One Sword Reigns Supreme

2384 Swords in the second thousand three hundred and seventy-one chapter: Ye Shao, you will be free!

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Ye Xuanqi is calm, "brother, do you see this city? If we saved this city, in our concern, it is a good merit!

He is right, it is going to pull this avenue in the water!

The avenue pen is sigh, "Ye Xuan, I have said many times with you, all the things are all from the law, we should not intervene.

If you want to intervene, it is your business, but I can\'t, because I am an executor of the rules, if I intervene, the whole world will mess!

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, "Do you determine that it is not intervened?"

The avenue pen hesitated, then said: "What do you want to do!

For this leaves, it is really a bit of egg pain.

Can\'t fight, you can\'t, and this guy is too much to engage in things, it really makes it a headache!

Ye Xuan laughed, just talking, just at this time, the small tower suddenly said; "Little Lord, what do you find this? This is not used, directly let the sister who kisseed it!

The avenue pen sink: "Break Tower, don\'t engage in things!"

The small tower is soaked, "Broken Pen, now you haven\'t understood a problem, is it that the little master really needs you to help? The little master is not forced than you? The little girl is not forced than you? Big brother is not forced than you? They are all forced by you, but the little master is still looking for you, do you know why? "

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "Why?"

The little tower is calm: "I don\'t know!"


The avenue pen directly angered: "Do you have toxic?"

The small tower whispered sigh, "It is no wonder that you will be hit by the sister of myself, I will ask you, are you really willing to do a pen in this life? Is there any dream?"

The avenue pen calm: "What dream?"

Xiao Tower said: "Follow the little sign, invincible!

The avenue is a pass: "My master is very powerful!

The small tower asked, "Is there a destiny sister?"

Avenue pen: ".

Xiaopa Road: "Little Lord, don\'t find this hanging!"

We are we do, you and I join hands, this world, half is three swords, half is our!

Ye Xuan Master face black line.

At this time, he hesitated first, then said: "Ye Gongzi?"

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts and laughed: "Can I take me to see the prisoner?"

It is also nodded first, "Yes!

Ye Gongzi came!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Ye Xuan three followed him to go far away.

All the way, Ye Xuan saw many pale people, these people, very strange, you said they are dead, their souls are all in the flesh, but you said that they didn\'t die, they look very abnormal!

Soon, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled because he found that these people\'s life is extremely, and there is a mysterious force in the body. The power is constantly eroding their birthday and the soul.

At this time, I also suddenly suddenly said: "The law of curse, extremely vicious curse, the man not only imprisoned us, but also gave us a very vicious curse method, every month, our flesh and the soul will suffer A mysterious strength of anticogenation.

This power is backlit.

Speaking of this, he shaken his head, flashing in his eyes!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Wait!

After finishing, he stopped.

I also turned to look at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan walked to him, his palm became open, and then gently printed on the chest, the next moment, and the body was directly dramatically trembled, followed, a horrible force suddenly Since the body, you will have it.


Ye Xuan\'s eyes suddenly shrinks. He slammed his right hand, and a horrible blood of the blood came from his palm. At the same time, there were chaotic black fire.

The power of the stock just came out of his blood and chaotic black fire package!


Suddenly, the body was first trembled, and a horrible force was constantly emerging.

Ye Xuan\'s eyes are slightly smashed, and the blood in the body is crazy.


Just then, I also screamed first, and his five senses were directly distorted.

Flashing in the eyes of Ye Xi, "Town!

The sound fell, he fierce his right hand, and a horrible blood pulse was swept.

At this time, a horrible force has also suddenly burst into a horror!


As a fried sound, Ye Xuan directly retreat to hundreds of fees, and the mysterious power is like a tide, it is always in the body, followed by, and then the body is soft, directly down to the ground, Under the rain, the body was crazy.

In the distance, Ye Xuan gods are not comparative, he looked at his right hand, his right hand has completely crackled, he did not urge two Tang armor!

Ye Xuan is also in the distance. He didn\'t think that his blood was not able to extract the chaotic black fire.

Good life is terrible!

At this time, then laughed first: "Ye Gongzi, no use!"

Ye Xuan appeared in front of it, Shen Sheng: "Sorry!

Also moved slightly, "This may be my life!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "You are willing to try it again?"

I also shook my head first. "Now no, now my body is already getting off, I can\'t bear the kind of power, I have to.

I have to take a break!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Then take me to see the people who are prison!

