One Sword Reigns Supreme

2437 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and sixty-four chapters: complete the scorpion!

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Seeing this scene, the black skirt woman is smirked, the eyes are full, "How, want to fight?"

Qin Guan has some dissatisfaction, "Play? What is the rack? I am a lady!

The black skirt woman looked at Qin Guan. It is about to talk, and Qin Guan suddenly took out a weapon and slap the trigger.


A white light swept in the scene!

In the distance, the black skirt woman suddenly shrinks, she suddenly spread, then slammed, an angry, and the front is a punch.


A black light is like a volcanic eruption. Generally, from the black skirt women\'s fists.


Suddenly, this starry sky broke out a deafening roar, followed by, the black skirt was directly outside the feet, and his just stopped, it was a white light.

Seeing this scene, the black skirt woman is in the heart, she suddenly painted a circle in front of himself, "Yu!

A black shield suddenly agglomerated.


As a smash, the black shield in front of the black skirt was trembled, followed by the time and space she was, it is like a boiling oil, extremely horrible.

At this time, Qin Guan suddenly pulled a large god of fists from the small bag. She didn\'t look at the black skirt, after being lost, she took her ear.


In the distance, a fried sound is like a thunderstorm, and the whole star field is like a big earthquake. It is not only that, but the surrounding star gathered time and space actually showed a silk crack.

On the side, the Women\'s Women\'s Watching Qin Guan and did not speak.

After a while, the space was returned to normal, and at this moment, the woman was still there, but only the soul left, in her eyebrow, floating a black rumor, it is this inherstor to keep her soul.

The black skirt woman looks at the distance in the distance, some are somewhat, "What is this?"

Qin Guan blinked, "You haven\'t died yet!

Said, she put in the small bag in the small bag, and she suddenly took out a round ball, similar to watermelon, but black, on the top of this ball, and a long line.

Seeing this black ball, the dark skirt woman has changed, "What is this!

Qin Guan smiled, "Star bomb!

After that, she hit a referring to her right hand, she finished a flame, then she lit the line of the star.


After the line is ignited, Qin Guan quickly relieves, turn around, it seems to think about what, she also looked at the horsetail woman, "Go!

The woman hesitated and turned and ran.

In the distance, the woman is somewhat , what is the same? At this moment, the stars suddenly turned into a black light to shoot toward the dark skirt.

Seeing this scene, the woman\'s face changed, this moment, she smell the death of the death, I want to escape, but late, the stars have come to her!

Seeing that there is no fire, the black skirt is flashing in the eyes, she roars, and then slammed forward, and flexed.

At this moment, she chose hard!


Suddenly, this star field was trembled, followed by a full-footed mushroom cloud, straight into the deep place.

At the same time, the starry sky in the square is directly cracking, just as a mirror that was hit, extremely shocking.

In this way, after the power of the stock, the stars will slowly resume calm, while the space around also returns to normal under a unknown force repair.

At this time, Qin Guan and the Horseta women appeared in the field, and the black skirt had no longer existed.

Not only that, the light gates have also appeared countless cracks, and there is similar to what is surging.

Seeing this scene, the Women\'s woman couldn\'t help but looked at Qin Guan.

The woman in this woman almost destroyed this light, which is the nest of the avenue pen owner personally.

Qin Guan took the clapping, then turned to look at the woman, she smiled slightly, "An Wu, hello!

In front of you, this horse tail is the An Wu Shen\'an!

Anzhen looked at Qin Guan, nodded, and he said hello.

Qin Guan went to the distance to the distance, then laughed: "An Wu is coming again, and it is also the universe of this."

Anzhen nodded.

Qin Guan blinked, "Do you want to go in and see it?"

Anzhen looked at the light gates and nodded.

Qin Guan smiled: "Go!

After finishing, she floated directly to the light.

Anzhen is also following the past.

Soon, the two women disappeared in the field.

Soon after the two women disappeared, a woman suddenly came out of the light door, this woman wearing a tight purple robes, the fine waist was bed by a ribbon, Ying Ying .

After the woman is very casual, there are two corners on the head, very cute.

In the right hand, holding a folding fan, folding the fan, painting a mountain water map.

When this woman appeared in the field, the \'town\' on the light door suddenly trembled, the next moment, a white light directly toward the woman.

Purple robe women don\'t look at it, and the hand is folded in hand.


White broken, \'town\' word directly burst open, completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

Purple woman looks calm, walked slowly toward the distant, and soon disappeared in the sky is the end.

After a long time, a sigh sounded from the field, "patron king, the finished calf!


In the world.

Ye Xuan sit cross-legged on top of a mountain, his eyes Weibi, seems Laosengruding.

In this way, the mysterious leaf from sunrise to sit sunset, sunrise and from sunset to sit.

And his body, an Italian sword slowly drift haunt.

Room sword Italy!

After the mysterious academy concept is growing, leaf mysterious world of sword is also intended to enhance a terrible speed.

Because he is now dean of the College of mysterious concept, people who view the mysterious College, all his beliefs.

