One Sword Reigns Supreme

2428 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and fifty-five chapters: let you three swords!

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Next to Ye Xuan, the little girl is completely ignorant.

She is incredibly looking at the vegetarian skirt woman, the mouth is big, enough to plug down an egg.

The most embarrassment is the old man.

He didn\'t find how to insert a sword on his own brain!

At this time, the woman\'s palm is calm, and the nerves wearing the old man slowly floated to her, she took the quince and then turned to put it in the hands of Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan: ".

Skirt woman smiles slightly, "Let\'s go!

Leaf Xuan nod.

Three people continue to advance.

After the body, the old man is full of face, at this moment, he is locked by a sword, and it is completely unplayed.

At this moment, he has been awkward.

He actually did not hold the power before the other side, how much is the other party? The more you want to fear!

In the distance, the little girl next to Ye Xiqiao will look at it from time to time, and the eyes are full of fear.

She now understand why the black sword does not dare to do it!

It is not Ye Xuan, but because of this woman!

The little girl looked at the Ye Xuan, this man is a man who has a mountain!

Road, leaves mysterious old man had just looked at the sodium ring, mouth slightly off, even within this old man sodium ring and several veins universe billions.

Huge wealth!

Ye Xuan not help children looked at the side of the green, followed by blue children is good, all the way to get through customs!

Before long, the three came to an ancient city.

This city is very desolate, the walls have been covered with grass, the whole city was very dark, like a ghost town.

Then the little girl suddenly said: "Tai Yin City!

Yin Tai looked at this city, in the eyes of the little girl flashed a hint of complex, long ago, here, but very brilliant, but now it is so desolate!

At this point, I do not know what was found, the little girl eye pupil suddenly shrunk, horror and said: "Be careful!

It is different spirits!

Sound down, far from the gates of the sudden appearance of a shadow, which edged shadows holding a huge sickle, behind keep long hair, dragging on the ground.


The little girl looked at the different spirits, eyes full of fear, "which is different from the spirit of boundless universe, but, also a spirit will!

Ye Xuan looked at the little girl panic and smiled, "Do not worry, there I am!

little girl:".

Distance, that Noroi suddenly leaves slowly toward the mysterious trio walked, when he walked toward the leaf mysterious trio, whose head suddenly a huge black cloud appeared, and this turned out to be slowly toward the dark the mysterious trio leaves spread away!

The little girl gazed at those different spirits, "the different spiritual domain will die!

I did not see the patch of dark clouds? That is the legend of the dead zone, which once shrouded, was forever imprisoned within it, may not bounce back!

Ye Hyun nodded, his look unto them different spirits, "you surrender now, too late!

The little girl turned around to see the mysterious leaf, face consternation.

At that moment, different spirits suddenly turned into a blur disappear in place.

In an instant, the black cloud appeared in the top of the Ye Xuan three. At the same time, a bloody man was directly smashed to the vice of Xuanxunxuan!

Ye Xuan\'s eyes suddenly shrinks.

At this moment, he has already felt that his head seems to be flying out!

This knife is getting more than everything!

Ye Xixiang is a horror, what horror speed is this? He is not even behind!

Just when there is still a half inch of the red mouth to the Xuanluaneha - !

Suddenly, the wall in the distance is trembled, it followed, the city wall was nailed!

It is that all spirits!

At this moment, the abortion is being killed by a sword.

Ye Xuan three people head, the black cloud has disappeared without a trace, it seems that never appeared.

Next to Ye Xuan, the little girl is full of face, soon, she turned to look at the vegetarian skirt woman, "you.

Lying in the trough.

Ye Xuan: ".

The green look is calm, she looked at the little girl, "How?"

The little girl rolled down, then said: "Are you so powerful?"

Young nod, "Yes!

little girl:".

In the distance, the abortion suddenly hoarse: "You.

who is it!

The sound is full of fear!

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Ye Xuan!

Different way: "I didn\'t ask you!"

Ye Xuan expression stiff, next moment, he shook his head, "Qing, kill it!"

This person doesn\'t understand!

Qingling sleeves.


That is directly erased!

Helee: ".

The little girl looked at the Ye Xuan, did not speak.

She is obedient.

Although this man has no strong, this woman listens to this man.

At this time, the young palm was boketed, and a quite slowly floated to her hand, then she would put the quarter of the leaves.

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled, then he pulled yourself to the distance in the distance.

At this time, the little girl suddenly said: "Be careful, there is a ban!"

Her voice is just falling, and the young dozen sleeves are in the distance.


