One Sword Reigns Supreme

2474 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and sixty-one chapter: help me!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

People are not someone else, it is the Anzhen show for a long time!

Anzhen show!

Since she followed the green, she went to the Milky Way, the two did not see it again, Ye Xuan did not expect that Anzhen is even at this time!

Seeing Anzhen Xiu, Ye Xuan is also surprised and happy!

Anzhen Xiu went to Ye Xuan face, I stopped her!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

There is no nonsense in Anzhen show, directly in front of it, a shovel is stabbed to Nalan!

Ye Xuan also did not waste time, directly from the sword, disappearing in the deep situation.

Not long after, Ye Xuan stopped again.

Not far from him, there is a man standing!

The man wears a simple white robe, in the right hand, hold a long knife.

Ye Xuan looked at the man, "You are the name of Nalan!

Men nod.

Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the same place!


A sword is suddenly cut down the man, sword light, tearing everything.

In the distance, the men\'s eyes slowly slowly, when the sword came to him, he suddenly pulled the knife!


Ye Xuanjian light instantly was torn, and at this time, a sword suddenly stabbed to the man\'s eyebrow!

Men\'s horizontal knife!


A crisp golden iron singer suddenly loud, followed, only to see the man\'s continued violence, and in the process of retreat, a shank is like a rainstorm!

The man is slightly smashed, he suddenly a knife.


In an instant, the time and space in front of him was directly smashed into a throne!

Countless Sword Broken!

At this time, the seven Ye Xuanzhi suddenly appeared around the man, followed by the seven swords and lights!

When the man\'s eyes flashed a cold, he held a knife and slammed, a knife was like a tide.


Ye Xuanqi is divided into continuous retreat, but the man is also retreat to thousands of feet!

He just retired, Qing Xuanjian suddenly went out!

The man flashed in the eyes, and his right foot was smashed, and he was a knife!


This knife is directly on Qing Xuanjian, the Qing Xuan sword is trembled, and the knife in the man is split directly, and countless time and space.

When you saw your long knife, the man was suddenly shrinking, and at this time, Ye Xuanzhuang held a sword to take a pressure!


Men\'s long knife is broken into countless fragments!

Ye mysterious sword Zhanxia!


Men\'s lofty retreat cut directly outside of the sword, at the same time, a great lofty Jianhen up in front of leaf and mysterious man!

After the man stopped, he wore a white robe split, while under the white robes, wearing a black soft armor, this soft-on, there is a deep crack!

This soft-blocked leaves abruptly for him this mysterious sword!

Ye mysterious man who looked soft armor, look calm.

At this time, the man leaves to look mysterious, "You sword, excellent!

Xuan Ye did not answer, his eyes slowly closed again.


Moment, countless human sword intended to emission from the body, sudden, it appeared behind him handle hundreds of thousands of Italian sword!

To see this scene, the man eyes slightly narrowed, his palms spread out, a long knife in his hand, his right hand tightly holding Nabing long knife, body, Italy pouring countless knife, this moment, he reached a momentum peak!

Hyun leaves suddenly disappear in place.


A sharp sword song suddenly heard throughout the Planet!

And when the moment leaves mysterious disappearance, and that the sword is also intended to handle hundreds of thousands of disappeared in place!

The distance, the man\'s eyes flashed a hint of hostility, he plunged forward, knife Zhanxia!


Moment, just head directly Daoqi knife on a leaf mysterious sword!


Suddenly, this dead star field just start up violently excited chatter, countless Dao Guang Jian Qi chopped off!

But very quickly, there are countless swords and knives in this star area!

In this way, after about half an hour, this star field will gradually recover!

At this moment, Ye Xuan has already been in the man.

The man is half a bowel, in his chest, put a sword!

The man looked at the sword in his chest, whispered: "Sword is very fast!"

In the distance, the Xi Xuan\'s heart is spread, the sip of the man in the man will rise to the sky, the man is the soul!

Ye Xuan has no stay, shameful, directly disappearing in the deep situation!

After a while, Ye Xuan came to a unknown star field, he looked at the four weeks, "Dush!

The sound is falling, and a vain appears in front of Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan looked secret, "Where is she!

Darkness turned, an old man came from and came, and it was the old man.

The old man suddenly refers to a little, and the space in front of the leaves appears directly in a blue space!

Learning to look at Ye Xuan, deeply a gift, "Please leave Ye Gongzi to save Miss!

That is dark and deep!

Ye Xuan said: "I am alive, she will not die!"

After finishing, he took directly into the passing array.


In a moment, Ye Xuan directization did not disappear.

I don\'t know how long it took, when I opened my eyes, he appeared in a dark world!

Ye Xuan\'s face is sinking.

This is a broken world!

Obviously, the battle is very intense!

Ye Xuan glanced for four weeks, soon, he saw An Nanjing, Annan Jing\'s opponent is the gods!

