One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 988

The director of "Qing Guo" is a senior director in the film and television industry. Gu Xiaoyang, in the preparatory stage, in addition to several "related households" that the investor an inserted into the group, sent a group of short messages to several heroines in his mind.

However, there are no cloud poems in these five lists.

As a newcomer, her film hasn't been shown yet, so Gu Xiaoyang hasn't been very impressed with her.

I only know that the newcomer has good qualifications, but it is not so special that he invited him in person.

Among the five, Lin Zhi is the first, and Yan in Korean is the second.

Five female stars, four of them are under Huanyu.

As an entertainment / entertainment / emperor / country, Huanyu's big brands are in full bloom.

Three of the four big Huadan in the film and television circle came from Huanyu, which shows the influence of Huanyu.

It is the acquiescence of orange light entertainment as the investor to invite the artists around the world as the heroine alternative.

Seemingly unselfish, Ji Lin was furious when he heard the news.

Do you want to slip powder?!

First, the artists from all over the world are used to build momentum for the play, which is full of gimmicks. Then, when the final selection is made, the artists from their own home will be selected.

Is it really a double shot that can not only stir up topics and heat, but also build momentum for their artists by taking advantage of the first line of Huadan around the world?

Orange light is a very clever method.

But what if you know it's noodles?

A play is a good one. Even if it's remote, we should seize every opportunity.

When Qin Zhou learned that the play was going to be filmed, he immediately asked Gu Xiaoyang to meet him and threw an olive branch to him. He immediately recommended Yun's poems.

Qin Zhou has a wide network in the circle, and has a good relationship with Gu Xiaoyang.

Because he opened his mouth, Gu Xiaoyang gave Yunshi a qualification for audition.

But even if it's just a qualification for audition, the chances are slim, but it's not easy.

Qin Zhou was not sure whether he could choose the best one. He even guessed that the play was specially designed to hold Lin Zhi.

After listening to his detailed analysis, Yun's poems were also disappointed. "I don't think it's possible. Lin Zhi's orange light entertainer, how can orange light choose the entertainer around the world as the heroine? "

"This is a great demoralization?" Qin Zhou smiled and looked at her, "poetry, take the starting point to fight! The chances are slim, but not without hope. "

"I'm a little curious."

"How are you doing?"

Yunshishi asked: "since the play is a hit IP, why didn't Huanyu buy the adaptation copyright of the novel?"

"Poetry, some things are not as simple as you think. The benefits involved are very deep. Besides, one of the reasons why Huanyu failed to get the copyright of the play is that its recent focus is on the movie IP, and most of the money has been invested in the movie script. Recently, Huanyu has just bought a tomb raiding IP, and will start to prepare for shooting soon. Originally, I wanted to arrange you into the group, but on balance, I decided to let you try the audition of Qing Guo. "

Qin Zhou also carefully read the script of the tomb robber.

The play is based on the famous tomb robbing novel "the mysterious tomb".

The theme of tomb robbing is very popular nowadays.

However, due to some reasons, the adaptation of Tomb Raider theme is bound to be limited in all aspects, and it is inevitable that the script can not be copied exactly. Therefore, even if the film investment is no greater, it can not escape to become a fast-food film.