One Sword Reigns Supreme

2386 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and seventy-three chapters: God!

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Zong Bai looked at Ye Xuan, the lookup of the look.

She didn\'t think that this Ya Xuan chatted with this powerful woman, this is so solved!

This is just outlined!

This man, this mouth is terrible than his strength, if the clan continues to be against this Ye Xuan, it is definitely not far away!

She has secretly decided that after going out, she must stop the clan from continuing to Ye Xuan no matter.

I saw everyone saved, and Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Thank you!

The woman looked at Ye Xuan, "I put them, are you helping me?"

Ye Xuan expression stiff.

Sure enough, things are still not so simple!

The rivers and lakes are complicated!

Women said: "Don\'t you want?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The girl said!

The woman nodded. "I think you will talk to this, this way, you will take me, go to my sister, how do you think?"

Ye Xuan: ".

The woman looked at Ye Xuan, "Is there a problem?"

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "This.

I have never done this kind of thing!

The woman is serious: "I believe you!"

Ye Xuan speaking.

Persuade people? What is this? The woman just looked at Ye Xuan and didn\'t talk.

Ye Xuan couldn\'t stand the opponent, shook his head smile, "Okay, I try, but I don\'t dare to be able to succeed!

Women nod, "Y!

Ye Xuan asked, "Will it now?"

The woman nodded slightly, "Yes!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then turn to the white side, Zong Bai silent after a moment, said: "Ye Gongzi, then we should be each other!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Do you want to return?"

Zong Bai nodded, "I have to go back, become a party for the clan!

She knows that she wants to save the people, only one way, that is, becoming the tribalist of the clan, otherwise, once the clan is going to provoke the Xuan Xuan, the clan is gone!

Ye Xuan nod, "Okay!

Said, he looked at it again to Sima, and then quickly said: "I am willing to follow Ye!"

On the knife mountain, the fire sea, do not say goodbye!

Sima looked at it, and also quickly said: "I am willing!"

Ye Shao, you will be my big brother, you call me who I will do!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, "Then you have to go to the gods of the gods in front of the gods, and a small guy named Qingqiu will receive you.

Also deeply a gift, "Follow!

Sima noodles, "Good!

Ye Xuan also looked at the Su Xiao, the latter hesitated, then said: "I am going to your college, can you?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Y!

Su Xiaoxue looked at the Ye Xuan, "Thank you!

Ye Xuan smiled, "You\'re welcome!

After finishing, he turned to see the woman next to him, "Girl, let\'s go!

The woman nodded directly, grabbed the leaves of the black spot, the next moment, the two were instantly tearing time and space, disappearing directly in the same place.


After the white silence, he turned and left.

The rest of the people are also left!

After a while, the whole fall of the whole fall begins to be crazy.


Ye Xuan did not think that many people in this fall are willing to follow the first-class books, after all, they have been trapped for so many years, and everything has been turned into dust, for them, now, now The most important thing is to find a new hatch.

Obviously, this viewing of the school is a very good choice.

Not long after, the strong people of the whole fallen city got up and went to the school!


Among the time and space tunnel, Ye Xuan and the woman shuttle time and space.

Speed ​​is very fast!

It\'s a bit can\'t live, but he still didn\'t sacrifice the armor, but chose hard!

Ye Xuan looked at the black skirt, the woman\'s look was calm, and there was no different strange!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What is the girl call?"

Black skirt woman said: "Wen people!

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "Wen people?"

Woman nodding black skirt.

Ye Xuan nodded and did not speak again.

Wen people turned to look at Ye Xuan, "Do you hear people?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "no!

I watched Ye Xuan and didn\'t talk.

Ye Xuan bitter, "Really!

I nodded, "I believe you!

Said, she got an eye of Ye Xuan, then said: "You are not weak, and there is a big road pen, the origin should not be simple, why didn\'t I listen to the people?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then laugh: "Maybe because the strength is not enough, you can\'t get some circle!

After the people, the people silent, said: "What you said is reasonable, but intuition tells me, you are not easy to come!

Ye Xuan smiled, "We don\'t entangle this problem!

Wen people nodded.

Ye Xuan said: "Can you talk about your sister and the wood?"

I went to my face, "My sister is under the lower bound, then I encountered this man, this man went to the exam, I met on the road, my sister is a good heart, but she didn\'t think of it, this Save, give her himself!