At this moment, the god sacrifice is different before, her look is incomparable, and the cornement in her hand is more crack!

Seeing Ye Xuan, the god offers a small eyebrow.

Annan suddenly said: "Go to Qin girl!

Said, she pointed to the right.

Ye Xuan nod, he shaped, directly turned into a sword light disappeared in the distance.

God gavel looked at Annan Jing, "You can\'t save her!"

Annan Jing brow is slightly wrinkled, "" Fly, there are many! "

The sound falls, she suddenly disappeared in the original place, a shot!


The gun is like a dragon, shocking the world!

God sacrifice face again gains again!

This woman is not as good as Ye Xuan.


Ye Xuan Yujian came to another starry sky, just entered this starry sky, a deafening sound suddenly sounded, followed, a terrible air wave swept!

The Ye Xi\'s eyes suddenly shrinks, he is ahead of the front, and the hands hold the sword!


This sword, the air waves in front of him were torn with him, but the next moment, a more powerful air wave swept!

The Ye Xiyou flashed a shot, his wrist turned, once again, slammed the sword!


This rush, Ye Xuan is like a sinus, all the way is like a broken bamboo, and smash the waves!

Soon, Ye Xuan rushed over the layer of air waves, came to a star area, at this moment, he saw Qin Guan, at this moment, Qin Guanzheng was besieged by three people. In addition to the first day, there is an old man and one Woman!

This woman\'s Ye Xuan has seen it, it is the meditation of the God of the Demonstration!

And that old man didn\'t have seen it, this old man wore a black armor, and his right hand held a black spear, and his breath is extremely terrible!

And the middle of the three, Qin Guan hands are carrying a gun!

It is the gun with 100 million bullets!

See this scene, Yaxuan couldn\'t help but smile!

This artifact is really too horrible.

At this moment, the three people also saw Ye Xuan. When I saw Ye Xuan, I was crying.

Qin Guan also saw Ye Xuan, Qin Guan suddenly referred to it, "there is still mystery!

Ye Xuan suddenly looked up, he only saw a paint black, in addition to this, what else did not see, he couldn\'t feel!

There is also a mystery!

Ye Xuan did not think much. He directly appeared next to Qin Guan, he looked at the four weeks, then said: "Do you need help?"

Qin Guanji head.

Ye Xuan said: "Say!

Qin Guan said: "Calling people!

Ye Xuan expression stiff.

Qin Guanzheng said: "Xiaoxuanzi, you still have these people, can someone can call?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "It seems that there is no one!


After finishing, he looked at the three people, "I can play one!"

Qin Guan looked at Ye Xuan, "Are you sure?"

Ye Xuan nod, "OK!

Qin Guan said: "Who do you want to play?"

Ye Xi wants to do not think, directly pointed to the blind, the temptation is calm, "then come!"

Ye Xuan did not have any nonsense, and directly turned into a sword light disappeared in the same place.

The eyes were slightly smashed, she suddenly jumped, and step down!


This step, a sword is broken, the Ye Xuanlian people have a sword to fly outside!

In the end, I took the foot and patted the sleeves, the look was calm, "I don\'t think I am weak."

In the distance, Ye Xuan has a bloody angle. He turned to look at Qin Guan, Qin Guancheng said: "This woman has strong hidden strength!

Ye Xuan turned his head to the name of the day, the day name is calm, don\'t talk!

Ye Xi Xi thought, and looked at the old man, the old man said: "You can choose me!"

Ye Xuan double eyes slowly, in his body, the blood started to boil!


Ye Xuan\'s whole person turned into a blood!

Qin Guan blinked, "You are.

Blood pulse? "

Leaf Xuan nod.

Qin Guan got an eye of Ye Xuan, then nodded, "Interested!

You will borrow a bit of blood in the next day, I will study it, see how to help you break the blood!

Ye Xuan turned his head to Qin Guan, "Can you?"

Qin Guanji, "Yes!

If you can, give me more, I can make a little blood weapon!

Ye Xuan face suddenly black.

Ye Xuan is going to shoot, Qin Guan suddenly pulled his arm, shaking his head, "they have more people, can\'t play!

After saying, she looked at the surrounding and other people, then smiled: "Small mystery, or don\'t you see the power of money?"

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Good!

Qin Guan smiled, then said: "Passing my Qin Signal, in the sky, where you will help myself, award a prize!

One time is ten billions, no time!

Ye Xuan: ".

Soon, Qin Guan\'s order quickly spread throughout the world under the operation of this super machine of Xianbaoge.

In the abyss of some, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of a coffin, black shadow trembling channel: "Old ancestors, fight? One time is more than 100 billion yuan, time is not limited.

The coffin covered suddenly opened, then, an older hand suddenly stretched out, excited: "Help me.
