!

I can do this!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Then thank you!"

Qin Feng haha ​​smiled, "He is good!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Good!

Said, he suddenly collected a map, then said: "Qin Feng brother, I just kid, your things, I don\'t want!


Qin Feng praised: "Ye brother, I can be the Lord, I am not a lonely grass bag, I.

Ye Xuan smiled, "I know!

Thanks for your kindness!

But I can\'t want your things!

Qin Feng Shen Sheng said: "Ye brother, you are a real person, I will not turn my corners with you!

The reason I think is to have a good deed with you, there is no other purpose.

Said, he smiled slightly, "Moreover, Ye brother, your person\'s character, also appetizing my appetite!

So, you have to be polite!

Ye Xuan still wants to say anything, Qin Feng is putting a hand, "If you are Ye brother, what are you thinking about you, then you will refuse!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, "Since Qin brother said so, I will not be welcome!

After saying, he is facing the palm, and the two four times appeared in front of Qin Feng. "Qin brother, I don\'t have any precious things, this.

Qin Feng shook his head, "No!

Ye Xuan speechless!

This guy is to let yourself owe your feelings!

After thinking half of it, Ye Xuan smiled, "Good!

After finishing, he concluded the order.

Qin Feng smiled, then said: "Ye brother, I heard that you have to fight with Ye people, is it true?"

Chu Tian!

I heard the words, and several people in the field were looking to Ye Xuan.

Chutian is naturally known!

Now Chutian is the first person of Ye Ethnicity, not only that, but it is said that many Yethie\'s disciples have been defeated in Chutian!

Ye Xuan nod, "Hand!

Qin Feng smiled: "How is strength?"

Ye Xuan Road; "Strong!

Qin Feng is silent.

Ye Xuan looks to Qin Feng, "Don\'t tell me, what is your grievances with Ye?

Qin Feng smiled.

Seeing, Ye Xuan face suddenly black, "Really Irrise?"

Qin Feng nodded, "there is!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What is grievance?"

Qin Feng sighed whispered, "I have grown many years ago!

At that, our family and Ye people had a little unpleasant thing. That time, the two families were almost gone!

Of course, if you really fight, my Qin people will not necessarily lose!

In the words, with a self-confidence and arrogance!

Ye Xuan is a bit surprised!

At this time, the sides suddenly laughed: "Ye Gongzi may still don\'t know, the Qin people have been able to sit in flatness with Ye people!

Moreover, the Qin people also have a great emperor!

Qin Feng shook his head, "that is all the things!

The sudden mysterious sound to Ye Xuan, "The Qin family is now in the top ten power, the strength ranks third!

The first is Yes, the second is Luo, the third is the Qin!

The Qin and Ye people can do the enemies, but the young generation of genius and enchanting, gradually, the Qin family is completely suppressed!

He has finished you, in addition to your potential, there are two reasons, that is, you have a unpleasant thing to be with Ye\'s Chutian.

The enemy\'s enemy is a friend!

The second is because there is no side!

The current Qin family has been completely suppressed by Ye, but the face of the boundless Ye people is not given.

do you understand? "

Ye Xixiang is sigh!

He looked at the Qin Feng and the left!

This is the IQ who should have a big disciple!

What is Tianzheng? No, what is the lonely? .