One Sword Reigns Supreme

2440 Swords in the second thousand three hundred and sixty-seventh chapters: may kill you!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Body? Situ listened to the clouds and turned to see the four weeks, did not find someone who speaks.

After a while, Situ listened to the clouds: "Can you be a big road master?"

That sound said: "Yes!

After Situ heard the cloud silence, he said: "What is the other party to take him?"

The main man said: "This matter is not you can intervene.

Situ listened to the clouds, it was about to talk, far, a woman was slow!

Come, is Qingqiu!

Qingqiu looks calm, she walked toward the light.

At this time, the sound suddenly sounded in the scene, "You don\'t have any meaning now, unless you immediately restore all strengths!

But you can do this.

You know!

Qingqiu is silent.

That voice continued: "He will not die forever!

Situ listened to the clouds: "Do he die?"

That voice: "From a certain extent, everyone will die, he is no exception!

Just see when it is.

Situ listened to the joy of the joy, "he was behind him.

That sound is low, "" Any story has ended.

Situ listened to the clouds to think about what, fell into silence.

Qingqiu suddenly passed: "What do the other party catch me?"

After the sound is silent, he said: "Temporarily unknown.

Qingqiu brow is slightly wrinkled, the palm is spread, and the sword appears in her hands, and at this time, the voice is said: "Let him pass the past!

Here, you are covered with him, which is unfavorable to him!

At the other side, he did not rely on the mountain, there is no background, and everything will rely on himself. This is actually a good thing!

Qingqiu is silent.

That voice continued: "Here, he is invincible."

When I got there, I didn\'t have three swords. I didn\'t have a Yang family. I didn\'t have Qingqiu, I didn\'t think about the school, he could only rely on himself!

Situ heard cloud suddenly said: "Does the other party kill him?"

That sound said: "No!

Situ listened to the clouds: "Why are you so definite?"

The voice smiled and said: "I don\'t say much!


Situ listened to the clouds, "What do you mean!

That sound is silent.

Qingqiu suddenly said: "Then I am waiting here!"

That voice: "There is no need, you go to the college to do your business!"

The stronger your college, the more powerful!

As for his.

I asked you less control him!

Longer control him, I almost can not cure him!

Two women:. "

The voice whispered a sigh, and then completely disappear.


I do not know how long, mysterious leaf slowly opened his eyes, just opened his eyes, he is felt a dazzling light, leaf mysterious scowled quickly got up, he looked around at the moment, he on a round table, and his head, as much as ten suns.

Xuan Ye stunned, heart to have doubts, what is this place? "Woke up?"

At this time, ears heard a voice.

Hyun leaves turned around and looked, not far away, a little girl was looking at him, the little girl looked only fifteen or sixteen, wearing a two pigtail, the head of two long horn, eyes like a crescent in general, it is beauty.

Ye Xuan looked at the little girl did not speak, but in the hearts contemplating something.

The little girl smiled, "Hello!

My name is Mo Ling!

Ye Xuan laughed: "Hello!

My name is mysterious leaf.

You really look beautiful, nice to meet you!

Lengle Leng Mo Ling, then whispered: "? You call it mysterious leaf"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Yes!

Mo Ling Hee hee smile, "You\'re from the other side of the universe, right?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Yes!

Amo Ling is curious to have an eye of Ye Xuan, then said: "There is no long corner there?"

Ye Xuan looked at the corner of Amo\'s head and smiled: "We don\'t have long angles there, um.

You are so good, can I touch it? "

I heard the words, Amo Ling quickly shook his head, retired in a few steps, and protect his own corner, "No!

Can\'t give it, the corner of Taichung family can\'t give others!

Too late!

Ye Xixiang is secretly thinking, after a while, he looked at Amo Ling, just talking, just at this time, "Amo Ling, far away from him!

Ye Xuan turned his head, just turned, a horrible force came toward him.

Ye Xuan brows smashed, flashing in his eyes, his heart, a sword light.


A sword is burst, and the Ye Xuan face, a residual episode has returned, after retreating a dozen feet, this remnant is stopped.

Is a man!

This man is tall and dressed in a blue robe, and it is staring at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan played an eye, then smiled: "How to call?"

The man angry: "The dead exotic man, you don\'t know my name!"

Said, he fierce his right hand, and then the front of the front, a punch to Ye Xuan.

This punch, a horrible blue light curtain is like a tide, and then it is pressed towards Ye Xuan.

In the distance, Ye Xuan double eyes are slightly smashed, the palm is spread, the Qing Xuanjian appears in the hands, the next moment, he is a sword.


A little cold!


The man was directly retired from the sword of Ye Xuan, and the man just stopped, and the remaining shadow was brushing to him, and the next moment, a sword is straight down.

The man was suddenly shrinking. He slammed his arms, and he gently in the body. At the same time, a blue light was so angry.


