One Step to Become an Immortal

Chapter 347

Among the friars of Feiqi tribe, the friars in the later period of foundation building were the main force to attack Dongfang Yi. Dongfang Yi killed two and seriously injured one, which was a strong old man. At this time, they also consumed a lot of mana. Instead, several friars in the middle period of foundation building were the fastest at this time. But in the middle of the foundation, it was one rank lower than him.

These people, including the spirit Eagle under their seat, were stunned when they heard the sound. A fiery red sword light directly hanged one person and one eagle on the far left to the right. In the twinkling of an eye, the three flying soldiers who wanted to attack from behind turned their blood into the air.


Not only the friars of Feiqi tribe, but also the young men with machetes, the strong men with swords on their backs, and the female friars in pink clothes, were deterred by the appearance of the silver haired youth in front of them. With their cultivation and eyesight, it can be seen at a glance that the silver haired youth in front of them is definitely a foundation building friar, not even a fake Dan friar.

The mana breath of the shot is only in the later stage of foundation building. But in this short moment, the other party not only saved the Jindan female monk, but also grabbed the Danyuan fire thunder and heavy arrow shot by the friars in the later stage of Feiqi tribe with one hand, and did not stop at all. With an understatement, he forced back the powerful machete youth in Chinese clothes. It doesn\'t matter. The three flying cavalry soldiers in the middle of building the foundation, together with the three spirit eagles, had no Parry power, so they were directly killed as a blank space!

In the eyes of the female monk in pink and the man with a sword on his back, the sabre of the young man in beautiful clothes of machete has already possessed the outstanding strength of the monks in the later stage of foundation building, but at this time, even the other party is shocked by the silver haired youth in front of him, and his breath is a little heavy.

At this time, there was only a dignified breathing sound and a stiff expression solidified on his face.

Dongfang Yi didn\'t expect that when she was facing a desperate situation, it would be the young man in front of her who killed in the air. If you add the time outside the moon watching city a few months ago, the young man who had only seen two sides and didn\'t even know his name, left an indelible impression on her.

Although cultivation is more than a thousand miles away from her. But once the introverted edge was exposed, she, the golden pill friar, was shocked. The original black hair has turned into silver at this time. I don\'t know what happened to the young man after he separated from her in Diyan mountain. But on his calm face, he could not see the fear left by the past. Some are just a kind of bland arrogance. This momentum usually does not appear, but once it appears, the previous ordinary will be swept away and replaced by a kind of arrogance that can not be ignored.

This kind of momentum does not need to be written on the face from time to time, nor does it need to be aggressive to others. It makes other people present look pale at each other. Even the three friars in the later stage of foundation construction, namely, the young man in beautiful clothes with machetes, the strong man with swords on his back and the female monk in pink clothes, are the strong ones in the later stage of foundation construction, and even the flying riding tribe with a bad reputation, can only become a foil at this time.

Even when Dongfang Yi looked at Lu Xiaotian at this time, the expression of Gu Jing without waves, the seemingly calm anger in her eyes, also involuntarily forgot the gap between Lu Xiaotian and her in cultivation, and even felt an unprecedented sense of security from the man whose cultivation is much lower than him, which even a Jindan friar like Zhou Tong could not give, This state of mind is so wonderful that she doesn\'t even realize it. Even if she realizes it, she can\'t tell clearly and the Tao is unknown.

Lu Xiaotian was just a foundation building friar, but she did everything that a foundation building friar seemed impossible. Even if she was also a talented disciple of the foundation building friars of xuanbing gate at the beginning, she could never retreat under the joint attack of so many foundation building strongmen, and give the other party heavy casualties. With a few simple moves, let anyone in the opposite take it out, It was enough to shock the enemies of a group of base building friars, showing fear and walking on thin ice in the current situation.

"I know a thing or two about some of the most outstanding foundation builders in the moon watching world. With the skill of this Taoist friend, it can be called an earth shaking word among the foundation builders. It\'s reasonable that we shouldn\'t rely on anonymity, but we don\'t know anything. Can you give us your name so that we can know who we lost today?"

The machete dressed young man is also a man of perseverance. After the fear on his face was put away, he recovered his previous appearance of walking around, but he knew in his heart that this appearance of calm was just a strong self-expression. In fact, he was more afraid of the silver haired young man in front of him. The strength of the silver haired young man in front of him can only be described in a few words. The fluctuating mana breath of the other party is absolutely no better than him when he moves, but an understatement knife easily broke his knife skill, and there is no buffer in the middle after he grabbed the Dan yuan fire thunder heavy arrow of the flying riding tribe with his bare hands. The silver haired young man had done more than he knew about the foundation friar.

It\'s just that the young man in machete suit is also a rare top expert. He won\'t lose his courage to fight because of the strength of the enemy. Even if the enemy in front of him is stronger, he can\'t be stronger than the friar Jindan. Even the female friar Jindan in front of him also loses the ability to resist at this time. If he misses this opportunity, there is no possibility to kill the friar Jindan. Even if the young man with silver hair in front of him is ridiculously strong, There is always a limit. There are so many of them, but the only eight friars left in the flying riding tribe consume too much in the previous battle with the golden elixir. As long as they give them a little reply, they are closely restrained by the three of them, plus the eight flying riding soldiers attack from a long distance, he doesn\'t believe he can\'t take the silver haired youth in front of him.

Asking like this now is just to delay a little time. Although I don\'t know whether the female practitioner of the golden elixir will recover some strength, I have to do so because of my fear of the silver haired youth.

"Let\'s live under my sword." Lu Xiaotian smiled calmly. Even if he didn\'t know what the other party was playing, he couldn\'t stay here for a long time. If he didn\'t say that the friars who could hurt dongfangyi must be Jindan friars. There\'s no doubt that these foundation building friars in front of him are not simple. If these people want to go, he can\'t stop them, What\'s more, it\'s only thousands of miles away from Xuanye city. It\'s not a long distance for the monks who come and go high. The moon watching friars in Xuanye city are in a dilemma of being surrounded. At this time, foreign friars have the upper hand. It\'s undoubtedly foolish to fight with these foundation building friars here. These people will certainly go back to report, and even he has seen a flying cavalry soldier send a note. How can he delay time in this case?