Also nod, slowly get up, then said: "Ye Gongzi came!

Everyone will continue to go in the distance.

At this moment, a laughter suddenly came from the far away, heard this big laughter, and the face was instantly changed, and an old man appeared in front of everyone.

Su Xiaoxue is busy: "Sima Ghost!

Sima looked at the weak, laughing, "also first, you actually make yourself so weak, really help me, haha.

Said, he will shoot, and at this time, he also has a big change, and quickly go to the Xuanqi, "Sima, Ye Gongzi is here, you can don\'t mess!

Ye Gongzi!

Sima\'s brow wrinkled, he looked to Ye Xuan, when he saw Ye Xuan, he flashed in his eyes, "You are the blood, the best!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Do you want to swallow?"

Wen Yan, Sima.

I suddenly appeared a hot alert, he looked at Ye Xuan, "You are active!

Leaf Xuan nod.

Sima died, staring at Ye Xuan, "Who are you!

Ye Xuanjiao is spread, an ancient book appears in his hand, he smiled slightly, "Watch the Dean of Xuan Academy, Ye Xuan!

Sima shook his head, "I haven\'t heard it!

Ye Xuan; "

Sima looked at Ye Xuan, then pointed to the first. "This is my grievance, you don\'t intervene!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "You can\'t kill him!

Sima immediately angry the Ye Xuan, "You are a few!

The Qing Xuanjian between Ye Xuan waist suddenly flew out, this sword, holding a horrible human sword!

When Qing Xuanjian flew out, Sima\'s face was turned into a moment, and his arms were slammed forward.


Sima was directly retired from this sword, and he just stopped, and his arms were directly cleared, blood sputtering.

When I saw this, the word of the side suddenly turned a wipe, her heart was shocked, she knew that Ye Xuan\'s strength is very strong, but I don\'t know that Ye Xuan\'s strength is so strong!

You know, this Sima can be a ancestral spirit!

However, such a sense of ancestors were hurt by Ye Xuan Yijian.

so horrible!

Sima deadly staring at Ye Xuan, "You are a sword!

Ye Xuan nod, his palm is spread, and the Qing Xuan sword is trembled. At the same time, the sword in the world is swept in his body, in a moment, a horrible sword is directly in the field.

Seeing this scene, Sima\'s face was changing, he quickly said: "Talk, we can talk!"

Ye Xuan: ".

At this time, the small tower suddenly said: "Strange.

Now the enemy is not dead!

Ye Xuan looked at Sima, "Talk?"

Sima quickly nodded, "I am willing to talk!

In fact, I am also a reading person!

Said, he is a palm to spread, an ancient book appears in his hands, he looked at Ye Xuan, and he cares about it: "It is a reading person, you should solve things by reading people!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then nod, "you are right!

Let\'s talk about it!

I heard the words, Sima\'s heart was a loose, he looked at the Ye Xuan, the heart was dark: this kid is very fooled!

Distance, Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Sima Ghost King, do you know why me?"

Sima hesitated, shook his head, "I don\'t know!

Ye Xuan refers to the avenue of the waist, "I recognize this thing?"

Sima looked at the avenue pen, Shen Sheng said: "Avenue pen!

At this moment, there was a lot of dignity in his eyes.

Ye Xuan nod, "avenue pen.

Do you know what I am doing? "

Avenue pen: ".

Sima shook his head, "I don\'t know!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Stupid!

I am from the avenue!

Come here today, in order to save you!

Wen said, Sima said, then said: "Save us?"

Ye Xuan nod, "the avenue pen knows that you are suffering here, so I specially sent me to save you.

Sima is skeptical, "As far as I know, the avenue pen this guy doesn\'t seem to be so good."

Ye Xuan laughed: "It\'s really a big road pen to let me save you!"

You mix with me!

Also first: ".

Sima looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Do you not believe?"

Sima noodles.

Ye Xuan laughed, then said: "Do you think I will have a big road?"

After Sima silent, he said: "Are you really ordered to save us?"

Ye Xuan nod, Zhengqi: "Thousands of true!"

Sima looked at Ye Xuan double eyes, "You dare to swear!

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "Dare!

I certainly dare!

At this time, the avenue pen suddenly said: "You don\'t swear, this vow is binding, you.

The small tower suddenly said: "He has a girl!

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "Ye Shao, you will be!


PS: What about your ticket? ? ? Give one!

I am too pitiful!