One Sword Reigns Supreme

2458 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and forty-five chapters: see Xuan universe!

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Ye Xuan followed the Qingqiu three women returned to the existing universe.

Central world.

Today\'s Chinese world is the most powerful place in the universe. Because not only gathering the super power of Xuan Academy, the strong people of Yang people also gathered here!

In some gardens, Ye Xuan was walking slowly with Qingqiu.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Shantou, before?"

After the silence of Qingqiu, he said: "A very special person!

Ye Xuan looks to Qingqiu, "Very special person?"

Qingqiu nodded slightly, "said it is very special with the owner of the avenue!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "The avenue owner is not a group?"

Qingqiu wants to think, then said: "Temporarily!


Ye Xuan shake his head smile, "may not be?"

Qingqi nod.

Ye Xuan silent.

For the owner of the avenue, he is still more jealous.

Qingqiu suddenly said: "Brother, have you been robbing?"

Ye Xuan nod, he looked at Qingqiu and smiled: "Are you still not?"

Qingqiu played a referral.


In an instant, Qingqiu directly reached a thousand knocked!

See this scene, Ye Xuan expression stiff.

Qingqiu blinked, "Is it good?"

Ye Xuan smiled and smiled, he smashed the young head of Qingqiu, "Not a general!

Qingqiu smiled and then positively brothered: "Brother, did you see the man before the endless cemetery?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Qingqiu nodded slightly, "Don\'t despise this person!

Ye Xuan god color became downgry, "Why?"

After the silence of Qingqiu, he said: "Anyway, don\'t underestimate the boundless universe.

Because if I haven\'t guess wrong, now they will not appear again in three short time!

Ye Xuan is still a bit negligible, "Why?"

Qingqiu smiled: "Because they all want you to jump out of this rule, the order and rules of the avenue pen owner!"

However, they are very clear, with their help, you can never jump!

So you can only rely on yourself!

Jump out the rules!

Ye Xuan asked, "What happens if I jump out of the rules?"

Qingqiu blinked, "I don\'t tell you!

Ye Xuan speaking.

Qingqiu laughed, "Brother, I am busy!

After that, she turned and left.

Originally, Ye Xuan is silent.

He always feels some uneasy.

After a while, Ye Xuan took back his thoughts, turned to look at the side, not far away, where there is a middle-aged man, come, is the chapter.

Chapter turned against Ye Xuanmia, "Dean!

Ye Xuan played a chapter chapter, then laughed: "Nostalgia?"

Zhang makes nod, "During this time, I practiced in the small tower.


Ye Xuan suddenly paused, the avenue pen appeared in his hand, this is the Qingqiu just give him, and the small tower has not returned.

Because now the existing universe wants to cultivate a large number of power, it can only rely on the small tower.

Ye Xuan played an eye avenue pen, then said: "Do you know how much is your master?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "Many!

Ye Xuanlian is busy asking, "Can you talk about it?"

The avenue is in the road: "I am afraid!"

Ye Xuan Master\'s face black line, "why?"

The avenue pen is calm: "Because I don\'t want to be played!"

Ye Xuan: ".

The avenue pen is also said; "You still rush to improve your strength!"

Now you, although it is very strong, but you have to know that your opponent is also very strong, and if you say that the Qingqiu girl said, the three sword may not appear again in a short time, now you, more Still need to rely on yourself!

Understand? "

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, nodded, "understand!

After finishing, he turned to see chapters, "Tell me now the current world!

Chapter makes it respectful: "Good!

During the time of his world, the Central World has undergone earth-shaking changes, because the Chinese world has an Joined.

The joining of Yang is, let the sketch of the book must have money, people have someone, plus Xianbaoge is often sponsored, and now the development of Xuanxuan, can be called a speed.

Now there are more and more people in the world, and there are more and more people\'s branches.

However, Qingqiu and Ding peony have no dare to open too many branch, because people are still somewhat not enough.

Moreover, open an alias, not only need to be involved, but also need to manage, if the management is not properly managed, it will be big.

Qingqiu and Danjiaotidics are all kinds of pro-person!

And when I learned that the overall strength of the existing universe, Ye Xuan faces could not be sinked!

Nowadays, there is no doubt in Annanjing and Qingqiu, but below, there is no comparability of the existing universe and the boundless universe.

Because of the powerful people, the existing universe is only less than a few, and these few, it is still living in the Times.

And Ye Xuan also learned about the history of the year, that year, the existing universe is all more than the boundless universe. Finally, if it is not the avenue owner interfere, the existing universe will be hung!

In the field, Ye Xuan could not be sighful.

