One Sword Reigns Supreme

2322 Jian Zhongxian No. 2,3009 chapters: My name is Ye Xuan, ask for it!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Dong Xuan was killed? At this moment, all the strong people of Shenshan Yansheng were directly forced.

That is the Dong Xuan!

Will it have been spiked? Moreover, it is directly erythowed.

In front of Ye Xuan, the black robe has been scared!

Really scared the urine!

That is to kill the hole directly!

How many horrible strength? After the Xixiao, the woman was dead and stared at Ye Xuan. It should be said that she is dead and staring at the pen in Ye Xuan\'s hand. She is deeply jealous of her cold eyes!

At this moment, a woman was slowly coming.

From the people, it is Bei Yan.

Seeing Hiki, Ye Xixiang is a loose, he is afraid that the story of the dog is, for example, when he comes, Yanbei is gone!

Fortunately, the avenue pen has no chaos!

Avenue pen: ".

See Ye Xuan, Yanbei bowed slightly, whispered: "What are you doing!

Ye Xuan walked to Yanbei, "I am not talking to you? Why don\'t you believe in me?"

Yanbei whispered: "I really don\'t know if you are so powerful!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Do you know now?"

Yanbei looked up and looked up to Ye Xuan. "What do you do? You already have people who like it!

Ye Xuan brows, "I can like a few more!

Everyone: ".

Yan Bei glared in Ye Xuan, "How can you like this?"

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "I don\'t discuss this problem, let me talk to your family!

After finishing, he turned and looked at the black robe who was still kneeling. "Do you mean a nun?"

The black robe moves quickly, "No, my level is not enough."

Talk to you!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Let your family grow up!

At this time, a middle-aged man came from the side, and the people were the family of the nation of the nation.

Yannan looked at Ye Xuan, and there was a fear of the eyes, "What is it called?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Watching Xuan College, Ye Xuan!

Yannan Shen Sheng said: "My Hiki is not enemies with you.

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I will open the door!

I am coming here, it is for Yanbei.

Yannan looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xi Xiao: "I want to take her!"

After Yannan silence, he said: "Can I refuse?"

Ye Xuan\'s mouth smile, "You can try!

Yannan: ".

The black robe suddenly said: "You, we can reason!

Ye Xuan looked at the black robe. "I don\'t want to tell today!

Blackweague: "

Ye Xuan looks to Yanbei, "Let\'s go!

Yanbei is some hesitant.

On the side, Yannan suddenly said: "You, you are strong, I don\'t dare to block you!"

But you can know, if you take her, I will give me a destruction of the hustle!

Ye Xuan brows, "What do you mean?"

Yan Nan whispered sigh, "You should know that I believe in the ancient gods, and I will take the gods in the ancient god!

Ye Xuan looked at Yannan, somewhat incorrect, "So you let your daughter to be a goddess? You still become more than me!

Green shirt man: "

Yannan smirk, "Not I want to make God to be a goddess, but the ancient god selected her!

Ye Xuan looked at Yanbei, Yanbei nodded.

Ye Xuan gods gradually cold, "What is the ancient god?"

I heard the words, and the color of Yannan has changed, "You, cautious!

Ye Xuanzhi has no expression. "Where are you talking about? I will talk to him!

Yannan hesitated, then said: "Are you sure?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Yannan immediately did a given gesture, "Please go to the top of the mountain!

Leaf Xuan nod.

Everyone walked toward the top of the mountain.

On the road, Yanbei suddenly looked at the woman behind the bliss, then said: "Why is she follow you?"

Ye Xuan is a little surprised, "Do you know her?"

Oki nodded, "She is a beautiful scenery of Luo City!

With the contradiction between Shura City, I left Shura City.

Shura City!

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at Xi Van. He didn\'t think that this woman was actually a city.

Xi Van looks calm, no talk.

At this moment, everyone has come to the top of the mountain. Under the leadership of Yannan, Ye Xuan came to a altar, with a huge statue above the altar!

This statue is holding a spear, not angry.

Yannan respects a gift to the statue, then turn around and looks to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan slowly walked to the statue, at this time, the statue suddenly trembled, the next moment, the statue didn\'t open his eyes.

The statue is directly falling in Ye Xuan. He looked at Ye Xuan, and his eyes are indifferent, just like it is in the case.

Seeing this statue opened his eyes, in the field, the faces of the Hikao strong were changing, and the next moment!

Yanbei hesitated, then turned to look at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuanmia smiled, see Ye Xuan\'s smile, , she tightly pulled Ye Xuan\'s hand, this moment, in front of this God seems to be so terrible.

