One Sword Reigns Supreme

2504 The second thousand four hundred and ninety chapters of the fairy in the sword: I want to call people!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Looking at the pile of red spheres in front of Qin Guan, the face of the mutant and other people is instantaneous!

Because the southern border is these blows!

One hundred!

Think about the scalp!

Mingli and others hesitate to be in place, although they know that Ye Xuan is now a weak period, but no one dares to do it!

They don\'t want to try the taste of Qin Guan\'s bombs!

Seeing that the people who are waiting, Qin Guan blinks, "Are you not coming? I am alone, really!

Mingxiao and other people\'s face is incomparably ugly!

Qin Guan also wants to say anything, at this time, Ye Xi\'s eyes suddenly shrink, "Be careful!

After that, he directly slammed Qin Guan to his body. At the same time, he directly mounted the golden nigong and the scholar!


A cold sudden suddenly passed a flash from his throat!


A cold and moodlessly fell, Ye Xuan and Qin Guan have been shocked to thousands of feet!

And the two stopped, and the time and space in front of them suddenly broke a sew!

Ye Xuan double eyes are slightly smashed, raising hands is a sword!


In front of Ye Xuan, the time and space is completely ignorant, and the Ye Xuanqi is instant, because he found that his right hand splits it directly, blood sputter!

See Xuanjia Nothing!

But his hand is cracking!

what does this mean? It means that the power of the other party is really too horror, even if it is a view of Xuanjia, it has not been able to completely resist the whole power of the other side!

Of course, if there is no view of Xuanjia, he may fell directly!

Ye Xuan looked up to the distance, not far away, there is a mysterious person who is in a black robes!

At this time, the mysterious people suddenly hoarsely moved: "I am fit!

Ye Xuan looked at mysterious people, "Big Chu!

The mysterious people laugh, "You guess!

Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the same place.

In the distance, the mysterious people are slightly smashed, and their hands suddenly pull toward both sides.


This pull, a dark crack suddenly appeared in front of him, and this paint black crack actually blocked the horrible sword of Ye Xuan\'s horrible!


Ye Xuan and the space around the mysterious man were suddenly trembled, and then directly fell.

The mysterious people look at the leaves in front of it, "" Will this? "

The sound fell, his right hand suddenly screened into a punch, and it was necessary to attack, and at this time, the Qing Xuanjian in Ye Xuan\'s hands suddenly trembled, the next moment, a horrible force was slammed into the Qing Xuanjian. Outbreak!

Three gods!

This is the second array in Qing Xuanjian!

I have never been urging!


The mysterious people have just responded that they are directly outside the horror power to tens of thousands of feet, and the next moment, a sword has no sign of him!

No !

This sword, the mysterious man could not dodge, because he just hit his own, so he could only lift the right arm.


A sword is shining!

The mysterious man is instantly violent!

However, the mysterious people fell, where there is a sword to fall.

God\'s pre-judgment!


The mysterious people retreat again.

In this way, among the eyes of everyone, the mysterious people have a long-awaited, and they are far from Ye Xuan!

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly paused, Qing Xuanjian returned to him!

His face is very pale!

Too big!

The first is the urgent road, and now I have a three gods, and he is already a little.

However, he did not show it!

Ye Xuan looks to the mysterious people in the distance, and laughs: "Is this?"

Everyone: ".

In the distance, the mysterious man suddenly said: "I am a little bigity!"

After that, he waved his right hand, and a little laugaed, "a person who has a good one, but so hard, don\'t you feel shameful?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What is your realm?"

Said, his mouth is slight, "I want to come, I must be surpassed without robbery!

And I am talented to the gods, and you will be shameful with big bullying. Don\'t you feel shameful? "

Mysterious man: "I don\'t use foreign items!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Only allow you to bully, do not allow me to use external objects? How is your face?"

The mysterious people suddenly slowly clenched, "I will take a piece of your teeth to break your teeth!

After finishing, he will do it.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly turned to look at the other side, "No side, is it your ghost? You give Laozi!

Wen Yan, Qin Guan stunned.

And far, the mysterious people are also stunned.

No side!

This person, he is naturally aware!

This person is the only horror person who does not dare to enlarge!

This guy knows that there is no side of the owner? The mysterious people frown frowned.

There is no movement around!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "No side, I know that you are here, you can\'t come out, I am called people!

At this time, Ye Xuan\'s right is thousands of feet, where the space is slightly fiddling, followed by a man.

No side!

Qin Guan blinked, she didn\'t think that this no longer is really!

Ye Xuange refers to the owner, "You actually call me!"

There is no expression in the endless side, "He is not my person, it is a big teacher!

