One Sword Reigns Supreme

148 Sword Immortal Chapter 148: Come, please fuck me!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Everyone in the field was shocked!

It should be said that it is fear!

Especially the soldiers, their eyes are full of horror at the moment, because they have not discovered how those people died!

Even Ling Han and others have a solemn face, which is really a bit scary.

Dark Realm Taoist!

Ye Xuan looked at Lu Banzhuang. Lu Banzhuang was silent for a moment and shook his head.


Ye Xuan frowned!

If you have to wait for dawn, wouldn\'t it be that countless Jiang Guo soldiers will die after it gets dark?

At this time, screams suddenly came from all over the barracks.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Jiu\'s face gradually became a little sordid.

At this moment, Ye Xuan was stunned, because a piece of paper suddenly floated out of the entrance to the second floor of the prison tower.

On the paper, there is only one pair of eyes.

Human eyes!

Ye Xuan was shocked, the next moment, he suddenly woke up!

Sword eye!

I am a sword eye!

After reading this, he quickly calmed down. Soon, he could clearly feel everything around him. Suddenly, Ye Xuan turned his head abruptly, and then opened his eyes.

Chi Chi!

Two strands of sword light shot out.

A few feet away, a sudden explosion sounded from a soldier\'s side, and then a vague ghost image flew out towards the rear.

The next moment, a flying sword suddenly flashed past the field.


A lot of blood suddenly appeared on the ground in the distance, and gradually, a man in black appeared in the sight of everyone.

Ye Xuan\'s right hand lightly moved, and the Lingxiu sword flew in front of him, and the surrounding area suddenly became quiet.

The soldiers in the field looked on guard, cold sweat on their foreheads!

Sometimes, death is not terrible, what is terrible is the process of waiting for death.

At this time, Ye Xuan whispered: "All gone."

Hearing this, the soldiers in the field breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Xuan, Jiang Jiu and the others still looked solemn.

Ye Xuan glanced at Lu Banzhuang, "Be careful."

After speaking, he looked at Jiang Jiu, "Talk inside."

Jiang Jiu nodded slightly, and entered the camp with Ye Xuan.

Jiang Jiu sat down and said solemnly: "The military\'s heart is unstable."

Ye Xuan nodded, "I know, I will find a solution."

Jiang Jiu looked at Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan said, "These assassins are not something you and your soldiers can deal with. I will find a way to deal with them. What you have to do now is to stabilize your army and protect yourself. The assassins just now , The real goal is you."

The death of Jiang Jiuyi was undoubtedly a fatal blow to the entire Jiang country.

Jiang Jiu nodded, "I will be careful, but their primary goal should be you and your friends. You must be careful."

Ye Xuan said: "I know, I\'ll go to discuss with them, you immediately notify the imperial capital, let the country lord and them send someone here."

After speaking, he turned and left the camp.

Ye Xuan returned to his camp, he sat on the ground, and then entered the prison tower.

At this time, at the entrance, a piece of paper floated out, with a small paw print on it.

Ye Xuan: "..."

Ye Xuan was a little speechless, really speechless, because he really couldn\'t understand the meaning of the second floor god, just a paw print... who can understand?

Another piece of paper floated out.

There is an extra palm on the paper, this palm is not the previous cat\'s claw, but a person\'s palm.

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly, "Great God, can\'t you talk?"


At this moment, the second floor trembled violently, and a powerful force directly flew Ye Xuanzhen out.


Ye Xuan fell to the ground. At this moment, he felt that his whole body was almost falling apart.

Ye Xuan buried his head on the ground and kept wailing in his heart. This is too damn bullying!

At this moment, another piece of paper floated out. On the paper, there is a human mouth and a mouth that doesn’t know what a ghost.....There is a\'\' between the human mouth and the unknown mouth. The little symbol, and behind the unknown mouth, is a\'?\'symbol.

What the hell does this mean?

Ye Xuan didn\'t want to live anymore.

At this time, the second floor trembled violently, and Ye Xuan quickly got up, "Don\'t do it, if you have something to say, I will study..."

After speaking, he quickly picked up the paper and studied it. After about a while, his face suddenly turned black!

Because he probably understood the meaning of this paper.

The guy on the second floor is asking him why he doesn’t speak its language... Simply put, the guy on the second floor shouldn’t speak human words!

Not from this world?

Ye Xuan was a little puzzled.

Another piece of paper floated out. On the paper, a paw overlapped with a human palm.


Ye Xuan frowned and thought for a long time. At this moment, the second floor trembled again. Ye Xuan\'s face changed drastically, and he quickly said, "I see."

The second floor stopped.

Ye Xuan cautiously said: "You mean, you want to fit with me? Or, you want to use my body to come out?"

At this time, a piece floated out, and on the paper, there was a √ symbol.

Ye Xuan: "..."


Ye Xuan thought of these two words!

Ye Xuan shook his head quickly, "This won\'t work, no!"


It feels terrible to think about it!

He had heard of it before that some powerful experts would take away the dominance of the body. In case the guy on the second floor wanted to do this...definitely not!

A piece of paper floated out again...

In this way, Ye Xuan just communicated with the second floor, and after about half an hour, Ye Xuan sat on the ground tiredly.

Really tired!

Especially if he answers incorrectly, the great god on the second floor will do something...too bully!

He has resisted, but he really can\'t fight it!

Finally, Ye Xuan glanced at the entrance of the second floor, "How about this, according to our previous agreement, within a month, you can come out twice, once you can come out, once, I ask to come out, okay?"

After a while, a piece of paper floated out of the second layer with a small √ symbol on it.

