One Sword Reigns Supreme

150 Sword Immortal Chapter 150: Middle-earth China, evildoer list!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Lu Banzhuang looked at Ye Xuan, "Where is the pie?"

Ye Xuan: "..."

At this moment, Lu Banzhuang suddenly turned her head to look into the distance. The next moment, she suddenly jumped and slapped her palm on the ground.


The whole ground trembled violently, and something was shaken in the darkness.

At this moment, Lu Banzhuang suddenly raised her head, and the next moment, her arms staggered forward to a block.


With a muffled sound, Lu Banzhuang retreated four or five feet. As soon as she stopped, the ground under her feet instantly collapsed!

Lu Banzhuang turned his head and glanced at Ye Xuan, "From the Middle-earth China, be careful."

After speaking, she suddenly rushed forward.


In the darkness, a cracking sound suddenly exploded, and soon, Lu Banzhuang returned to the place.

At this moment, Ye Xuan\'s brows suddenly frowned, because he felt that dozens of afterimages were rushing towards Ling Han and the others!

All top killers!

Ye Xuan stomped his right foot abruptly, and in an instant, the power of countless earth gathered in his body.

The next moment, the Lingxiu sword in his hand suddenly flew out.

A few feet away.


The head of a killer was instantly penetrated by this sword, blood sputtering!

On the wall, Jiang Jiu suddenly said: "Shoot!"

As soon as her voice fell, nearly a hundred soldiers suddenly rushed out of the city with long spears and long shields. The hundred people quickly rushed to Ye Li and the others. They did not take the initiative to take action, but surrounded Ling Han and others. Use shields to form an iron barrel formation!

If they are singled out, they must not be the opponents of these killers, but if they are against each other, they are not afraid of these killers at all.

There is still a big difference between a soldier and a killer!

Coupled with Ye Xuan\'s restraint, these soldiers are even more unafraid of these assassins, because Ye Xuan\'s sword is basically a spike...

Wherever the Lingxiu Sword goes, someone will die!

Ye Xuan\'s sword can\'t be stopped even by the strong of the gods, it is two kinds of sword intents, and it also increases the power of the earth. The most important thing is that the sword is of the real sword level!

Even Ming-level spirit weapons, Lingxiu swords can be easily smashed, not to mention, most of these killers are only the best spirit weapons!

Once the two sides fought, five or six killers had already fallen.

At this moment, an afterimage suddenly arrived in front of Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan suddenly turned his head and cut it down with a sword.


A blast sounded, Ye Xuan retreated ten feet, he raised his head and looked not far in front of him, a middle-aged man walked towards him slowly!

Not a young man!

This is not the point, the point is to deal with the gods, not the ten thousand dharma!

And this one in front of him is obviously not a normal Divine Combination Realm. This kind of person who has stayed in Divine Combination Realm for so many years is undoubtedly terrifying!

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Xuan without any nonsense. He trembled and rushed directly towards Ye Xuan. Wherever he went, the ground began to crack and shatter, and at the same time, the sound of an angry explosion continued to sound!

The flesh tears the air!

Ye Xuan\'s right hand tightened the Lingxiu sword in his hand, and for a moment of silence, he suddenly disappeared in place.

Life and death with one sword!

Now he can\'t be held back at all, he must make a quick fight!

Otherwise, the group of soldiers will undoubtedly become very dangerous!

In front of Ye Xuan, the middle-aged man suddenly clenched his hands into fists during the run. In an instant, a terrifying fist burst out of his body like a bank. At the same time, his clothes suddenly bulged. Above the pair of fists, the glow of the fists shines like a scorching sun!

Fist out, sword to reach!


A loud noise suddenly rang out in the field. Ye Xuan and the middle-aged man were separated by one touch. Ye Xuan retreated violently, and the middle-aged man in front of him also retreated violently. Every time they took a step back, the ground would burst. Come, there is a mess in front of them.

Soon, the two stopped, and as soon as they stopped, Ye Xuan rushed out again!

This is the advantage of his strong physical body, able to withstand powerful forces!

When he saw Ye Xuan rushing directly, the middle man\'s face suddenly changed! Because of the shock force, he has not been able to completely remove it now, and his body is still constantly shaking, as if his five internal organs are cracked. Ye Xuan turned out to be like nothing!

Before he could think about it, the middle-aged man slammed his right foot, and the whole person rushed out like an off-string arrow. With the help of rushing, his right hand was clenched into a fist, a powerful fist from his fist. The shock came out in the middle, because the power was too strong, and the force was impacted before, so when his power converged, his entire right hand was directly split!

At this moment, the middle-aged man can\'t take care of that much, because if he can\'t take this sword, he may be going to die!

The two fought recklessly again, no one backed down!

There was a moment of silence.


A figure flew out suddenly, it was the middle-aged man!

Ye Xuan was about to take advantage of the victory, and at this moment, he suddenly turned his head to the right. Not far away, more than a dozen Jiang Guo soldiers had fallen!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan\'s expression instantly became savage, his figure trembled, and he floated straight towards a not far away. At the same time, a sword flew past the field.


A dozen feet away, a killer\'s head suddenly flew out.


It\'s a spike directly!

Seeing Ye Xuan kill, the dark world soldiers were shocked, because Ye Xuan was able to find their hidden location accurately!

If the killer does not have this mystery, his strength will be greatly reduced.