I do not know how long, mysterious leaf slowly opened his eyes, spread out his palm, palm inside, an Italian sword suddenly turned into a two-edged sword sky.


The depths of the sky, a sword song suddenly rang.

At this time, the mysterious leaf slowly stood up, his palms spread out, directly into the tools and try sword in his hand.

Ye Hyun took a deep breath, an atmosphere of terror suddenly swept out from his body, but quickly dissipated.

To the environment of God!

At this moment, he has reached to the environment of God.

Xuan Ye see condensed by the sword means the world to hand tools and try sword, the hearts of some shock, because he found his sword this world is very strong, strong enough to let him have some palpitations.

At this time, Zhang Xuan Ye now resorted beside him slightly ceremony, "Dean!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts and whispered: "What is the book in the world?"

Zhang makes a smile: "Very good!

Ye Xuan asked, "Yang people?"

Zhang makes a somatsu: "Yang is helping us, with their help, we have now established a book in countless universe, how long, we will watch Xuan Academy will spread throughout the existing universe!

After the Xuan Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "Can you have any mess?"

Zhang makes a slight smile, "are some small things, we can handle it.

Ye Xuan turned his head and saw a chapter, laughed: "Old chapter, what are you in the book now?"

Zhang smiled, "I have no position in the college, I will put my hand on the Qingqi girl.

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Then there is no position for your position!

You will be specially listening to the fields of Qingqiu!

Chapter makes nod, "Good!

He is actually not careful, because everyone knows that his chapter is Ye Xuan\'s belief, who dares to give him face? Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Go, go shopping!"

Chapter I nodded, "Good!

Ye Xuanban disappeared in the original place, after a while, Ye Xuan came to the Chinese world\'s views.

The Wen Xuan Academy of the Central World is built on a mountain range. This mountain range is the site of Xuan Academy, very large.

Ye Xuan came to the main peak, which was the host of Xuan Academy, just close to the host, Ye Xuan is heard of reading.

Next to Ye Xuan, Zhang makes a slight smile, "Dean, this is in the morning!

The Wen Xuanchuan with the universe of the gods is generally, and we are also divided into the art and the martial arts. Of course, the people in the art and court can also go to the martial arts, and the people of the martial art can come to the hospital.

Ye Xuan asked, "Is there a woman who is willing to be written?"

Chapter makes nod, "there is!

Because we will have an examination every month, the people in the martial arts not only have martial arts, but also have a trial!

Therefore, the people of the martial art must also be in the case.

And our college is eliminated, once it is unqualified, it will be eliminated.

Now we can say that there is the best in all the great power, so countless people squeeze their heads to join us.

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, then ask, "Is there a standard?"

Zhang Yidao: "We will raise people, in addition to talented, you will choose some heart and perseverance, these people may be not so good, but the heart is good, willing to work hard.

Ye Xuan nod, "Y!

Zhang makes a slight smile, "Dean, you have never appeared here, this time, you have to see them.

Said, he suddenly said, "said the Qingqi girl has also said this, saying that the dean, you have time to get it, otherwise, the college is built, but the dean has never showed, this But it is a bit not going!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Good!

The chapter made that, at this time, Ye Xuan suddenly turned to look at it, not far from the foot of the mountain, there is a teenager, the teenager looks only 11 or two, so you are there.

Ye Xuan is so surprised, "Is this?"

Zhang made a somatsu: "This young is famous, soon he is eliminated, he does not want to leave, so he is here.

Ye Xuan asked, "Why is it eliminated?"

Zhang Enshi: "The text test is unqualified!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then disappeared in the same place, chapter so quickly followed the past.

Ye Xuan and Chapters make the appearance in front of the boy.

The teenager looked up at the Ye Xuan and chapters, and then it was returned.

Yuxi did not appear in the book, so this boy did not know Ye Xuan, and chapter made, he also rarely appeared in the book, even if it appeared, it also guided some high-level work.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You don\'t like reading?"

The teenager looks up and looks to Ye Xuan. "What is the use of reading? This world, strong is honored, the fist is a king.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Do you think you are big enough now?"

I have no expression, "Not enough!

Ye Xuan nod, "you said, many times, the fist is the king.

But you are not big enough, isn\'t it? "

Teenagers are holding hands, silence.

Ye Xuan turned his head to see chapters, "What is his grade in the martial arts?"

Zhang Enshi: "The top five!

Ye Xuan laughed: "You are just the top five, and in your front, people go to study, abide by the rules of the college, how do you not follow?"

The teenager looks up to Ye Xuan, "What is the use of reading?"

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "There are a lot of use, all things, distinct, have their own ideas.

Of course, the most important thing is to make us self-cultivation, feel good.

I flicked in my eyes. "I think that these have no fart, I only know, my fist is not hard, if my fist is hard, I can change the rules of the college, my fist is my truth, everyone The truth.

I heard the words, and Zhang made a brow frowned.

Ye Xi thought, then said: "You are the same as before I thought, I now give you a chance, let you re-join the college, are you willing to change yourself, go to learn?"

The young boy suddenly deeply, "I am willing!

Chapter Make: ".

Ye Xuan: ".
