One Sword Reigns Supreme

2413 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and forty chapters: she went!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

explain? how to explain? Ye Xuan speaking.

At this time, then the main riddhes: "Can you explain? You are a illegitimate child!

Ye Xuan low sigh, "The line, you said anything!"

Laozi does not explain!

Okay? "

Loosing a laughter, "If you think about you, I want to fool the old husband? It\'s a ridiculous!

Ye Xuan: ".

At this time, the top master suddenly angered, "come!

The sound came down, and the time and space surrounded suddenly, the next moment, more than a dozen mysterious struggles appeared in the field, more than a dozen people, all the hand-held long swords, with a strange breath.

Lord looks at Ye Xuan, face, "Kill this person, what is wrong, I am worried!

Everyone does not dare!

Are you worried? I am afraid that I can\'t afford it!

Everyone in the field is not a stupid man. Although Ye Xuan is not a surname, Ye Xuan\'s madness is true.

Obviously, this is a genuine little master.

Who dares to kill? After killing, can anyone take this consequence? Seeing everyone, the old brows, the face is very ugly, "You don\'t show up, will he let you let you? You.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Will!

I heard the words, everyone looked to Ye Xuan, Ye Xi Xiao: "Now abandoned the smell, I am not in!"

"Less Lord!

At this time, a middle-aged man directly rushed to the Ye Xuan\'s face, his legs were soft, and they directly poured in front of Ye Xuan, "Less Lord!

Below, willing to abandon the dark betting!

This person is the previous ventilation Qiu Ji!

He has been waiting, waiting for an opportunity to abandon DD, now this opportunity is finally here!

Follow the top of them? This is obviously not good!

Even if Ye Xuan is illegitimate, it is definitely not what they can kill them!

And, intuition tells him that this less than the private child!

This little master, the gods of the gods, horror, if they are illegitimate, can you have these gods? This may be that the sword is in stock!

What does stocking represent? That represents the cultivation!

What do you cultivate? It is definitely inherited the family!

Of course, the main reason is still, this less main strength in front of you!

At this time, some of the world strong people quickly ran to Ye Xuan face.

In just a short time, there will be more than one hundred in the world, and it is willing to abandon the dark.

Seeing this scene, it became difficult to look at the main face.

He didn\'t think that these people turned directly!

In fact, these people are not idiot, if they are stupid, they will not go to this point.

Now Ye Xuan is a son of the sword owner, and the strength is so horrible. Who is dare? Most importantly, Ye Xuan is willing to give them a chance!

Follow the Lord, that is the rebellion, follow the little master, that is the loyalty.

In the field, more and more people have fallen in front of Ye Xuan, not long, except for the top ten people brought by the owner, the rest have already fallen in front of Ye Xuan.

The sky, the Lord is cold and looked at the Ye Xuan, the body gradually became illusively.

He didn\'t choose to do it!

At this time, he chooses to do it, but it is not allowed to Ye Xuan!

Lord stared at Ye Xuan, "You will die!

After finishing, he and everyone will disappear directly!

Below, the Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, facing this level of power, the other party is not hitting, he is not allowed to do it!

At this time, the Qingqiu on the side suddenly said: "Brother, I am busy, you deal with these people!"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Good!

The Qingqi is sweet and then turned around.

On the other side, the chapter has made a look at the Qingqiu, the eyelids are jumped, sweating DC!

She went!

She jumped away!

He knows, there is no Lord!


Among the time and space delivery channels, the last one is crazy to shuttle, he must hurry back to Xuange, let the people above, otherwise, this Ye Xuan will be getting bigger and bigger!

At this moment, a sword light suddenly appeared in front of them!

God and others stopped now!

Not far away, there is a little girl!

Come, is Qingqiu!

I saw Qingqiu, I\'m going to the main eyebrow, "is you!

He just saw a green hill, he felt the green hill is not simple, but does not think much.

Green hill watching the Lord, "No one can threaten after my brother still able to live!

Sound down, she suddenly disappeared in the place!

On the main eye pupil suddenly shrunk, the next moment, he was about to shot, and this time, there have been green hill not far behind them.

Cheonggu deadpan, "hurt my brother, although much will punish!

Then she disappeared in the distance.

Behind, that the Lord, who dropped his head suddenly shouted, as the blood column.

Sword spike!


Big World.

The city gate, watching the leaves mysterious world of those kneeling strong, look calm, "Get up!

