One Sword Reigns Supreme

2483 The second thousand four hundred and seventy chapters of the fairy in the sword: Wushen!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

In the air, the man who killed by Qingqiu slowly fell, and there was a big beach.

At this moment, his brain is awkward!

A sword!

He was actually killed by a sword!


When the man\'s head fell on the ground, his eyes were big, and he didn\'t think that he didn\'t think that he was actually a sword!

Qingqiu did not manage the owner, she retired below, the look was calm.

At this time, the whirlpool came out again, this time is a white woman, the woman is tall, there is a white dress like a snow, and the face is with a yarn. It can\'t see a pair of water spirits. Crystal blue eyes.


After the white woman appeared, she looked down on the Qingqiu under the bottom of the Qingqiu, "What is seen?"

Wen said, the white woman slightly, then frowned.

Qingqiu looks at the white woman, "Let me play me!

Everyone: ".

The white woman flashed in his eyes, and it was about to shoot. At this time, a voice suddenly entered her brain.

After a while, the white woman was returned from Qingqiu.

Seeing this scene, Qingqiu joked his mouth, somewhat uncomfortable.

In the air, the white woman did not shot, she looked around, in the end, she fell to the Qingqi.

In the field, it is dangerous to give her dangerous, which is this Qingqiu!

In addition to this Qingqiu, there is no one to play in the field!

Of course, Annanjing is not present.


White women silent, this existing universe\'s overall strength, let her have some surprises, why is it so weak? Some are wrong!

After the woman is silent, it turns into the black swirl.

On the other side of the black whirl, the white woman came out of whirlwoman, in front of her, it was a black pressure army, and these army were wearing thick golden black armor, riding a full body with a blood red flame. The horse\'s horse, every person has an extremely terrible murder.


And there are more than 100,000!

The white woman walked in the distance, and the group of cavalry was scattered on both sides and downtown.

The white woman came to a black palace, in front of the palace, standing on the mystery of the black robes, this hundred mysterious struggles are wearing a bend, the breath is all.

The white woman came to the gate of the hall. At this time, a black robes were blocked in front of white women.

White woman looked at the black robe, did not talk.

After the stalege, the black robe took a step back and then hoarsely said: "God is in the meeting!"

Miss Miss!

The white woman is going to talk. At this time, a voice came in the door, "San Miss came in!

Wen said, the black robe quietly retired.

The white woman walked into the main hall, and the main hall had only two people. He is a middle-aged man dressed in robes, and the man is long-haired shawl, looking like a knife, domineering side leakage.


And in the right side of God, there is a mistake.

No side!

See this unfolded master, the white woman looks now!

The isothe people are countless young, just like conquering the boundless universe, but because of this man, the herself\'s footsteps have to stop!

In that, the isothe is a heavy loss, and the nine gods of the nine gods were shocked.

No side!

This is a person who makes the martyrdom countless strong!

At this time, the neither side suddenly opened, "You talk!

After that, he quietly disappeared.

Three Miss looks to God, "What did he say?"

God jealously laughed: "Let us be careful!

Miss Sin, "Who?"

God said: "The girl you encountered before, this person is famous, this person can\'t move, and we don\'t move her, she will not move us, this is her agreement with the owner.


Miss Miss slightly, "I have seen this woman, I can\'t measure it!

Said, she looked to the holy monarch, "What few?"

God laughed: "Xianbaoge Pavilion," said the existing universe and the boundless universe, it is much money!

In addition, it is also a very terrible technology civilization. This woman is the second thing to be careful!

Qin Guan!

Miss San Shen Sheng said: "The overall strength of the universe is extremely weak, I think some is not normal!

God Jun laughed: "Do you think that the owner is giving us a set?"

Miss II nodded.

God looked at the Three Miss, "We have no choice!

Miss San is silent.

God said softly: "This is the heart of the universe with the universe of the existing universe, we must get!

The boundless owner has promised, as long as you get the existing universe, the heart of the universe is the heart of the universe, he will give us us!

Three Miss brows wrinkled, "Why?"

God laughed: "We help him destroy the existing universe!

Miss Miss slightly, "I still think is something wrong, under normal circumstances, the existing universe strength is so low, with the strength of the owner and the strong, it is impossible to take it!"

But he chose to join hands with us to attack the existing universe.

God suddenly said: "Three Miss, we have no choice, we must get the heart of the universe!

Miss San is silent.

God got up, "Three Miss, the owner opens the seal, let us come in, there must be something, this is normal!"

What we have to do now is to win the existing universe.

After finishing, he walked in the distance!

In the field, Miss San is silent, and the brow is slightly wrinkled.

She is still worried!

But if God said, they did not choose, the hearts of the universe of the universe, very important to them.

After the sister is silent, after a moment, the whisper is sigh, turn around.


Watching an institution.

At this time, nearly 100 black swirls suddenly appeared over the mysterious college.

Below, Qingqiu looks at hundred black swirls and silence.

On the other hand, the face of the strong book of Xuanchuan has become extremely lifted!

They know that the war will come!

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the black whirlpool, "Chong!


The sound is falling, and a group of cavalry suddenly ponds from the hundred black swirls!

This rush, the whole world has become illusively!

100,000 cavalry rushed down, and slammed this world directly.

Seeing this scene, the bottom of the Danjiao\'s face was turned out in an instant. She didn\'t think that this is coming directly from the spirit!

Moreover, these are all trained cavalry, the real kind of single strong, as long as it is not particularly horrible, it is not terrible, and this kind of cavalry can be different!

Because the cavalry is the army, the army is well trained, there is a good team to cooperate, and these cavalry strength is not weak!