Ye Xuan said: "She fell in love with the wood?"

I nodded, "The man will spend a skill!

Said, she looked at the Ye Xuan, "Just like you!


Ye Xuanlian is busy: "The girl, you can\'t talk, don\'t you have a born? When will I spend a skill?"

Wen people are calm, "I guess!

Ye Xuan expression stiff.

I said that I said: "Readers, there is no good thing.

Ye Xuan: ".

Wen people looked up and looked at the distance: "My sister is in the heart, even if he is not married, but unfortunately, I really fed the dog!"

After this man, after the bird\'s champion, it was actually in the dynasty and another woman.

Said, her eyes flashed a shot, and the right hand watches.


The starry sky on the right is directly annihilated!

See this scene, Ye Xiyutei, this mother is not generally fierce!

Wen people suddenly turned to look at Ye Xuan, "You are also a reading person!

Leaf Xuan nod.

I watched Ye Xuan and didn\'t talk.

The atmosphere is somewhat is wrong!

Ye Xuan smiled, "I am not only a reading person, or a person who writes a book!

After saying, he is the palm of your hand, a "Shenxia Code" floating in front of the people, "This is what I have written!

Tower: ".

The avenue pen suddenly can\'t help but said: "Grass!

After the people, I took the Code of God, and she looked at the moment, then looked at Ye Xuan. "Do you write?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

I nodded slightly, "I can\'t afford!

Said, she will return the "Shendao Code" to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Readers, there is also good, I am a good one!

Wen people looked at the avenue pen between Ye Xuan waists, "you.

How did you get? "

Ye Xuan smiled: "Maybe it is because of personality charm!

The Milky Way, some rooms, sudden sound suddenly, "my grass!

My grass!

Ah, ah, ah.

Soon, there was a roaring in the room.


Among the time and space tunnels, I watched Ye Xuan, I didn\'t talk, as if I want to look at him!

Ye Xi Xiao said: "But there is flower on my face?"

Wen people shake your head, "No!

Your person, speaking seems to be very sincere, but intuition tells me, your person is not too strong, is my intuition? "

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "I don\'t figure it out, is it necessary to lie to you?"

Wen people shake their heads, "Don\'t pull this!

I hope that you can say my sister and let her put down his heart.

Ye Xuan nod, "I try to flicker.

Oh, I tried to persuade!

I nodded, no longer said.

The two speeds are accelerated.

After a while, a white light appeared in the distance, soon, the two directly disappeared in the same place.


When Ye Xuan opened his eyes, he was already in front of a magnificent hall.

The whole hall is dark, Chinese is incomparable, giving people very uncomfortable feelings!

Ye Xuan looked up to the main hall, there are two big characters above: God prison.

Ye Xuan is watching the people, "Is this?"

Wen people are calm, "the god, I went to the people of the people to detained by the people.

Said, she took Ye Xuan and walked towards the main hall.

Ye Xuan glanced for four weeks, very fast, his eyes got up, he felt countless to powerful breath!

Every breath is the ancestral world!


Ye Xuan stunned.

Did the ancestors gone as a dog? Ye Xuan Shen said: "Brother, are you arranged again? I didn\'t get it, and you will give me a map!

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "Anyway, you have a girl, what are you afraid?"

Ye Xuan: ".

At this time, a man appeared in front of him, men slightly, "Miss"!

Wen people are calm, "I want to go in!

The man hesitated, it was very difficult.

Those who stared at the man and didn\'t talk.

Men smile, "Miss, you please!

I nodded, turned to look into Ye Xuan, "Go!

See the shape, the man\'s face changed, and quickly said: "Miss Second, this outsider is unable to enter.

I watched the man, "I have some son?"

The man was stunned, then said: "No!

Wen people nodded, "Who do you think of you?"

The man is first, then the face is frank!

Lying in the trough!

Is the next family is not you? Thinking of this, the man is so cold, he quickly said: "You please!

I haven\'t seen anything!

After finishing, he retreated directly.

Ye Xuan looked at him, he did not speak.

I didn\'t have a expression of people, I took Ye Xuan into the main hall, just entered the main hall, a roaring with a horrible roar suddenly resounded to the deep, "madness blood.

This is a mad blood.

You are not the sword sword, who are you.


Who is it?

The sound is full of fear and incompatibility.


PS: Looking for a class to play the screw!

Ask for a good factory!