One Sword Reigns Supreme

2360 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and forty-seventh chapter: a bit poor!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Kill the mysterious? Xuantian thought that he was wrong, when I quickly asked, "kill the mysteria?"

Zhu Shi nodded, "it is!

Not only kills Ye Xuan, but it is covered with Xianbaoge!

Xuantian silence.

What I want to say, Xuantian suddenly said: "I think!"

Zhu Shi slightly, then said: "Think?"

Totaltime, then turn around.

Inside the temple, Zhu Shi and Qin ancient face looked at each other.


After Xuan Tian left the hall, he went straight to the fairy Pavilion.

Xianbaoge door, Xuan Tian hugged his boxing, "Xiao Preshang, please inform Ye Shao, say that I have to report, very important things!"

Xiao Yan looked at Xuan Tian and turned around.

After a while, Xiao Yan continued to be in front of Xuan Tian, ​​"Go in!

Xiao Lang is busy: "Thank you!"

After finishing, he disappeared in the same place.

In the starry sky, Xuan Tian came to Ye Xuan face, he gave a deep gift in Ye Xuan, "Ye Ye, I want to report!

Ye Xuan see Xuan Tian, ​​some surprises, "Report?"

Xuantian nodded, and quickly said that the Qin and Zhu were looking for him.

After the finishes, Xuan Tian carefully looked at Ye Xuan, and he was also awkward at this moment.

After Ye Xuan silently, he looked to Xuantian. "Why don\'t you promise them?"

Xuan Tian\'s face change, and quickly respect and respect, "Don\'t dare!

Don\'t dare!

Ye Xuan smiled: "You don\'t have to be so nervous, in fact, you can promise them!"

Xuan Tian stunned, and then hesitated, said: "Ye Shao is to make me internal?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Xuantian immediately said; "understand!

Said, he quietly retired.

Ye Xuan light voice: "Qin ancient!

At this time, the two old people suddenly suddenly appeared in the field, and the two old people greeted with Ye Xuanmi, and then quietly disappeared.

East Factory God!

These two are hidden in the dark and protect his safety at any time.

At this moment, Xianbao City has been highly alert, and the strong people of Xianbaoge have come back.

Xiao Wei is still worried about the husband, since the other party dares to Ye Xuan and Xianbaoge, it must be very powerful, they have to be cautious!

In the stars, Ye Xuan suddenly got up, then walked outside!

Outside, Xiao Wei is always committed!

Ye Xuan saw two people, then smiled: "Prepare, we go to the Qin!

Two people were stunned.

At this time, Ye Xuan has been walking in the distance.

Fu Yishe, then said: "Ye Gongzi, we should wait here, waiting for the main arrival!"

In his opinion, this situation should wait for Qin Guan to re-deal with it, because he doesn\'t know what will for the Xianbao Pavilion and Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan turned his head to see Difrie, smiled: "I don\'t like passive, I like to take the initiative!"

The husband said.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Why do I think you don\'t seem to listen to Qin Guan? Is Qin Guan Tai Ren?"

I heard the words, the husband\'s instant changes, he quickly went to respect each other, "Ye Gongzi is Mo Shengqi, it will be wrong!"

He naturally understands Ye Xuan\'s meaning, before Qin Guan, but said, all listening to Lexica.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Don\'t be nervous, I just said!

Now, all the ancient people will go with me!

After finishing, he turned and disappeared in the sky.

There was no longer hesitating in Due, and all the ancient people who hidden in the dark disappeared at the end of the sky.


Qin family.

The Qin people absorbed those blood!

After a while, Ye Xuan looked to Qin Gu, he was very open, and the burial sword appeared in his hand. At this moment, the burial sword is like a blood, and red is terrible.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Let\'s go!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Sheriff suddenly said: "Ye Shao, this Qin Gu, don\'t you kill?"

Ye Xuan stopped, he turned to look at Qin Gu, smiled: "Do you know why I don\'t kill you?"

Qin ancient grievances looked at Ye Xuan, but his heart is loose, as long as you don\'t die, there is a chance!

Ye Xuan Xiao; "I am teasing you!

The sound falls, and a sword is directly through the Qin you!

Ye Xuan is turned off!

After the body, Qin Gu soul lost a little bit, and Ye Xuan did not directly erase him, but let him die slowly.

Let him feel the feeling of death!

After the body, Qin Gu is crazy.

At this moment, a white light suddenly covered Qin Gu, the next moment, Qin Guqi, who had to disappear, was killed by this white light!

Ye Xuan and others stopped!

Ye Xuan was turned, not far from him, there was a man wearing a mask.

Jiu Shaoyang!

After this nine young grandfather, there are twelve ancient people!

Seeing this scene, the husband suddenly changed.

Jiu Shaoyang looked at Ye Xuan, smiled: "Ye Gongzi, you can\'t move people, this is very bad, you must know, there are too many kills that will be against it!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Are you a person behind them?"

Jiu Shao nodded, "Yes!

Ye Xuan played a look at the nine young masters, shook his head, "I am ugly!

Everyone: ".

On the side, then Qin Ancient suddenly roared, "Ye Xuan!

You destroy me, you.

Jiu Shaoyang suddenly laughed: "Qin Gu is long, don\'t be angry!"

He destroyed you Qin, you will destroy his nine!

Ye Xuan played a nine young grandfather, laughed: "Destroy my nine people?"

Jiu Shaoye smiled: "How, is it difficult?"

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "If you want to destroy me alone, I think there is still a chance, but if you want to destroy my nine.

This is afraid of a little difficulty!

Jiu Shaoye smiled slightly, "Difficulty? Haha.

Ye Gongzi, I can tell you very responsibly, there is no difficulty.

Ye Xuan is a thumbs up, seriously: "I respect you is a man!"

Jiu Shaoye laughed, then opened the folding fan, gently shake it, "How, I don\'t think I don\'t have this ability?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Jiu Shaoyang haha ​​smiled, "Ye Gongzi, since I dare to confirm the Xianbaoge, then I will prove that I am not afraid of Xiaobao Pavilion, since I am not afraid of Xianbao Pavilion, will I be afraid of you?"

Said, he shakes his head, laughs, "Ye Gongzi, can you hear the story of the frog in the well?"

Ye Xuan looked at the nine young masters, did not speak.

Jiu Shaoyou continued: "A frog in the bottom of the well, it thinks that there is only a wellhead so much, do you think is coming? Of course it is ridiculous because it is in the bottom of the well!

Said, his mouth slightly, "Ye Gongzi, do you think you are the frog?"

Ye Xuan looked at the two quinces wearing a nine young master, did not speak, I don\'t know what it is.

Recently, a little poor!


PS: I drank two cups yesterday, I suddenly thought, if I was more, what would it? So I want to try today.

But I just thought about it, I.

I admit it, I am a little bit.