One Sword Reigns Supreme

2460 Swords in the second thousand four hundred and forty chapters: two goods!

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Zhouyou universe!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "I think it can!"

His goal is to create an alias, change the full universe, and Qin Guan\'s goal is to open the fairy Pavilion, do the sound of the universe, and Qin Guan also likes to open the case. He is the same as Qin Guan\'s interest.

absolutely okay!

Ye Xuan Tao: "Yes!

Waiting for your spaceship, let\'s conquer the universe!

Qin Guanha smiled, "Good!

Both people talk, they have come to the island.

Just embarked on the island, Ye Xuanbow was frozen, and he was a bit hidden in the deep heart.

With his current strength, in addition to the top big, there is generally nothing to make him feel dangerous!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan suddenly built, the avenue pen appeared in his hand, he looked at the distance, "Little pen, do you know what is it in front?"

Avenue pentagon: "Know!

Ye Xuanlian is busy asking, "What?"

Avenue pit: "Know a hammer!

Ye Xuan face suddenly was black, "I feel that you are getting smaller and smaller!

The avenue pit: "Big Brother, not my role is getting smaller and smaller, but you are now getting stronger and stronger now!

What is your guidelines?

In fact, many times I can understand you, like you, if you don\'t rely on the mountain, who can live!

Your enemy.

No normal!

Many times, I think you have to be miserable than you.

Ye Xuan: ".

Qin Guan suddenly said: "You see!

Ye Xuan suddenly recovered his thoughts, looked up in the distance, outside the distance, there is a huge palace, the palace built is extremely luxurious, in the gate of the palace, there is a twelve huge red gold statue Each statue is up to 100 feet, holding a spear, a majesty.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Is this?"

Qin Guan smiled: "A remains, I speculate, the other person has been very likely to be a strong robbery, and this level of strong, the treasure left.


Ye Xuan looked at Qin Guan, this rich laughter.

Qin Guan took Ye Xuan to come to the twelve statue of the twelve statues, she got an eye of the twelve statue, and then laughed: "It is active!"


Ye Xuan is so curious, "?"

Qin Guan Head, "This twelve statue is a squatting, there is a twelve soul, this twelve soul is still a thousand knocked, they are hard to ban in this statue, and the material of this statue, you Look, this is a special material, precious, of course, it is much better than the material I have built a spaceship.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What materials do you build with your super super artifact?"

Qin Guan smiled: "The most least the top material in the whole universe!

Ye Xuan: ".

Qin Guan also said: "Let\'s go!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Does the twelve statue do not take away?"

Qin Guan shook his head, "Not!

You will move them now, they will hit you!

When we get their owners, they will return to us!

After finishing, she took Ye Xuan toward the main hall.

When I walked to the gate of the hall, the gate of the main hall suddenly fusedly, the next moment, a vain appeared in front of the two.

This imaginary shadow gradually aggravated, a middle-aged man, middle-aged man is hidden in a large sleeve, he looked at Qin Guan and Ye Xuan, silent, did not speak!

Qin Guan smiled: "Do you have inheritance?"

Ye Xuan: ".

The man looked at Qin Guan, Shen Sheng: "Girl.

Is this for the inheritance? "

Very polite!

Obviously, Qin Guan seems to be harmless, but the real power can still feel her danger and terrible!

When I heard the man, Qin Guan quickly nodded, "Yes!

The man is smirking, "" With the ability of the girl, I will look at the inheritance of my owner, I.

Qin Guan suddenly laughed: "I talk to your owner!"

Man is silent.

Qin Guan blinked, "Can you?"

After that, she took a star bomb.

When I saw this star bomb, I jumped when I met the Ye Xi Pederts. At the beginning, this is gone!

The man laughed, "the girl please!

In this way, the man took Ye Xuan into the hall, when entering the main hall, Ye Xuan found that the whole hall was very empty, and in the central center of the hall, there was an old man.

When I saw this old, Ye Xuan gods suddenly became dignified.

At this time, the old man suddenly slowdated, when he saw Qin Guan, he smiled slightly, "What is the girl call?"

Qin Guan smiled: "Qin Guan!

The old man nodded slightly, what is going to ask, suddenly, he looked at the Ye Xuan, and when he saw Ye Xuan, he was slightly, after a while, his look gradually gained.

Qin Guan smiled: "The old seniors, but you want to inherit yourself to the future generations?"

I heard the words, the old man received his eyes, he shook his head smiled, "I have fallen, dust, soil, after I die, everything in this world is with me?"

Qin Guan smiled: "You look very open!

However, since you leave a gods, you must have something to do, talk about it, I may be able to do your wish for you!

