One Sword Reigns Supreme

2476 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and sixty-three chapters: charge money!

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The bomb just bombed, the mysterious spirit of the sky was broken!

Not only this network, but also Qin Guan and Ye Xuan as the center, and the round hundreds of star fields are in this moment into ashes, and several super strong people in the field are also awkward.

But I\'m too late, then a few people are in an instant to millions of feet!

And when they stopped, their flesh is directly annihilated!

Only the soul of the soul, the heart is very awkward, and it has returned, avoiding the power of terror.

And Ye Xuan and Qin Guanyue, the mystery and middle-aged man came behind the frying, the two finally returned to God, and the two did not dare to have a slight descent, and they showed the skills of life!

Even so, the two are still hard to be brought about by nearly one million feet!

Ye Xuan and Qin Guan are also far from tens of thousands of feet!

When stopped, the Ye Xuanzi is blood DC, and his flesh is a cracked, there have been countless cracks!

However, Qing Xuanjian is still good!

Such as Qingle said, now this world, in addition to the three swords, no one can break the jamming!

Ye Xuan slowly looked up, into the eyes, a paint black!

It\'s all bombing!

Ye Xuan Bao!

What is this? Just now, I intuken tells him that if it is not a Qing Xuan Jian Shield, Guang Qinguan\'s Taiji map, he may be killed!

so horrible!

At this time, Qin Guan suddenly said: "Are you okay?"

Ye Xuan fidelized to Qin Guan, Qin Guan\'s face was extremely pale, and the whole person looked weak.

Ye Xuan is busy supporting Qin Guan, "Are you okay?"

Qin Guan took a deep breath, then said: "Very weak!

This bomb, I am very useful, power is still a little short, need to be strengthened, especially for the soul!

Ye Xuan face is black down!

Also strengthen the soul? He is speechless.

Qin Guan suddenly said: "Withdraw!


Ye Xuan did not hesitate, he turned to see a mysterious man and middle-aged man, "withdraw!

After that, he picked up Qin Guan directly disappeared in the end of the starry.

The mysterious man has gained an eye with the middle-aged man, and then I have been busy with the past!

Qin Guan is not there, they are still a little virtual!

In the field, it is still awkward!

I just fried it, I gave her a hibiscus!

She really felt died!

No, it should be said that she has never been away from death!

At this moment, he is also a dignified heart. He has a countless battle in his life. What kind of enemies have already played, but today, I really haven\'t encountered!

He saw what is the power!


Suddenly spoken: "This woman.

So much money, so many equipment, how do we kill!

The name is silent.

At this time, the old man who took the spear on the side suddenly said: "She may be against it!"

Now is the best time to kill her!

Switch to the old man, "I just didn\'t guarantee that she didn\'t have the second?"

After the old man is silent, he said: "Don\'t guarantee!

Sighing whisper.

In the face of this Qin Guan, she is really weak!

The money is really too much!

The anial name whispered: "This person is too much money, because of this, she damns!"



Such as Ye Xuan\'s guess, they kill Qin Guan, their purpose is clear, that is, if they can get a small bag in Qin Guan, it means that Qin Guan\'s wealth!

At this moment, the long spear was suddenly a suddenly said: "These two people build Xianbao Pavilion and Watching Academy in Border City.

Walking, "can\'t!

Brows with the old man, "Why?"

I saw a vitabrer, "spear, if the border city has no view of Xuan College and Xianbaoge, what a woman will have any counsel? No!

At that time, she would not hesitate to lose the ghost woman there!

A dead, do you believe it? "

Spear silent.

In this case, a vain suddenly appeared in front of the three people, seeing this vain, the three faces are slightly changed!

The vain suddenly said; "With me!

After finishing, he turned and disappeared in the depths of the stars.

The three people did not hesitate, directly following the past!


On the other hand, Annan Jing looked at the distance. At this moment, the gods were inserted in the chest!

God\'s sacrifice is dead and stare at An Nanjing!

Annan Jing is going to shoot again. Suddenly, a shadow is over, and the Annan Jing brow is slightly wrinkled, and the front of the front!


With a sullen sound, the time and space in front of Annan is broken!

At this time, the sacrifice of the gods is not there, with only long guns.

After the silence of Annan Jingwen, the palm was spread, and the long gun returned to her hand. She turned and lost his head.


No border.

On this day, a woman came to the border city. This person is not someone else, it is Ding peony!

