One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 991

The implication seems to imply that Yunshi shamelessly wants to compete with herself for the number of heroines.

This is embarrassing for Yun's poems.

Linzhi is obviously hostile to her.

She didn't know at first that yunshishi would participate in the audition.

Although in fact, the audition has already determined the heroine, Lin Zhi is still not happy with cloud poetry.


Just because the same debut was not long ago, the same target of the company, the same style of positioning, cloud poetry since its debut, Huanyu has used Lin Zhi's popularity to hype cloud poetry.

Of course, this matter is unknown to Yunshi.

Lin Zhi knew it, but he was still worried about it.

No one is willing to be consumed by the competitors.

Muxi is slightly cold sweated, but listen to Yunshi's poem and say: "Hmm! It's a very popular play. I'm here to make a scene. "

Relaxed and joking tone, so easy to resolve the awkward atmosphere.

Lin Zhi was stunned, and his eyes on Yun's poems became more and more profound.

The assistant nearby urged, and it was her turn to audition.

Lin Zhi snorted and turned away.

Muxi's lips pulled: "I decided to take off the powder!"


Muxi airway: "this Lin Zhi is so arrogant! I'm pissed off by deliberately creating difficulties for you. "

"Come on, don't be angry."

"Poetry, you must work hard to get the heroine. Lin Zhi dare not look down on you!"

"I don't think I have any hope," said Yun

"Ah?" Mu Xi Leng, "you have no confidence?"

"I had hoped for the success of the audition, but just now when I saw Lin Zhi, I was confident. It seems that she is really a determined heroine." Cloud poetry.

"Then Are we still in the audition? "

"Take part. Why not? Qin Zhou won this place for me. How can he fail him? Even if I can't get the heroine, I'm familiar with her Cloud poetry, poetry and music.

I'm familiar with you Poof

Mu Xi can't be teased by her happy side.

After entering the dressing room, the stylist heard that she was an artist around the world, and her attitude was much colder.

I threw her a white dress and left.

Yunshishi spreads out the plain white clothes, and then thinks about Lin Zhi's gorgeous clothes just now. They are incomparable indeed.

Muxi said gloomily, "this is too much! The clothes for Linzhi are so beautiful. How can I give you a mourning dress? "

Cloud poetry picked eyebrows, but suddenly a smile: "Mu Xi, you put on makeup for me!"

"I don't know how to make up."

"No need for more delicate make-up, thicker powder, haggard face, bigger eyes, longer eyelashes and dry lips, that's all."

"That's easy!"

Muxi said, and began to work.

After a while, the makeup was finished.

Looking into the mirror, a gaunt and beautiful face came into view.

Since the script of audition is cold palace play, then, make-up should not be too gorgeous, it should be gaunt.

She was the last in the second group.

Suddenly, Yang Mi comes in and sees Yun's poems and poems. She is surprised to see that she is dressed in white and has drawn gaunt make-up. What's more, she is extremely surprised.

"Poetry Are you coming for the audition, too? "

"Yes," he said with a smile

"But Why is the makeup on your face so gaunt? " Yang Mi is puzzled.