One Piece: The Soul Purchasing Pirate

Chapter 338: Do not want to be a navy

What is it because of what will make a six or seven-year-old child say such a thing.

He didn't even know Luo Chen.

Isn’t the Navy, will not ask the indiscriminate arrest of people?

"Navy, why are you catching us?"

Luo Chen whispered softly, handing out the candy in his arms and handing it to the child.

After the child got the candy, his throat swallowed a few mouthfuls of water, which was obviously stunned and his eyes lit up. But he carefully watched the left and right, and found that no one noticed this side before he quickly hid it.

"You don't know? The navy is a demon. They will catch people when they see people. If they are young and strong, they will be taken away by them."


The crew were shocked, and the Navy was really able to catch people!

"Marshal Anuki said, the people on this island must be naval, otherwise they will not eat!"

The next sentence of the child is even more surprising.

"Marshal? Must be a navy?"

what's going on? In the world, is there a place to force others to be navies? Moreover, when did the lieutenant colonel named Anuki become a marshal?

"If I remember correctly, the current Marshal of the Navy is called the Warring States!"

Nalene was in a dull way.

"Yes, Nalene, the guy from the Warring States, he once gave me a gift!"

Chapolos is happy.

Everyone ignored Chapolos, when he did not exist.

"Oh, this is called Anuji's bold, this is to seal the island to be a king!"

Luo Chen smiled and thought it was very interesting.

There was such a daring guy in the navy, but there was no reaction.

No wonder this age, there will be so many people to be pirates. Think about it, anyone who has a little hope for the authorities will not do such a thing.

"In short, let's go, wait for the navy to visit, and see you, you will be caught!"

The child urged the road.

Everyone looked at the child's worried look, and glanced at the face of the civilians in the street, where there was no hope and grace, and the heart was heavy.

Among the cities in Nuo Da, there are very few human beings. The only ones are those who have lost hope and are waiting for death. The only thing that holds hope is a young child.

This is a military base that is so mad!

"Destroy it!"

Jason angered.

I heard from the outside world and went to personal closeness. Despair of civilians, fear and fear of children. Everything here makes people feel unbearable and depressed.

Suddenly, dense footsteps came.

The child's face instantly became frightened and shouted.

"No, they are coming."

Luo Chen and others did not even react, and the child had already ran away.

After three or four breathing hours, a team of navies quickly came here and surrounded the crowd.

"External people? Is there an outsider who dares to come here?"

The leading Shaolin Navy laughed.

"Why can't you come?"

Luo Chen asked.

"Hah, here is the kingdom of the navy, the average person, there is no courage to come here."

The younger smiled.

"Oh, forgot to ask you, are you interested in being a navy?"

Everyone was surprised. It seems that the Navy is not as terrible as the people on the island said, at least they will ask them.

"Not good intentions."

Luo Chen will refuse, but he has not finished speaking in half a sentence, but he has been interrupted by the captain.

I saw this moment, the expression on the face of the captain became very exaggerated, and even looked awkward.

"Oh, I forgot to say, you have no choice of power!"

"From this moment on, I announced that you are already a navy!"

Everyone is amazed, funny? They are pirates, and some people force them to be navy.

"That, we are pirates!"

Telunsu silently inserted a voice.

"The pirate?"

The expression of the captain changed instantly and waved.

"Destroy them!"

The naval reaction behind it was rapid, and the guns were immediately aimed at Luo Chen.

"I hate the most, others point their guns at me!"

With the help of the Navy, Jason was the first to get angry, striding out and rushing into the crowd.

"Great courage, dare to start here!"

I was angry and led everyone to attack.

Next, something that shocked the entire street happened. The huge movements made the homeless people lying on the street open their lost eyes.

Then, their pupils shrank, and the shock quickly filled their eyes.


The screams came out and continued. And this scream is the navy!

On the island, there are still people who shot the Navy!

"He, they are crazy!"

The desperate and confused people, after seeing their unbelievable scenes in their lives, issued an unconscious whisper.

Just as they stood up and stared at the crowd in the field.

"I don't care what is stupid on the island, how deep the water is!"

"But at this moment, when we come to the pirate group, no matter who it is, we can't stop in front of us!"

Luo Chen's face was cold and the sound was calm, but it was clearly spread throughout the street.

"Navy? Devil? Even if it is a real demon, I will kill him!"

"In this world, no one can force others to do what he doesn't want to do!"

"Your freedom, if the power in hand is still unable to defend, then today, let me grieve and lend you strength!"

Sentences, suddenly resounded in the hearts of everyone, let their confused hearts, blink of an eye for a moment.

"Who is that?"

Someone muttered, in their blurred eyes, a figure appeared.

"They, are you going to declare war on the navy?"

People suddenly reacted, and the whole person trembled and then struggled to stand up.

The screaming, **** navies on the ground quietly showed this unbelievable message.

"Navy, come out!"

Suddenly, a shout of anger rang through the city.

"Anuki, get out and die!"

"The justice of corruption, the necessity of not being there, the deprivation of the freedom of others, must die!"

"We are pirates, born to be the enemy of the navy!"

The sound of the road sounded, making this calm street lively.

The great movements also made the navies of the island react.

In the island, in the dark underground prison.

The calm voice suddenly came out, and immediately awakened a pair of eyes.

"Someone, challenging the Navy!"

“Really? Someone is really challenging Anuki.”

"We, are we going to be saved?"

More with a crying voice.

"I don't want to be a navy, save me!"

"Must win, I don't know who has the courage to challenge the demon."

"But, you must win!"

Behind the calm of the island, there is too much despair, fear and tragedy hidden!

When the sound of the twilight sounds, the persecuted people express their infinite hope in their hearts.