One Sword Reigns Supreme

2416 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and forty-three chapters: big flag!

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People Wang Shengying\'s recognition!

Have to say, Ye Xuan is in some of the people who have been in the ethnic group of people!

After seeing the people of Wang Shengying, the old man floated with a smile of a deep face.

When Ye Xuan looked at the old man, the old look was back to normal, "Xiaoyou, how do you feel?"

Ye Xuan silent.

how are you feeling? Intuitive telling him that he was pit!

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "Seniors, you said that after becoming the king of the people, can you transfer a mysterious troops?"

The old man nodded, "Yes!

Ye Xuanzhi, "How to mobilize?"

The old man laughed; "Let\'s go again, you will know!

Ye Xuan silent.

The old man looked up at the distance, then smiled: "Little friends, give you a benefit!

Said, he is facing the palm of his hand, and the man is flying to him.

Looking at the people in the hand, the old man flashed a complex, whispered: "Little friends, this man is so powerful, but it is really good to be kind!

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan, and his hands were directly cultivated as a white light.


Ye Xuan double-eyed, in the eyes, two white lights out, in an instant, heaven and earth shocked!

At this moment, in this mysterious world, countless monster went to the eye in the eyes of Ye Xuan.

At this moment, the entire five senses of Ye Xuan suddenly distorted, in his brain, countless pictures such as electric light rocks are generally flashing in his mind!

This is a picture from the era of the era!

Among these pictures, he saw another family other than the raft, but these pictures were zero.

After a long time, Ye Xuan god gradually returned to normal, he looked at the old, "people!

The old man nodded, "That is a tragic era!

Ye Xuan silent.

From those pictures, he already knows that this old man is dead, not only this old, all the sages of the people have warned.

In addition to the people, there are other races.

Ye Xuan Shen voice: "What is your disaster in the past?"

After the old man is silent, shook his head, not.

Ye Xuan speaking.

The old man suddenly stopped. He looked not far away, where there was a deep mountain, there were twelve statues. This twelve statue is up to 10,000, which is handheld a gun, arrogant world.

The old man whispered: "The 12th St.!

These twelve people are all my people!

At the beginning, there were one hundred and sixty-seven, and now, only twelve people left, they will continue to guard the people, let themselves sleep in the statue, to call the people to be called!

Ye Xuan looked at the twelve statues, "I can wake them now, right?"

The old man nodded, "Yes, but I don\'t recommend you wake up now!

Ye Xuan looks to the old man, "Why?"

The old man laughed: "They can be as yours!

Ye Xuan silent.

At this time, the old palm pauses, a quite slow down to the Ye Xuan face, "this is a family treasure treasure left by the family, now I will handle it!

Ye Xuan looked at the quenteen, next moment, he quickly took the quite ring, then said: \'The seniors are relieved, I will definitely pick up the banner of people, as a family, and the people do not let!

\'The old man smiles, laughs and sways the horizon.

Gradually, the old man is unlikely!

Ye Xuan Shen Shu: "Seniors, you have to disappear completely!"

Can you tell me, why do you want to choose me? "

After the old man is silent, he said: "We defeated this year, this time, we still don\'t win!

So, I choose to find foreign aid!

Ye Xuan has some intake, "foreign aid?"

The old man looks to Ye Xuan, smiled: "Yes!

You are the foreign aid of my family.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "I am not very strong!

The old man laughs like an old fox, "You are not very strong, but you are strong behind you, you are the king of the people, you will stand the team of people, this time this time, when it is completely rising.

Ye Xuan silent.

Like him, the other party is to look at the people and forces behind him!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan Shen said: "Does the owner of the avenue not help you?"

The old man shook his head, "he is over everything!

Ye Xuan still wants to say anything, the old man said: "Little friends, the people, please!"

After finishing, he is getting smog.

Hyun leaves after a brief pause, a slight ceremony, "the older generation, you.

The old man smiled and said: "But they must give up some dismay, All good things banquet, we?.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I mean, you have nothing left for me?"

Old man face froze, the next moment, he leaves mysterious stare, "No!

Then he directly disappear.

Ye Xuan: ".

At this time, leaves from Boulevard pen voice suddenly sounded mysterious brain, "Congratulations!

Ye Xuan withdraw thoughts, he looked around, and then said: "? Small pen, you do understand this person race era"

Avenue Pen said: "know that!

