One Step to Become an Immortal

Chapter 301

Emperor Kun\'s speed is extremely amazing. Lu Xiaotian believes that his speed is not slow, especially the sixth level physical cultivation. His explosive power in a narrow space is even more amazing. At this time, he can only be on par with emperor Kun. Once he changes to an open place, I\'m afraid he will only be beaten passively. Fortunately, Emperor Kun did not realize this at this time.

Because he was afraid of the move of emperor Kun to seal the yuan God, Lu Xiaotian only had the Deputy yuan God to fight at this time, and did not dare to let emperor Kun get too close. Once he was stained with the gray light ball again, his life would not be guaranteed.

Fortunately, there are two six level puppets. Comparatively speaking, the puppets are tall and slightly restrained in this narrow space. Their speed obviously can\'t keep up with the flying silver corpse emperor Kun. Lu Xiaotian\'s eyes moved, controlled another golden puppet to occupy a corner, sandwiched himself in the middle, ran into emperor Kun to attack and control a puppet closer to resist, The puppet just moves slower than emperor Kun, but the speed of wielding a sword or a hammer. Even if emperor Kun\'s speed is amazing, he can\'t completely avoid it at close range. He can only choose to touch it hard and then be repulsed.

After Lu Xiaotian got a chance to breathe, he immediately changed to another place. In short, let the two puppets block the dead corner of defense.

Such two puppets, together with Lu Xiaotian and Emperor Kun, beat sand and stone in the tomb, and the shadow of the puppet swayed everywhere.

Lu Xiaotian\'s mana breath when he shot could not be covered up and attracted some white haired zombies. But after seeing the flying silver corpse emperor Kun, these white haired zombies, like seeing the nemesis, ran away in shock for fear of leaving another moment here. Although most of these white haired zombies have very low intelligence, they also have the instinct to seek good luck and avoid evil. The blood on the intruder is surging. It is the most delicious food for white haired zombies. It may have a war with flying silver corpse emperor Kun. It is obviously not easy to provoke. Although he is unwilling, he has to give up and leave.

The yuan God in the forbidden soul bead was worried when he saw emperor Kun, the young man and two puppets fighting like watching flowers. Unexpectedly, the two puppets of the young man were so abnormal, their attack power was strong, and their defense was so abnormal. They were attacked by Emperor Kun several times without affecting their action. The surface doesn\'t look much damaged. Apart from consuming the spirit stone, there were almost no other weaknesses, and the young man was extremely cunning. He hid between two puppets and used the puppet to block emperor Kun\'s attack. He also played an abacus very well. Although the young man seemed to be a little slower than emperor Kun, he used the puppet to block emperor Kun first, then changed a safe position and continued to use the puppet to block emperor Kun, It\'s enough to delay dikun\'s speed. Although this method is not particularly clever, it is very effective.

However, no matter how good the defense was, there were times when Emperor Kun\'s explosive power was terrible. He carried the sledgehammer attack of a native puppet. The sledgehammer hit emperor Kun on his back. Even Lu Xiaotian might not be able to withstand it. However, the silver gray light on emperor Kun\'s body flickered slightly, and he was not much impacted, On the contrary, he broke through the native puppet more quickly and attacked Lu Xiaotian wildly.

Lu Xiaotian was slightly surprised when the gray light ball spewed out. However, this divine sense attack was like a flood and beast to other people, but for him, if he could perfectly hide his body shape without relying on the place where he had lived for many years in the tomb * *, he might not be able to attack him easily. In this face-to-face situation, although it was troublesome, Lu Xiaotian also had the means of restraint.

The sound wave attack of ice soul Xuanyin is offset by the gray light ball again.

Emperor Kun had already killed quickly and incomparably. His claws were raised and his body rushed towards Lu Xiaotian. A big mouth opened, revealing sharp fangs. As if to tear up the prey in front of him, Emperor Kun has never been so angry with any prey in his memory since he grew up.

It\'s too close to di Kun. It\'s too late to transfer the puppet back at this time. With his speed and explosive power, he can only barely keep pace with di Kun. Di Kun has become angry and can\'t easily get rid of each other at this time.

Lu Xiaotian\'s heart was horizontal, and the ground breaking knife in his hand broke out again with amazing edge, and fought with emperor Kun.

"Qiang!..." every time emperor Kun attacks, the ground breaking knife can cut emperor Kun with unparalleled accuracy, but Lu xiaotianchang has seen again the amazing defense of emperor Kun. In this world, there are really many terrible beings in addition to the golden pill friars, even the sixth order monsters. Qu cat is like this, especially emperor Kun in front of him.

However, Lu Xiaotian also noticed a very important thing. Every time the Danyuan magic weapon attacked emperor Kun, there would always be a faint silver gray light on emperor Kun\'s body, which was very close to the color of his body. If Lu Xiaotian\'s eyesight was not bad, I\'m afraid he wouldn\'t notice it. At the beginning, the silver gray light was a little stronger, but the time of melee with him was a little longer, and the silver gray light decreased a few points.

This defense of emperor Kun is somewhat similar to the talisman of that defense. With the increase of the number of attacks, the defense may also be consumed, and then gradually decline? Lu Xiaotian suddenly flashed such an idea in his heart.

But now he has not broken through emperor Kun\'s defense, and Lu Xiaotian is not very sure about this speculation for the time being.

Lu Xiaotian fought with emperor Kun for a while. Several times in the middle, Emperor Kun\'s claws had patted Lu Xiaotian. The yuan God in the forbidden soul bead was very happy. However, soon, he was disappointed that Lu Xiaotian was not knocked down by the terrible power of emperor Kun. He often only retreated several times, and then he could raise his knife and fight again. Occasionally, Emperor Kun will send out a gray light ball again, but all of them are offset by Lu Xiaotian.

Bang! Lu Xiaotian was caught on his arm by Emperor Kun\'s claw again, his body exploded back, and the coat on his arm was scratched, revealing the scales of the fire Jiao inside.

Although separated by the fire Jiao scale armor, you can still feel the terrible strength of emperor Kun. This emperor Kun is really powerful. In terms of mana, he has built six layers of foundation, and his physical cultivation is equivalent to nine layers of foundation. Combined with the two, the melee battle with Dan yuan magic tools in hand has far exceeded the general six level body cultivation, but in this case, di Kun and him can still have a steady upper hand in melee battle. If the fire Jiao scale armor had not been able to cushion part of the opponent\'s attack, he might have been seriously injured after several attacks. In addition to consuming some strength, Emperor Kun didn\'t seem to be hurt at all.


After a fierce battle with emperor Kun, the main god in the sea broke the seal. Lu Xiaotian was overjoyed. After fighting with emperor Kun for so long, his main God was finally liberated. Lu Xiaotian was finally relieved and looked at emperor Kun\'s eyes coldly. At this time, his strength was restored. He wanted to see what means this emperor Kun could have.