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn\'t want to agree, but there was no way, because this second-tier guy is not a good stubborn at all. If he doesn\'t agree, this guy still doesn\'t know what to do!

Really can\'t afford it now!

Ye Xuan left the jail tower, and he came to Lu Banzhuang\'s camp. Lu Banzhuang was eating a flatbread with a green onion in his left hand.

Ye Xuan sat in front of Lu Banzhuang, "In Middle-earth China, are there any killer organizations like the Dark World?"

Lu Banzhuang stopped, and after a long time, she nodded, "Yes."

Ye Xuan quickly said, "Can you please come?"

Lu Banzhuang shook his head, "No."

"Why?" Ye Xuan was puzzled.

Lu Banzhuang glanced at Ye Xuan, "Can\'t please. Moreover, those killers are insatiable. It is easy to ask God to give it away. This matter can only be solved by ourselves!"

Ye Xuan was silent.

He is not afraid of those assassins, they have sword eyes, and those assassins dare not approach him at all.He also discovered that as long as those killers show up and their combat effectiveness is not very strong, these killers are stronger than they are!

The most important thing is that these assassins are not aimed at him, but at the soldiers of Jiang Guo. This is the most hurtful.

In fact, not only these soldiers, but Ling Han and others are somewhat dangerous. Now Ling Han and others are all gathered together, and they dare not separate alone because it is really too dangerous.

At this moment, outside the Zuixianlou, a voice came, "Little friend, please come out for a gathering."

The fifth poster!

Ye Xuan stunned, and then went out of the camp with Lu Banzhuang. Outside the camp, the fifth floor owner smiled slightly, and then he pointed a little, and a ring appeared in front of Ye Xuan, "You have all the things you need. Qi!"

Ye Xuan was surprised and said: "Senior, why is it so fast?"

The fifth floor owner laughed and said: "The little friend knows something. After learning that the little friend is in urgent need, the owner of the second floor of my Zuixianlou personally came forward to issue orders to Zuixianlou everywhere in Central China, asking them to find what Xiaoyou Qi needs at all costs , That\'s why it is so fast!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan hugged his fist at the fifth floor master, "I don\'t want to thank you for your great grace. Ye Xuan really took it down!"

After speaking, he looked at Lu Banzhuang, Lu Banzhuang nodded, and then called Ling Han and others over, and soon everyone divided the gold coins to the fifth floor master.

The fifth floor master did not refuse, and accepted the gold coins. Then, he pointed a little, and a pure white pill bottle appeared in front of Ye Xuan and others.

God He Dan!

Seeing these medicine pills, Ling Han and others were a little excited, because with this god-combination pill, they can now sprint into the god-combination realm. If not, normal cultivation will take at least two or three years, or even longer. !

At this time, the fifth floor lord pointed again. Ling Han and the others all appeared in front of the fifth floor lord. Everyone looked at the fifth floor lord, and the fifth floor lord smiled and said, "In Na Jie, it’s a Ming-level spiritual weapon. You need to buy it before, but it’s best if you wait until you reach the gods and use it, then the effect will be greater."

Ye Xuan looked at Ling Han and the others, "Go to the camp and take it. I will guard you with Banzhuang."

The fifth floor master hesitated, and then said: "Little friend, breaking through now may be very dangerous!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Next we will have no time, and they will not give us time. The sooner we break through, the better."

The fifth poster thought for a while, then nodded, "Yes!"

As he said, he hesitated, and then said: "My little friend, there is a letter from Middle-earth China, this time it is the Middle-earth China Cangmu Academy and the dark world that have directly targeted you.

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Face is so great!"

The fifth floor host said with a stern face: "There is a Senior Sword Immortal behind the little friend, how dare they despise it? Now that the big cloud empire is united there, and the three forces are working together, little friend and Jiang Guo should be very careful."

Ye Xuan nodded, "Thank you senior for reminding me."

The fifth floor master nodded, "By the way, my Zuixianlou has sent thirty soldiers from Zuixianlou, and I will arrive tomorrow at the latest!"

Hearing that, Lu Banzhuang and the others were a little moved. This Zuixianlou is determined to support Ye Xuan!

In fact, it is normal, because Zuixianlou has already placed too many bets on Ye Xuan and the mysterious woman. Now, they will not stop, they will endure!

Ye Xuan clasped his fist at the fifth floor master, "He will repay his help every day!"

The fifth floor master shook his head slightly, "To be more realistic, I really want to win over my little friends in Zuixianlou, but not completely. There is indeed friendship among them. I don’t want to say many, little friends take care of themselves."

After speaking, he turned around and disappeared in place.

Ye Xuan looked at Ling Han and the others. Ling Han and others were about to enter the camp, but at this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly said, "Go outside the city!"

Everyone looked at Ye Xuan, puzzled.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Xuan\'s mouth, "I just want to break through their eyelids, I just want them to stop you!"

Ling Han hesitated, then said: "Big Brother, isn\'t this too crazy?"

Ye Xuan grinned, "I just want to be crazy, just want to kill my life. Don\'t worry, even if I want to die, I am the first brother to die first!"

As he said, he waved his hand, "Out of town!"

Everyone looked at each other, and then Qi Qi followed Ye Xuan out of the two-world city. On a clearing outside the city, Ling Han, Mo Yunqi and others subdued Shenhe Danhou, and then sat on the ground.

Not far away, Ye Xuan and Lu Banzhuang stood.

Ye Xuan held the Lingxiu sword obliquely to the ground. He looked around and grinned, "Don\'t hide, come, please, fuck me!"


A sword rang through the sky!


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