After the old man is silent, he said: "I change my mind!"

Qin Guan said: "Well?"

The old man looked to Ye Xuan, he smiled: "I want to give me my life to my little friend!"

Ye Xuanzhi, then said: "Why?"

The old man has a smile, "fate!


Ye Xuan speechless, I believe you.

At this time, the old man suddenly paused, and a white light suddenly did not enter the bluff!


In an instant, countless information poured into the Xuan Bang.

On the one, the middle-aged man looked at the Ye Xuan, the eyebrows were low, I don\'t know what I think.

Qin Guan smiled slightly, did not say anything.

After a long time, Ye Xuan slowly opened his eyes, he looked at the old man, Shen Sheng: "Seniors, you are.

The old man laughed: "It is a good margin!

Ye Xuan asked, "Who is it?"

The old man laughed: "You will know right away!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "Thank you!

The old man also looked at Qin Guan, "What is the girl wants?"

Qin Guan smiled: "Ask for money!

The old man laughed, and the palm is spread, and a quite ranked into Qin Guan.

Qin watched a look, his mouth slightly, she took the quencher, then laughed: "Do you need anything?"

After the old man is silent, he said: "There is no half of the girl in the girl, but I feel that the girl is dangerous, is the girl\'s realm on the robbery?"

Qin Guan shook his head, "I don\'t repair the realm!

The old man is a little confused, "do not repair the realm?"

Qin goddess, laughed: "I am actually not going to fight, that is, there is much money, more equipment!"

Ye Xuan speaking.

The old man slightly, then shook his head smiled, "The girl is really a monk!

Qin Guan smiled: "The old seniors, listen to something, what is the era?"

The old man laughs, "" ""

After Qin Guan silent, he said: "Is it bound to the world?"

The old man looked at Qin Guan, "You know the side of the world!"

Qin Guan smiled: "I have seen it before!

The old look is dignified, "" The Lord, this person, when it is a singer!

Said, his eyes flashed a complex, "It is my unfortunate that I am waiting for it!

Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "Can you talk about each other?"

After the old man is silent, he said: "The contemporary invincible, life has never been defeated!

Ye Xuan looks to Qin Guan, "Do we want to blow him?"

Qin Guan wants to think, then said: "I give you a bomb, you go to blow!"

I\'m not going!

Ye Xuan wants to think, still make a job!

Although Qin Guan\'s bomb is very powerful, it may not threaten the boundless owner, you will go, I am afraid that there is no return!

The old man suddenly laughed: "Two, please!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, he hugged, "Seniors, thank you!"

After finishing, he turned and left Qin Guan.

After the two left, the old man looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and smiled: "But I complained?"

Middle-aged man nodded, "I am not bad better than that!

The old man shook his head, "You really are not bad more than him, but this person has a big cause!

I hope you follow him!

Middle-aged man brows, "Follow him?"

The old man nodded.

The middle-aged man is low, "" This person is just a thousand knocked, and I have a harmonious peak.

I am going to follow him? "

The old man looked at the middle-aged man. "You are holding thousands of years, I know, you are thinking.

The middle-aged man suddenly angered: "You don\'t know at all, I have wanling you, but can you? Only asked the other side, you will continue to give each life and continue to give each other.

Just one!

Is the teenager really so good? Excellent to you, I will give it myself to each other!

The old man whispered sigh, "You have to heach, you can only reach God, but if you follow him, your achievements will be far more than this, you.


The middle-aged man suddenly roared. "Do you think I will believe in your ghost? Old ghost, I stick to you, but you are so for me, you will die!

The sound fell, he suddenly took a palm.

The old man did not resist, just whispered, "You have two goods.


The old man disappears directly in the same place.

After the old man killed the old, the middle-aged man turned directly to disappear.

Qin Guan and Ye Xuan, who had just left the hall, suddenly stopped, because the middle-aged man blocked in front of them.

The middle-aged man is dead and staring at Ye Xuan. "You damn the antity, you.

Qin Guan suddenly took out a gun buckle trigger!


In an instant, a white light poured out, the middle-aged man\'s face was changed, the arms were one.


In an instant, middle-aged men retired, and when they stopped, their flesh has no illusions, and this soul is still disappearing with an extremely horrible speed.

The middle-aged man is full of face, he looked at Qin Guan, "I am a million knocked.

Qin Guan blinked, the palm was spread, and the middle-aged man was slowly floating into her. She looked at the quenteen, her brow, so little? There is no much thinking, she turned to pick up to Ye Xuan hands, seriously: "This is given you!"

Good brother, make a fortune together!

Ye Xuan: ".