Ye Xuan angeous: "I am in a glad, how can they hit me? This person is definitely yours!

You now let him roll, otherwise I will call people!

No side of the main silent; "What are you going crazy? I said!

This is not my person!

It is a big Chu, a big Chu, is a big Chu to engage you, close my yang!

Ye Xuan Yunxuan Sword, then said: "You don\'t let him roll, I am calling you now!

Said, the Qing Xuanjian in his hands suddenly trembled!


No side suddenly angered: "Do you have a problem? That person doesn\'t matter to me, it is big Chu to do you!

Ye Xuanjing said: "It must be yours!

No side: ".

In the Xuanxuan, Qing Xuanjian fiercely trembled, seeing this scene, the no side of the owner suddenly turned to see the mysterious people, "roll!

The mysterious man is deeply said: "You, are you joking with me?"

The boundless look at the mysterious person, "Do you see I am joking with you?"

Speaking of this, he seems to find anything, and quickly look at Ye Xuan, "Don\'t let your swords!


Ye Xuan looked at the owner, "Then you let him roll!

No side turned to see the mysterious people, anger: "Don\'t you still roll?"

The mysterious people have a deep voice: "You, I am giving you the face, but doesn\'t mean you can get it, you.

The owner suddenly raised his hand is a slap!

In the distance, the mysterious man has a large change, and the arms are moving forward.


As a fried sound, the mysterious man was directly awkward, and when he stopped, his flesh was directly destroyed!

The mysterious people are gone!

Ye Xuan is also a eyelid.

Oh shit!

This is such a no-side Mao? The never looks to the mysterious people, ridiculous: "Do you give me a face? Um? I need you to give me a face? Fuck!

What the hell!

Is it personal, dare to threaten me? "

The mysterious person is directly in the original place!

one move!

When he tricks, he is almost hitting!

Is this unilateral owner with Yaxuan? On the side of the side, I watched the Ye Xuan, "I see when you can wave!

After that, he turned directly to the end of the starry.

Completely disappear!

Originally, Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he looked at the mysterious person, the next moment, he took Qing Xuan Jianli to the past.

Seeing Ye Xuan Chong, the mysterious man has changed, "You don\'t want your face!

After finishing, he did not hesitate, turned to disappear directly in the deep situation.


Seeing the mysterious people running directly, Ye Xuan has some helplessness!

Although the other party only has a huge soul, he still has no way if he wants to escape.

Ye Xuan was shook his head, then turned to look at the mineral and other people in the distance, see Ye Xuan\'s view, the face of Mingli and other people have changed, the next moment, Mingli and others directly turn to disappear Deep and deep!


Seeing the mineral and other people to escape, Ye Xixiang is also slightly breathable!

In fact, he is also the end of the strong!

Continuously show the road to fight and three gynechers, the consumption of him is too great!

Qin Guan went to Ye Xuan, she whispered; "Nothing?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "It is some weak!

I am going to Tari!

After finishing, he returned to the small tower!

Qin Guan also immediately entered the small tower.

Qin Guan got an eye for four weeks. At this time, the voice of the small tower suddenly sounded in the field, "Qin Guanjie, hello!


Qin Guan smiled: "Tower, hello!"

Xiaota Shen Sheng: "Qin Guanjie, I also want to make a thin force for the little master, but I don\'t rush.

Oh, I mean, what I have a low strength, you can call me.

Transform it? "

Qin Guan said: "Yes!

The small tower is said to be said: "Qin Guanjie, from now on, Shang Xiaoli, under the fire sea, you told me, my small tower is dead!"

Qin Guanjiao smiled, "Tower, you are really interesting!"

Tower: ".

On the other side, Ye Xuan dish sat in the ground and injured.

Qin Guan got an eye four weeks, then whispered: "Time is counterflow.

Said, she was silent after a moment, whispered: "Can I create a weapon of time?"

After finishing, she fell into pensive.

After a long time, Ye Xuan slowly stood up. At this moment, he has returned to normal.

Ye Xuan looked to Qin Guan, then said: "What to do next?"

Qin Guan looks calm, "Obviously, it is a big Chu to do it!

We can\'t sit and wait!

Ye Xuan nod, "to do them!

Qin Guanjing to Ye Xuan, "Go directly!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Are you sure?"

Qin Guan wants to think, then said: "Not sure!

Ye Xuan: ".

Qin Guan suddenly stunned: "You must do them!

Ye Xuan looked at Qin Guan, "How many bombs are prepared?"

Qin Guan shook his head, "Little boy, power is not enough!

Said, she stretched into the small bag in the waist.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Your small bag, can you borrow me for a few days?"

Qin Guan looked at Ye Xuan, his eyes were blinked.
