One Step to Become an Immortal

Chapter 141

Su Qing was just a little proud, but she didn\'t receive the due effect. When she looked at Lu Xiaotian, Lu Xiaotian had sat nearby in a relatively clean place and directly sat down to restore the mana she had just consumed.

Su Qing realized that she had consumed more mana just now and manipulated two magic tools at the same time. Although there was only a medium-grade spirit stone as a supplement, the remaining mana in the Dantian was only two or three percent. Even if Wu Yan\'s situation is better than hers, it should not be much better. At this time, the three people have gone through a certain consumption. If there are one or two such demons, I\'m afraid it will be a more difficult battle.

After seeing Lu Xiaotian\'s move, Su Qing was secretly ashamed. Some understood why Lu Xiaotian\'s strength was not much stronger than her. It even seemed that after she used two magic tools at the same time, plus the fiery eye one horned rhinoceros, her strength was stronger than Lu Xiaotian. But in fact, since Lu Xiaotian met in the blood forbidden area, Lu Xiaotian has done much more than she can do. Maybe Lu Xiaotian\'s powerful is not only his pure and incomparable mana, but also his thinking and attitude. The other party can use all the time to strengthen himself and restore himself to his best state at all times as much as possible. There is no such boring problem as wasting extra time to simply care about who is stronger and who is weaker.

Although the blood shadow demon lizard is full of treasure, and Lu Xiaotian is also very excited, after all, the capacity of the storage bag is trapped. I\'m afraid it can\'t fit such a large blood shadow demon lizard into the storage bag. If you send her flesh and blood into the barrier, it won\'t work. Su Qing and Wu Yan will be suspicious. And at this time, we must seize the time to search around and find the way back to the ground as soon as possible. After thinking about it, Lu Xiaotian restored his mana and only took the "blood lizard demon pill".

Although the blood lizard demon pill is valuable, Su Qing, who is very rich, has a indifferent attitude. As for Wu Yan\'s self-knowledge, Lu Xiaotian saved her life. She has saved her more than once. Of course, Lu xiaotianli took the demon pill directly. Naturally, she had nothing to say.

After the first cooperation, the three have become more and more skilled in cooperation. However, Lu Xiaotian estimates that without other cards, the three still have more strength to kill two blood shadow demon lizards. Their cooperation can learn from each other. If there were more, I\'m afraid the situation would be extremely difficult. He can hold on. Su Qing has at least two or more magic tools, but Wu Yan\'s family situation is not as good as Su Qing, and her magic power is not as pure as Lu Xiaotian. It\'s a little dangerous to deal with one alone.

Lu Xiaotian secretly didn\'t know how many such blood shadow demons were in this ghost place. I only hope to have good luck and meet few. In addition to the elite disciples who still have the ability to fight, those ordinary disciples who don\'t have magic tools in their hands can\'t do much damage to them. Once they encounter these demons, it\'s a one-sided massacre. It\'s clear that several monks, including Zhu ang, were drained of their blood essence without much resistance. However, fortunately, there was no sign of the fourth order monster, otherwise even if he was determined, he could not lift up much will to resist. But this third-order blood shadow demon lizard is hard enough to deal with.


Dark blue shadows flashed among the weeds from time to time, and blood shadow demon lizards continued to return and send. Spit the monk\'s blood essence stored in the body into a small bluestone slot next to the transmission array. The blood flowed down the trough to the bottom of the transmission array and disappeared.

"Yes, I can\'t imagine that so many Terran friars have entered this ghost place. I don\'t know what\'s going on outside. Collect more blood essence of immortals and wait for the blood hidden flag to be refined. At that time, there will be the breath of Terrans. Even the powerful friars in the Terran outside will not be aware of my existence."

In the dark corner of the transmission array, the shadow of a green armor skeleton looked gloomy and terrible. He smiled in a low voice. However, with the passage of time, the green armor skeleton found that the number of blood shadow demon lizards returned had gradually decreased. Not from some surprise, "the strength of these friars is not bad. They can even deal with the blood shadow demon lizard. Fortunately, I have arrangement."


A few days later, another blood shadow demon Xi fell to the ground under the siege of the crowd, splashing a lot of dust on the ground. Zhu Ling, Leng Qiaoyu and Zhu Yuchun were relieved. After a short rest, they came forward to dismember the blood shadow demon lizard.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian and his team reached eight again. In addition to his two elite disciples, Su Qing and Wu Yan, there were five others, such as Zhu Ling. Others were either smashed to death by random stones or sucked up the essence blood by the blood shadow demon lizard. Originally, Zhu Ling was chased by the blood shadow demon lizard. She was about to be chased by the demon lizard. Unexpectedly, she met Lu Xiaotian. Zhu Ling and others were overjoyed. At this time, looking at the fallen demon lizard, there was still a kind of happiness and fear for the rest of life.

"Senior brother Lu, it\'s great to meet you. You\'re really our Savior. If you didn\'t show up in time, I\'m afraid you would be buried under the lizard\'s mouth." Zhu Yuchun clapped his chest with exaggeration and said with lingering fear.

"By the way, we escaped all the way. On the way, we met two disciples in xuanbing gate chasing and killing senior brother Luo. Senior brother Luo seemed to be seriously injured. However, we were chased by demon lizards and didn\'t care about him at all. Elder martial sister Su, elder martial sister Wu and elder martial brother Lu, let\'s kill back quickly and see if we can save senior brother Luo."

As soon as Zhu Ling patted her head, she was so excited that she forgot such an important thing.

"Take us there." Lu Xiaotian was surprised. This guy\'s vitality was really strong. He thought that even if Meng Yu didn\'t kill him, he would at least seriously hurt Luo Qian, so he dared to turn back and plot against Su Qing and others. I didn\'t expect that Luo Qian could escape Meng Yu\'s trap until now. Although he had a holiday with Luo Qian, he didn\'t know what the hell it was. It was extremely difficult and dangerous. From time to time, several demon lizards appeared. They had killed five or six one after another along the way. Who knows if there will be more in the future. If Luo Qian joins the team, he can even decide the victory or defeat of the situation at the critical moment.

"Elder martial brother Lu, I can\'t imagine that your strength is no less than that of the elite disciples in various peak areas. How did you meet elder martial sister Su and elder martial sister Wu? I really lost you in the grottoes before. Now we\'re together again. You and elder martial sister Su can walk horizontally in the forbidden area. If you meet those miscellaneous disciples of xuanbing gate again, they must have their blood Debt and blood. "

At this time, Zhu Yuchun was totally a chatterbox, and boasted about how powerful Lu Xiaotian was, how treacherous and sinister the disciples of xuanbing gate were, and some of his experiences when he fell into this strange place, and how dangerous it was when he met the blood shadow demon lizard.

"In this bloody forbidden area, anything can happen, unexpected people, unexpected things." Lu Xiaotian didn\'t go on with Zhu Yuchun\'s words, but quietly sighed.