In an instant, the whole city wall collapsed directly, collapsed, and countless mysterious strange black runes, it should be said that this wave, all the ban on the whole city instantly smoke.

See this scene, the little girl sitting on the ground, "Mom Je.


After entering the city, Ye Xuan found that there is no failure in the city, not only the case, on the street, you can see some bodies in the street, some of the bodies have retained complete, but some are already a bunch of bones.

Too long time!

Ye Xuan tightly pulled the young hand, whispered; "It seems that there is a very fierce battle here!

Qingmen looked at the four weeks, the look was calm.

At this time, a horrible breath suddenly spread out from the end of the street.

Ye Xuan\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, this breath is like a breath, it is obvious, it is an abortion.

At this time, a vain appeared in front of Ye Xuan and Qing, and the vivid shadow was just talking, and a sword suddenly flew over, and the vain did not respond to it, it was directly used by the sword hole. between!


The imaginary shadow was spiked above the house!

The green palm is spread, a quite rouse flying into her in her hand, then, she will put the quarter in the hands of Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan: ".

On the side, the little girl looked at a woman, the look is quirky.

Distance, the abortion suddenly becoming; "Who are you!

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Ye Xuan!

Heart suddenly angered: "I didn\'t ask you!"

Qingyan is smashed, and the sleeves are loud.


The abortion is directly erased.

The little girl looked at the Ye Xuan, silence.

Qingre suddenly pulled Ye Xuan and walked in the distance. Not long, the young brought Ye Xuan came to a square, on the square, there was a huge stone column, and a middle-aged man in the top of the stone column.

See this middle-aged man, the little girl on the side suddenly trembled: "The family is long.

Emperor is long!

Ye Xuan looked at the Emperor\'s ethnicity, he had to say that this family is very long, and it is so many years of hanging!

It seems that the mysterious force against the boundless universe is not general.

At this time, the Emperor Yanyu is slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes fell directly on Ye Xuan, "The king of the family!

Leaf Xuan nod.

After the Emperor Yanyu is a moment, he said: "The family is successive!

At this time, the little girl on the side suddenly said; "Is there a long family?"

hope? The Emperor Yanyian is long, and she has smiled and smiled.

I have no hope!

The little girl quickly pointed at the Ye Xuan, "The family is long, let him do the family, he is the king of my emperor, I have hope!

She is understanding!

Although Ye Xuan is not particularly powerful, it is true that Ye Xuan is really fierce!

I heard the words, the emperor\'s long-term look, he hesitated, just talking, the little girl is busy: "The family is long, don\'t look at him, look at this sister!

Ye Xuan Master face black line.

When I heard the little girl, the Emperor\'s ethnicity came to see the woman, looking at the woman, the Emperor\'s ethnicity was browned, because he looked in an inexpressive skirt.

At this time, the little girl suddenly said: "The family is long, you don\'t have some much!

Anyway, my emperor is now this, there is no loss!

You will make this little brother as a family!

The emperor is a little hesitant.

Although the emperor is going to go, but how much is a little bit of home, it will be given to a person who is not a native, he is naturally unassay.

See the Emperor Yin clan hesitation, the little girl almost worried to death!

The little girl quickly said: "The patriarch, miss this village can no this shop!

At this point, that under the pillars suddenly creeping up, and soon, a virtual shadow floating up.

Yin Ling!

And the Yin Ling, eyebrows entangled with a purple ribbon, sickle in his hand is red golden.

Yin Ling to see this little girl face suddenly changed to one, she went directly to the leaves mysterious side, but seems to think, she ran to the young child beside him.

Ye Xuan: ".

The little girl Chen Sheng said: "This is a senior spiritual will, the strength is very very scary!

Among her voice, full of horror.

The year that war, she would have seen that senior spiritual terror, a senior post in the Spirit into the family of a female emperor, direct crazy massacre Emperor Yin family.

That massacre!

That scene, directly became her nightmare.

Young children look to the little girl, young children seem to see the little girl hesitated, then said: "Sister.

This was amazing, you have to be careful!

Green children nodded, "Good!

Ye Xuan: ".

The distance that the High Spirit will suddenly hoarse: "The Emperor Yin family to become king?"

Then he leaves to look mysterious, "Are you sure?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "OK!

Senior Spirit will laugh loudly, "Why do you?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then pull up the hands of the young children, "Relying on my sister!

The senior spirit will turn to you, when you see the sidewalk sword that is suspended from the youth, "Women, come, I will let you three swords!

Ye Xuan: ".