In the distance, the middle-aged man who had fought Ye Xuan before took a deep look at Ye Xuan, then he turned and left.

can not fight!

Originally, he felt that he had a chance to kill Ye Xuan and then get a high reward because he was also very close to the Ten Thousand Magic Realm.However, at this moment he realized that even if he stepped half of his foot into the Ten Thousand Magic Realm, he might not be able to beat Ye Xuan.

Although Ye Xuan\'s head is very valuable, his head is even more valuable.

The middle-aged man decided to leave!

At least it\'s not too late!

In the distance, on the city wall, Jiang Jiu glanced at Tian Tian and whispered, "Alright! Hold on!"

It\'s almost dawn!

As long as daybreak, these killers would not dare to besiege so unscrupulously.


At this moment, Ye Xuan\'s roar suddenly sounded under the city, and as this roar sounded, a bright sword aura flashed below like a thunder and lightning.


A man in black assassin was beheaded instantly!

However, those Jiang Guo soldiers could hardly resist.

At this time, Jiang Jiu on the wall suddenly jumped off.

Seeing this scene, the soldier\'s complexion on the wall suddenly changed, and soon, all the soldiers rushed out of the city.

Jiang Jiu suddenly turned around and shouted, "Get out!"

These soldiers are ordinary soldiers, they are not opponents of these killers at all. It can be said that when they come out, they are really going to die!

If the two sides are fighting head-on, these soldiers may have the advantage of numbers and the strength of the first battle, but now it is in the dark night, they come out, only the slaughtered fans.

However, the soldiers did not stop, but came to Jiang Jiu one after another.

Jiang Jiu glanced at the crowd and said angrily: "Go back to the city!"

Countless soldiers suddenly knelt down on one knee, "I am waiting to live and die with the Marshal and Ye Guoshi!"

Jiang Jiu glanced at the kneeling soldiers in front of her. Her eyes slowly closed. At this moment, not far away, Ye Xuan suddenly said, "Xiao Jiu, take them into the city, hurry up!"

Jiang Jiu turned his head and glanced at Ye Xuan not far away. At this moment, Ye Xuan and Lu Banzhuang were surrounded by groups, and the elite soldiers who protected Ling Han and others were almost unable to support them. After all, their faces It\'s not a soldier, but an elite killer from the Middle-earth China!

If it were not for Ye Xuan and Lu Banzhuang\'s constant containment, these soldiers would have been wiped out.

Among the group of people who besieged Ye Xuan and Lu Banzhuang, some were killers, some were not, and new people were constantly joining!

Obviously, they came from all over!

Jiang Jiu clenched her fists, she stared at Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan suddenly roared, "Take them into the city!"

These ordinary soldiers have no threat to these assassins in this darkness, they come to die in vain!

In the distance, Jiang Jiu took a deep look at Ye Xuan, then turned and walked towards the city, roaring, "Follow me!"

Under Jiang Jiu\'s leadership, Jiang Guo\'s soldiers returned to the city wall. On the city wall, Jiang Jiu stared at Ye Xuan below.

The soldiers on the wall were also staring at Ye Xuan and Lu Banzhuang below!

No one is afraid of death, but they really can\'t help!


Really helpless!

Especially Jiang Jiu, her strength can help, but she can\'t go.As the commander-in-chief of the three armies, her words and deeds are related to all the soldiers in Liangjiecheng. Once an accident occurs, the consequences will be very serious, and it is difficult for her to help.

At this moment, an afterimage suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan instinctively cut it down.


Ye Xuanlian took the sword back ten meters away!

Seeing this scene, the expressions of everyone on the wall suddenly became serious.

Not far in front of Ye Xuan, there was a man standing in his twenties. He was dressed in black brocade clothes, with sword eyebrows and star eyes. He held a long spear in his hand. Cold guns and chills.

Seeing this person, Jiang Jiu\'s expression on the city wall suddenly changed, "No. 1 in the martial arts list, Han Qian Li Mulin."

First in the martial arts list!

Hearing this, the faces of everyone on the wall suddenly changed.

Wu Bang!

This martial arts ranking in Qingzhou is definitely the one with the highest gold content, and the martial arts ranking is the first, and this is without any moisture!

The No. 1 in Wu Bang is here!

On the city wall, Jiang Jiu\'s face was extremely ugly.

Li Mulin glanced at Ye Xuan, and then said, "I\'ll deal with this person, you wait to deal with those who want to break through!"

As Li Mulin\'s voice fell, more than 20 people in black with short knives suddenly appeared in the field, and these people in black rushed towards Ling Han and the others.

And around these people in black, there are some dark world killers who can\'t see their bodies at all!

Ye Xuan didn\'t care about Li Mulin at all, but rushed towards the people in black on the side.

Li Mulin said coldly: "Want to go? I think too much!"

When the sound fell, he disappeared directly in place, and for an instant, a powerful gun intent filled the surroundings.

But Ye Xuan still didn\'t stop!

When Li Mulin came to Ye Xuan\'s place behind Zhang Xu, suddenly, a woman in a green shirt appeared in front of Ye Xuan, the next moment one by one


Li Mulin instantly returned to his place.

The green shirt woman looked at Li Mulin and grinned, "Are you the number one in the Qingzhou Martial Arts Ranking? Well, no, the moisture is a bit too big!"

After that, she pointed to herself, "Introduce yourself, Middle-earth China, enchanting list."


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