He now, you must focus on developing the overall strength of the existing universe!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, he looked at chapters, "Is it doing Qingqiu now?"

Zhang makes nod, "It is the Qingqiu girl in person!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "How much cultivation?"

Zhang Mi smiled: "Don\'t know!

Only Qingqiu girl know!

However, she needs a lot of money every other time!


Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Is there any money now?"

Zhang makes thinking about thinking, then shook his head, "We have developed too quickly, not only started the book, but also recruits the powerful, so I am afraid that it is not enough!

Ye Xuan looked at his own quite, and his current money is a lot, especially the Yuanyuan pulse, he still has a hundred billion yuan, this is a good thing, but it is not suitable for general practitioners!

Zhang makes a sudden pass: "Dean, money, you don\'t have to worry!"


Ye Xuan see chapter, "Why?"

Zhang suddenly laughed: "Because the Qin Guan girl before Xianbaoge has given the order of Xianbao, fully support the construction of Xuanxuan.

Xianbao Pavilion!

Qin Guan!

The Ye Xuanzi is slight, "it is natural!

With Qin Guan\'s joining, the money is naturally no problem!

The chapter makes it to talk, at this time, a woman will come to the side.

Come, is Qin Guan!

When I saw Qin Guan, the chapter made it slightly, then retired.

Ye Xuan looked to Qin Guan, smiled: "Qin Guan girl!

Qin Guan took to Ye Xuan\'s face, she took out an apple and took a bite, then said: "Let\'s talk about the construction of Xuan Academy!

I have many ideas!

Ye Xuan nodded, "That\'s natural good!

Guan Ye looked mysterious, "building concept mysterious College, and ultimately represents a new order and rules, right?"

Ye Hyun nodded, he founded the Academy of the main purpose of the mysterious concept is to create a new order and rules, thereby changing universe.

Qin Guan laughed: "To change the universe, we will have to change people\'s minds, but people most difficult to change!

Moreover, we can not fully use force, because of the use of force to let them into submission, finally one day, they will resist.

Of course, that force does not work.

Ye Xuan laughed: "You continue to say!

Qin Guan eating the apple, he continued; "this universe, light weight Wu Wen, read many years ago, people feel no effect, therefore, choose Xiuwu, because strength is everything!

We have to change this.

Before I learned about your article hospital, I think this is very good, but I think you should give them greater status and power.

Then, she thought, and then said: "As prime minister among the secular, although a scholar, but this may order the officials.

Xuan Ye Chen Sheng said: "You mean, so that the text part of the hospital who have mastered the military power?"

Guan shook his head, "No!

Wen hospital if people grasp military power, might engage in confrontation with the military hospital!

So, I mean, give them status, detached position, such as who your text book House of Yin, who is now Academy of the text first, however, you will find that his rights as compared with green hill, is simply galaxy.

Then, she spread out palm, a thick layer of leaves mysterious ancient books slowly floated before, "Look!

Hyun leaves some wondering, "How is this?"

Qin Guan laughed: "I wrote a law practice, called: Confucianism, Taoism and God Code.

A new practice of law, the practice of law scholar, reading what people practice it? Not a mysterious air, but talent!

Talent in the body, can be the enemy poetry, words can destroy the army, articles tranquility.

The stronger the talent, the stronger, for example, the saints in this cultivation of this cultivation, if it can practice to the sacred chambers, they can be swallowed, but also say that the universe is.

Said, she smiled slightly, "I know, the reader doesn\'t like cultivation, or the cultivation of the talent is not good, but this practice is perfectly solved these problems, they want to become stronger, do not need to practice, just need to study, let It is getting more and more convenient to learn.

In other words, for them, reading is a cultivation.

Ye Xuan opened the "Confucian Taoist" to see an eye, after a moment, his look became incomparably looked, he looked at the Qin Guan in front of him, "Qin Guan girl, I am having very few people, you are One, you are a true cattle!

Qin Guan smiled, "Don\'t be shocked, all basic operations, hehe!

Ye Xuan: ".

Qin Guan also said: "When the law of this cultivation occurs, it will let the readers are useful. In this way, there will be no more \'100 .

Most importantly, this book can also identify the learning of the readers, the higher the learning, the higher the talent, the higher the realm will naturally.

Said, she put her apple in her hand, then said: "There is only more and more people who are willing to study, reading a book, this universe may change.

And we also need more real readers to help change this universe.

Speaking of this, she suddenly looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "I think this existing universe name is particularly difficult, I simply change it directly to the Xuan universe!"

what do you think? "

Ye Xi wants to think, then nod, "there can be!


PS: Everyone is happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

I am also holiday!

No code today!