One Sword Reigns Supreme

2335 The second chapter of the second thousand three hundred and twenty-two chapters: Recognize yourself!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!


Not long, there are hundreds of people gathered in the military farm. These people are the age of Shenguo.

Ye Xuan is sitting on a stone platform in front of everyone, holding an ancient book, he is a taste.

Below, Gu Xin looked at Ye Xuan, did not speak.

On the other hand, the Shengu family also looked at Ye Xuan in the dark.

At this time, Ye Xuan on the round counter suddenly put down the ancient books in his hand, he looked at everyone, then: "Is it all?"

The voice just fell, and a man suddenly rushed to run.

Ye Xuan looked at the man, and the man was changing, and the trembling said: "I.

I have just been delayed!

A sword suddenly wore a man\'s eyebrow, and then nailed it on the far floor.

No killing, just nailing.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the gods in the field are the drama.

This is too bloody!

But there is no one dare to talk!

Because they know, this guy is not generally, it is really dare to kill!

At this moment, everyone suddenly turned around, not far away, a woman dressed in a white dress came over, this woman looks only 178 years old, delicate and weak, when she ran to the stage When you see the nailed man, your face is instant!

The woman looks to Ye Xuan, trembling: "I.

I have something.



Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Don\'t be nervous, have something to delay, very normal, find a position!

Wen said, everyone directly petrified in place!

what happened? When I heard Ye Xuan, the white dress was suddenly relieved, she quickly gave a deep gift, and then ran to a side.

On the one side, the hidden man is incredible, "Not.

Why? I am late to be nailed, she is almost late. Why? "

Ye Xuan looked at a man who was spiked, and she said: "She is a beautiful woman!

The nailed man was stale.

Everyone: ".

Ye Xuan looked at the man who was nailed, "Are you dissatisfaction?"

The man hesitated, then said: "I have a little!

The voice just fell, and a sword suddenly wore his right shoulder!


Men\'s flesh is directly cracking, blood sputtering.

Everyone: ".

Ye Xuan looked at the man, "Do you have any questions?"

The man rolled, "You have to do this.

If you play this.

Then I have no problem!

Everyone: ".

Ye Xuan nod, "then let\'s continue to lect!

Today, I will tell you \'reality\'.


Everyone looked at Ye Xuan and didn\'t talk.

Ye Xuan looked at the people in the field, "Do you know what is realistic?"

At this time, a young man suddenly said: "The man is late is being disabled, and the woman is late, this is the reality!"

Ye Xuan looked at the man who said, the man looked at the Ye Xuan, and there was a very pole in the eyes.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What is your name?"

Men\'s Shen Sheng: "Guolin!

Ye Xuan nod, "you said it is very good!

Said, he looked to Gu Xin, "Are you the first super genius, right?"

Gu Xin did not look at Ye Xuan, "Yes!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Do you know why your family is coming?"

Gu Xin silent.

Ye Xuan looked at Gu Xin, "I will tell you what is reality, because you can\'t do it, so your family makes me come for you, this is reality!

And after I come, you will challenge me, after I shot, you should recognize the reality, I understand that you are not my opponent, but you didn\'t recognize the reality, still in that, I told you, also Now I have read some books, I have a lot of temper, and before, your grave grass is high!

Wen said that Gu Xin\'s face suddenly became difficult to look, he glared at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan cold laugue, "You still glave you, I will ask you, do you play me?"

Gu Xin angered: "I can\'t play you, but the taxi can kill, not humiliation!

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, "Why do you think this is insulting you? If you don\'t have it, is it difficult?"

Said, he looked at the people in a glance, "Is it difficult?"

Everyone is silent.

Gushi is a cold laugh, "people can die, but the spine can not be broken!

Ye Xuan looked at Gu Xin, "It seems that you still don\'t accept, then we will play a game!

Gu Xin immediately stood up, "playing!

His voice has just fallen, and a sword is suddenly won.

The ancient eyes suddenly shrinks, and his arms ranked.


In the eyes of everyone, the ancient citini is directly broken, the next moment, a sword hole wears his soul, nail him in time and space.

Everyone: ".

Ye Xuan looked at Gu Xin, the ancient Xin soul gradually burned, and lost a little bit.

See this scene, the face of everyone in the field changed!

Ye Xuan looked at Gu Xin, looks calm.

Gu Xin killed in Ye Xuan, "You have killed me!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You said this sentence because you know, your family is watching, you know, your family will not let me kill you, because you are currently the old ancient people The enchanting genius, the representative is the future of the gods!