Xuan Ye Chen Sheng said: "They, in the end suffered what?"

Boulevard pen silence.

Ye Xuan frowned up, then, Boulevard pen quickly said; "Things that time, I only know about a specific thing, I do not know.

I only know that after that war, the owner intervened!

Ye Xuan Wei Zhou brow, "You\'re the owner intervened?"

Road pen Chen Sheng said: "Yes, if the owner intervention, I tell you, this existing universe and all creatures boundless universe will disappear.

Xuan said leaf: "You\'re a little detail!

Road pen whispered Yi Tan, "not not tell you, but I know that\'s not much indeed.

All I know is, when the families of defeat, the other almost immediate destruction of the entire existing universe and the boundless universe.

Small tower suddenly said: "No, ah!

Broken pen, as far as I know, your master is the source of all because of all fruit, all available with all unprecedented, all he controlled.

The avenue strokes suddenly interrupts the small tower, "Who is this tells you!

Xiao Tower said: "No one told me, I know yourself!

Avenue Pen: "Tell the truth!

After the small tower is silent, he said: "I have heard the sister of the heart!

After the avenue pen is silent, it is sighful.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "All because of the source of all fruits? Do you can talk about it in detail?"

The avenue pen silence: "When you reach the level of the predecessors, you will know what the owner belongs to something!

Now talk to you, you can\'t understand.

As for this era, I can only tell you that when one is separated from the control, there is only one explanation, and there is a super horror, just like your sister, there is only this level. The super anti-day can make the owner\'s handless.

Wen said, Ye Xuan double eyes, "You said, is there anyone more than the shoulder three sword?"

Avenue pit: "I don\'t know, many times, some special people, he is not particularly strong, but the identity is extremely special, the owner is not allowed to be the other!

Ye Xuan said: "What?"

The avenue pentagon: "For example!

Although your strength is the same as the chicken, the owner is not you!

Ye Xuan expression stiff.

The avenue pen continues to say: "No matter what, it is very horrible to make the owner who have no helper, definitely very horrible!"

The other party either as special as you, or it\'s your own cattle!

And now, you take the people of the people, it means that your causal has been completed, as for the future.

I do not know either!

Because I can\'t detect your future.

Ye Xuan silent.

The small tower suddenly passed: "Less Lord, don\'t worry, feelings of my sister, forever!

Ye Xuan: ".

After a while, Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts. He was very open, and the old man gave him the quince of his hands. In addition, there were nearly three billion fertilies. In addition, there are more than 100 million special spirit. The special spiritual spirit of this billion billion is far super.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "" Who of this kind of spiritual pulse? "

The avenue: "" A very rare spirit, a very rare spirit, the subtle cultivator must use the spiritual pulse, very precious, you can stay!

Ye Xuanmoo nodded, his mouth is slight, his Ye Xuan is finally no longer poor!

I don\'t know if I am wealth now, I can meet Qin Guan, I can meet next time, I can be more than one.

In this quie, there is still a thousand two thousand pair of battles, and Ye Xuanzi is quantified. These tattoo will be unfaith gold, hard and unparalleled.

Ye Xuan has tested it with Qing Xuanjian. He found that Qingxuan swords can break these armor, but in addition to Qing Xuan Jian, he uses normal swords, but it is difficult to hurt these wars!

These dragons are not as good as the two-day battle, but it is the most popular in the Baojia who has ever seen, and the armor has been able to take the outside of the gods. Divided.

In addition to these wars, he found that there were hundreds of thousands of people, and thousands of old books, these ancient books were all left in the Times of the Times, which recorded the entire people\'s most embarrassing civilization.

These ancient books are the most precious!

Because of its inner, there are many practices, he looked at it, and then found that these cultivation of these cultivation was higher than the martial arts civilization he was in touch.

In addition, there are some special artifacts, and there are 10,000 pieces. Of course, these artifacts are less than small towns and Qingxuan swords, but they will put them outside, which is definitely the top existence!

Ye Xuan looked at this quencher, really feel like dreaming!

After coming to this place, I actually became the king of the people, but also inherited such a big human heritage!


Every day may have a surprise!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Don\'t there be a thousand people? Can you tell me the inheritance of other people? I can go shopping!

I think, with my strength, the big flag of the people, I really want to quaint, I want to pick up the whole national flag!

Avenue pen: ".


PS: Outbreak in advance.