At this time, the ancient god suddenly opened, "You see me, don\'t you?"

Say to Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan looked at the ancient god and smiled: "I have seen me, don\'t you, do you be a few?"

Green shirt man: "

The ancient gods were slightly smashed, the next moment, the sky suddenly swayed, followed by an extremely horrible and pressure-saving.

This is a breath that exceeds the dongxia!

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly paused, and a sword rushed!


A sword is broken!

With this sword, there is no trace of the horror of the horror of the horror of the horror!


Seeing this scene, the ancient eyebrows were slightly frowned, he was about to talk, and a sword suddenly pierced into his eyebrows.


The statue is trembled, then gradually turtle!

Ye Xuan was turned around Yanbei.

After the body, the ancient god suddenly opened, "I don\'t respect the gods, I am, I am just a large road gas, I will be aware of the avenue book to respect you, you will die!

Avenue pen: ".

Ye Xuan suddenly stopped, he laughed, "God? It\'s ridiculous!

But it is a bit of powerful life!

The voice of the ancient gods, "You dare to question the ancient god!

Ye Xuan turned his head to see Yanbei, "Have you believed this so-called ancient god?"

Hiki nodded.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Now, I will give you a god, you can believe in her!

Yanbei is somewhat curious, "Who?"

Ye Xuanzhao horns slightly, "My family, from today, you will believe in me!"

Yanbei hesitated, then asked, "How much she is?"

Ye Xuan blinked, "Don\'t ask, ask if you are invincible!

After finishing, he pulled Yanbei to walk in the distance.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly turned to look at Yannan and others, laughed: "You can also believe in Yongren!

I heard the words, and Yannan\'s face was in an instant. He looked at the ancient god statue of the thorough turtle, deeply a ceremony, fierce, "I only believe in an ancient god, eternal life forever!

They didn\'t know, what opportunities they missed.

When I heard the words of Yannan, Ye Xuan smiled slightly, then pulled the north to the north.

At this time, Yannan suddenly said: "At this moment, Yanbei is no longer my nun!"

Yanbei body slightly fuse.

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at Yanbei and smiled: "How long does it take? When you return it, you will be proud of you!

Trust me!

Yanbei nodded.

The two leave.

The ancient god suddenly said: "You.

Ye Xuan suddenly turned, "I don\'t want to talk nonsense, I welcome you to me, my name is Ye Xuan, ask for it!

The sound fell, he suddenly sword.


The statue is directly in directization!

Yan Yan Zhongguang: ".

Ye Xuan ignored everyone, with Yanbei and the Xi Van.


Shortly after leaving the Hika, a beautiful woman suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

Seeing this beauty, Yansbei immediately walked over, she pulled the hands of the beautiful woman and whispered: "Mother.

Beautiful beautiful woman sorted out a mess of messy ear, she smiled slightly, then looked at Ye Xuan, "Can you talk? Talk to us?

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Of course!

Beautiful woman with Ye Xuan walked in the distance.

The beauty suddenly said: "You kill a hole in Xuanjing!

Leaf Xuan nod.

The beauty turned to look at Ye Xuan, "An ancient god, is not a hole in Xuanjing!

Ye Xuan nod, "I know!

After looking at the black diameters, the beautiful woman said: "You are very confident, it is very stunned, no wonder she will like you!"

Ye Xuan silent.

Beautiful woman also said: "Will you be good to her, right?"

Ye Xuan nod, "will!

The beauty of the United States, "Is this a promise?"

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "count!

Beautiful woman, "You are a very good person, strength, confidence, people charm, no wonder you will like you, but if you have a choice, I hope she don\'t like you!

Ye Xuan looked to the beautiful woman, the beauty of the beautiful woman: "Because it is like you, the woman is definitely not less!"

Ye Xuan silent.

The beauty turned to look at Ye Xuan and smiled: "It seems, I said it!"

The woman you like, is definitely not alone? "

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "This blame my father.

Beautiful woman brows, "your father?"

Ye Xuan nod, seriously said: "What is the madness of the madness, and has some people who have this blood.


I don\'t have someone else!

Said, he directly activated the madness of the madness.

Madness blood: ".

Green shirt man: "

When you see the blood of Ye Xuan\'s blood, the beautiful woman has changed, "You have a terrible!

I have never seen such a horrible and suffocating.

Ye Xuanlian is busy, "Yes Yes!

Because of this blood, I don\'t control some of the winds.

Oh, I am also worried.

The madness of the madness can\'t help but angry: "I seem to only let you go crazy, let you deviate.

Didn\'t you let you color? "