Gu Xin held his hands, he looked at Ye Xuan, and it was full of cold.

Ye Xuan smiled, turned to look at the woman on the wall of the wall, smiled: "At this moment, I suddenly envy me!

The woman looked at Ye Xuan and didn\'t talk.

Ye Xuan also said: "What do you envy? Envy him there is such a good son!

Green shirt man: "

Everyone: ".

The woman recovered his eyes and then looked at Gu Xin, looks calm.

Gu Xin\'s hands were gripped, and the soul was still lost at a little bit.

And the woman doesn\'t have the meaning of the opening, and there is no meaning!

In the field, the gods of the Shengu family became difficult to look, and the long people had to let the outsiders killed Gu Xin.

On the side, Ya Xuan disk is sitting on the ground, continue reading!

If the woman opens, he will not kill Gu Xin, but the people in Gu Xin have been completely abolished!

Why? Because a person must learn to recognize himself.

If you can\'t recognize yourself, you will expand and lose it.

Why is this ancient cink? Because his self-confidence is built on the side of the women\'s family, he concluded that his family will not let him die.

If the woman opens, Gu Sh will continue to expand.

The biggest misfortune in this life, in addition to the revenue, I can\'t recognize myself.

In the field, the ancient gin soul is getting smog, and the long women do not speak, Ye Xuan has not stopped what it means!

Seeing this scene, those gods of Shengu family became pale!

Is this going to give up ancient Xin? Gu Xin is also a little panic at the moment!

Did the god ancient people really give up ourselves? At this moment, the distant woman suddenly said: "Shen ancient people, except for me, no one can!"

After finishing, she turned away!

When I heard a female woman, the ancient cousin became pale!

At this moment, he understood!

He is really understanding!

genius? Enchanting? Fart is not used!

What is the use of the enchanting to change the family\'s rise and fall? If you are a half-god now, is the family give up yourself? Certainly not!

At this moment, he suddenly recognized himself!

Gushi was busy looking to Ye Xuan, "I.

I am wrong!


In the field, those god ancient people suddenly made a breath.

Ye Xuan continued to read the book, and did not stop the meaning.

The god ancient people have anger!

One of the men immediately stood up, angered: "It is already mistaken, do you really want to kill? You.


A sword suddenly wore his eyebrows!

The man is directly stained to time and space!

Ye Xuan turned his head to see another gray dress standing on the side, "Well?"

The gray man stretched the show: "I.

I just have a long time, there is some numbness of the legs, get up, there is no other meaning!

Everyone: ".

Ye Xuanmi nodded, recovered his attention and continued to read.

At this time, the ancient Sudden suddenly said: "One thousand million"!

You spare me a life, I will give you a thousand people!

Ye Xuan suddenly made a referring.


In the soul of Gu Xin, a sword suddenly flew out.

Ye Xuan flexed, a Dan medicine slowly flew to the ancients, "Yang Sheng Dan, worth 10 million", don\'t say that I am extortion, I am not a kind of person!

Everyone: ".

Gu Xin looked at the Ye Xuan, did not hesitate, directly took the Dan medicine, after the soul of the soul, his soul began to recover quickly.

When I saw this scene, I was relieved when I was anger, I finally didn\'t die!

Ye Xuan looked at Gu Xin, Gu Xin hesitated, then said: "One time, one time, my family will raise a thousand million pulse!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "Okay!

Said, he did a hand gesture, "Gu Xin brother, please sit!

Everyone God suddenly became an old!

Oh shit!

Is this guy who is money is a brother? Gushi looked at Ye Xuan and sat down.

Ye Xuan sweared in the field, slight smile, "all, today, the core purpose of this class is that the reality, we must recognize yourself, if you don\'t recognize yourself, there must be a big disaster!

Just then, a voice suddenly came from the sky, "Is that you recognize yourself?"

The sound fell, a woman suddenly appeared not far from the Xuan Xuan.

The woman dressed in purple wars, his hands were negative, the goose face the past, the eyes were like a star, and the eyebrows took a Boys and calm.

Long haired is highly bundled by a black ribbon, like a horsetail general and hips!

The most fascinating thing is her chest.


Very big!

The armor can\'t be built, as if it is necessary to crush.

Seeing the people, the scene of the people of the people of the gods changed!

Make up!

The emperor is the most enchanting genius!

How will she come? In the field, everyone is full of confusion.

In the distance, the makeup looks at Ye Xuan, "Do you recognize yourself?"


PS: To be honest, I want to see that you don\'t have dirty words.

Come, show!