As a fried sound, the men are fragrant in front of the man, at the same time, the men\'s arms are directly smashed, and the sword directly arrived in his eyebrows!

The man is first, then roar, "you dare.


The sword did not enter the man\'s eyebrows.


In an instant, Qing Xuanjian absorbed the men\'s soul.

Direct erase!

See this scene, the Amo Levilum on the side: "You.

You kill him!

Ye Xuan nod, "It is what he hits me first. Have you seen it?"

Amo Ling hesitated, then said: "He is the grandchildren of the mountain!

Ye Xuan blinked, "Is it very powerful?"

Amo is nod, "it is very powerful!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then turn around to see a look at the four weeks, just to open, and at this time, the time and space in front of him suddenly broke, the next moment, an old man appeared in front of him.

The old man just appeared, it is about to talk, and Ye Xuan raised his hand is a sword.

Oh shit!

This is obviously to take revenge, of course, is the first-emptive.

Old man appeared, raising his hand to see the leaves mysterious sword cut, suddenly some ignorant, what to do? No time to think, the right hand man suddenly flick, a long spear suddenly thrusts.


He shot a spear just a touch is suddenly divided the open, but at this time, Ye Hyun Yi Chan stature suddenly, there appears a direct escape the universe, this piece of space-time where he is now, not the existing universe, more not a boundless universe, but uncharted areas of space and time!

No nonsense, leaves mysterious sword Zhanxia.


Four blur appears directly that the old man around, the next moment, four blur while Zhanxia sword.

To see this scene, that old eye pupil suddenly shrunk, mind hack to the extreme, his roar, a spear cut out, exhausting quanliyiji.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Four blur cut too, that the old man was directly cut into several segments, abruptly erased!

But this time, that leaves mysterious old man appeared in front, side, and that Mo Ling suddenly warble: "You killed the mountain elders!

Ye Xuan nodded, "Yes!

Mo Ling Chen Sheng said: "But the ancient Hill Presbyterian faction, you kill him, the ancient faction will not let you, you.


Ye mysterious silence, angry heart.

Oh shit!

Is this interesting? Is this interesting? To play a little old, playing old to a group of old? Did not think, leaves mysterious sword turned into the sky, we should bugger off, however, he arrived in the sky, a thrill of horror swept under the direct power!

Ye mysterious eyes squint slightly, palms spread out, sword with mysterious green earth sky sword Italy, however, the forces of terror in contact with that kind of a green mysterious Jiangang is being Zhentui.


Moment, the sense of terror leaves mysterious force shock to return to the original position.

Ye Xuan looked up to the sky, there was a huge palm of print at that horizon, and the palm of the palm was hanging in the sky.

Ye Xuan is silent, he knows, the woman who caught him before shot.

On the side, then Amo Ling suddenly said: "It is Wu Jun to take you!

Ye Xuanhu went to Amo, "Is it the woman wearing a purple ball?"

Amo is nodded.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Is she is your Wusun?"

Mo Ling nodded and awe: "She Eldar But we too can play Wujun ever!

Wu Jun!

Hyun leaves after a moment of silence, said: "You know why she took me to do?"

Amo is shaking his head, "I don\'t know!

She just let me look at you!

Ye Xiu Xiang, then said: "Let you look at me?"

Amo is nodded.

Ye Xuan suddenly looked up to the huge hand palm, "Is this your shot?"

Mo Ling blinked, "Yes ah!

Ye Xuan wrong, "you.

Are you so powerful? "

I have to say, he was shocked, because he thought it was a purple robe woman\'s hand, but did not expect that it is not, but just this little girl out of hand!

Amo is shaking his head, "I am not very good, Wu Jun is amazing, I am doing it even!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "When I just kill them, why don\'t you stop me?"

Amo Ling smiled, "Why should I stop?"

Ye Xuan has some doubts. "Are you not a family?"

Amo is nodded, "It\'s a family, but Wu Jun just let me look at you, don\'t let you escape, but I don\'t let me protect them!

Leaf Xuanzi angle slightly pumping.

Amo Ling looks at Ye Xuan, "You don\'t escape!

Otherwise, I will hit you, I want to kill you!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then the palm is spread, a sugar gourd appeared in him, "give!

Amo Ling is somewhat curious, "you.

this is? "

Ye Xuanzheng color: "It is the most precious spirit treasure in the universe!

You taste!

Amo Ling looked at Ye Xuan, "You give me?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Amo Ling has some intake, "Why?"

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "You have a sister who has lost for many years, I have a kind of intimacy.

Amore suddenly slammed.

Ye Xuan has not reacted, which is directly in the abdomen.


Ye Xuan flew to dozens of feet, and then was placed in the original place by a terrorist force, and his flesh, cracked directly into a spider mesh.

In the distance, the Amo Ling looked at the Ye Xuan. "Please don\'t insult my IQ, I am not idiot, thank you!"

Ye Xuan: ".