Heard this, the crowd quickly got up, gingerly.

Ye Xuan laughed: "Take it easy, I will not settle scores!

Heard this, the crowd suddenly look as one song.

At this time, leaves mysterious look to the side of the chapter, "now, you are in the world community of God!

Heard, shocked the chapter, the next moment, he quickly said: "Little Lord, my strength is not enough for me.

Ye Xuan laughed: "Strength is not enough, there is no relationship, so you do the world community after God, part of the resources a priority focus for you!

Chapter make ecstasy, hastened to one knee, "Xie little master!

Field, everyone is so cast envious eyes to the chapter.

He became the main in the world!

As the Lord of the Central World, the resource enjoyed, it is impossible to imagine, although the chapter makes it just the second weight, but with these resources, chapters make the future are unlimited.

Many times, hard work is worse than hugging your thighs.

At this time, Ye Xuan also looked at the world strong, "At this moment, you can listen to the command.

Everyone quickly went to respect each other and said: "Follow!

Ye Xuan turned his head to see the president of the Xianbao Pavilion, see Ye Xuan\'s view, and everyone quickly respectfully.

Ye Xuan said: "What do you want?"

He knows that these guys are not lack of money!

Of course, there is no money to pay!

The headed Lan Qing hesitated, then said: "Ye Shao, I can\'t wait for money, but.

Ye Xuan Xiao: "Right?"

Lan Qing is busy nod.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "How many universe is it under the Central World of Yang?"

Zhang Mi Road: "There are hundreds!

Ye Xuan nod, "these hundred universe, you can open a branch, if this hundreds of universe have a branch, you can open, all the borders you open, I will help and cooperate with each other!

Said, he suddenly said, and said: "When I see Qin Guan girl, what do you want me to say?"

Wen Yan, Lan Qing excited: "I will wonder the home prize!"

They know that Ye Xuan Mao has no one, looking for him to reward? He doesn\'t look for yourself and others want money, thank you!

So, they never thought of looking for Ye Xuan to reward, because this guy is poor than they!

But Qin Guan is not the same!

Ye Xuan looked at a few people, then said: "I will ask you for you, this.


Said, he blinked, "Do you understand?"

Lan Qing is in the heart, and then quickly; "understand!


I have a reward, I will wait naturally not forget Ye Leya!

Ye Xuan nodded, "is a person, saying these too many people!

See you!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Next to the Lan Zheng, a president hesitated, then said: "When he is, he or not?"

The Lanka has no expression. "Don\'t ask this question!

Ok? "

After finishing, he turned and left.

Everyone: ".


After Ye Xuan entered the city, he came directly to the city mainfate, he found a room and then sat down.

At this time, the avenue pen suddenly said; "Your belief.

Ye Xuan brows, he wrinkled, his palm became open, and the swords in the world poured out of his palm. He found that his people\'s swords became stronger.

The avenue pen silen: "Your belief is getting stronger and stronger!

Ye Xuan said: "Is it a good thing?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "Not completely!

Ye Xuan is a little surprised, "How do you say?"

The avenue pen silently said: "Your belief is too fast, no precipitation, I think you need to precipitate now.

Ye Xuan silent.

The avenue pen is also said: "Also, you should study the \'people\' words of the six characters, this word contains the humanity, the mystery is endless, you really eat, plus your people\'s sword, you will become scary.

Ye Xuanjiaxe is spread, and Qing Xuanjian appeared in his hands. He looked at the word. After a while, he said: "Little pen, I have listened to you, this person is a holy sex, this What is the people, which place? Those sages, how much? "

After the avenue pen is silent, I said: "I can\'t tell you!"

Ye Xuan brows, "why?"

The avenue pen smiles, "this involves some of the owners.

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "Can you tell me, how much is your master?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "Anyway, no matter whether the existing universe is still boundless, no one dares to kill him!

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, "I don\'t dare you."

The avenue is in the road: "She dares, but if my owner is not there, everything is going.

Ye Xuan silent.

The avenue pen also said: "My hostess is in a very special world, only the world people can really threaten him.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Galaxy?"

The avenue is: "Yes, no!"

Ye Xuan expression stiff.

The small tower suddenly passed: "Can you don\'t sell Guan Chi?"

The avenue pen is sigh, "Break Tower, I ask you more books, communicate with you there is no culture, I have become a spray.

Really, as long as you talk, I want to spray you, you are really toxic!

Ye Xuan: ".

Tower: ".