Ding peony has seen a look at the four weeks, then smiled slightly, "no border.

After that, she walked into the city.

Shortly after entering the city, an old man appeared in front of Danjiao, and the old man respectfully, "the master!

Danjiao medicine: "I have to be prepared?"

The old man nod, "ready!

After finishing, he is the palm of its palm, and the nine scrolls appear in front of Danjiao.

The old man said: "This nine people are not the strong in this era, they all come from the unknown era or the gods, have not followed the owner!

Ding peony nodded, she looked at the nine reels, after a moment, she picked up a reel, "I went to visit this person!

The old man hesitated, then said: "The main mother, will they join us?"

Ding peony has laughed: "Don\'t join us, it doesn\'t matter, as long as they don\'t go to join the owner!

After that, she walked away from the distance. "After listening to the cloud from the small tower, let her immediately come here!

The old man nodded, "Follow!


A certain starry sky.

Ye Xuanzhi has rushed together with Qin Guan, I don\'t know how long it took, Ye Xuan was stopped with Qin Guan.

The mysterious power and the middle-aged man rushed.

Qin Guan\'s palm is spread, and the two are so slowly to two.

The two were quickly collapsed, one of them excited: "Qin Que is the main.

You really have seen the biggest people!

The middle-aged man nodded, "Yes!

Qin Guan smiled: "If you are doing now, you should kill me, then you can get more!

The mysterious man immediately shook his head, "Don\'t joking!

Qin Qi, although I am greedy, but not stupid, don\'t say that I can kill you, even if I can kill, we don\'t dare!

This is true, they are actually not known to Qin Guan and Ye Xuan, but they know that there is no longer!

These two people can have a strong main hard, then it is definitely not they can provoke!

And they dare to help, because they just want to make a pen, then open!

And now, they are like smashing!

Because let them go with the boundless main death, they don\'t have the gut, simply, make a strike, it is true!

Seeing the two people who had to slip, Qin watched the Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan Hui, the moment suddenly said: "Two predecessors, you are now, the boundless, I am afraid that you will not let you go.

The mysterious people laughed: "Nothing, we hide!"

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "You have played a hand, it is hard to keep the second hand for the money, if you are the owner, will you let yourself?"

The two are silent.

Ye Xuan also said: "I don\'t think about it. I have an agreement with the boundless owner. I can\'t shoot behind, and I don\'t want to shoot without being!

Simply, as long as you are our people, you can\'t deal with you personally!

But if you leave, then we are just a simple transaction relationship, you can\'t call us, to that time, you can shoot you, so.


Of course, we completely respect the will of the two seniors, if you want to leave, you can leave now!

Two people: ".

Ye Xuan did not say anything.

The mysterious man and the middle-aged man have not gone, and the two are silent.

The two people are also speechless at the moment, I feel the thief boat!

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly said; "Ye Gongzi, what agreement with the boundless owner?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Otherwise, he can\'t take your own, isn\'t it? "

Middle-aged men nodded slightly, "this is also!

If he is a shot, you should two.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Two predecessors, have you selected it?"

The middle-aged man sighed whispered. He looked at him with the mysterious people. Everything speechless.

This is really a thief!

The two did not hesitate, because now they, there is no other choice!

Middle-aged man said: "Ye Gongzi, my name is Wu Hao, from there is no name!

Ye Xuanmi nodded, then look at the mystery, the mystery is hesitating, then: "My name is Li Quan," also comes from there is no name! "

I heard the words, middle-aged men turned around to see the mystery, "Non-nameful age?"

Mysterious man nodded.

Wu Hao played a mysterious person, "Then I should know you!"

But you have this name.

I have never heard!

The mysterious people laughed: "I have never heard it is normal. I have always been there.

Wu Hao: ".

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "The name is also from the no name?"

The mysterious people nod, "The man is in our time, the strength ranks second, the first is unknown, of course, this is the first!"


After the Xuanxuan silently took a moment, he turned and looked at Qin Guan. "I need to improve the strength!

Qin Guan Head, "I will help you!"

After that, she saw a four-week, then said: "We have to go to Kyoto!

Ye Xuan brow, "Kyoto?"

Qin Guan Head, "I have specially built a defensive base, only go there, can resist those guys who have just been.

Only there, I can build a series of super-god equipment for you!

Said, she patted the sham of the sham, then she was said: "I want to give you the sword!

Ye Xuan: ".
