One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 983

"Oh oh?" Lu Fei's face was full of gossip? Is it the same? "

Li Jiuxian immediately stood out and said, "they often kiss each other."

There was another scream from the audience.

Lu Fei covers his mouth in surprise and turns his eyes. Then he looks at Gu Xingze with a kind of teasing eyes and says with a smile, "Xingze, are you not intentional?"

Another host, xiaocan, also said: "if it's me, I will definitely deliberately ng it. Hahaha! "



Several hosts looked at each other, obviously speaking.

In advance, the program team has already completed the script, and intends to take the scandal between Gu Xingze and yunshishi as the hype point of the program.

At this time, Lu Jingtian suddenly came to the side of a sentence: "in fact, Xing Ze and poetry kissing play, many times Xing Ze's state is in place, but poetry ng more."

When she said this, everyone was stunned.

Gu Xingze frowned slightly. When the camera turned to him, he soon recovered his smile. Looking at Lu Jingtian's eyes, there was a faint warning.

Lu Jingtian's words are out of the script.

There is no such sentence in the script.

However, such a sentence came out from her, but she was embarrassed to find the cloud poetry intentionally.

From the very beginning, the program group deliberately created the CP pair of Gu Xingze and cloud poetry, and the script is also Gu Xingze's trend of "raising" cloud poetry.

When Lu Jingtian said this, the implication was nothing more than a kissing scene. Yun Shishi deliberately ng, which means she was deliberately black!

If this sentence is not well connected, then we can imagine what news those media will concoct the next day!

Cloud poetry deliberately ng, shameless, shameless, there is a suspicion of seducing Gu Xingze.

In this way, it seems that the price of cloud poetry is falling.

Generally speaking, hype CP, the actress is a more reserved image.

Lu Fei sweated a little, but his on-the-spot reaction was very strong. He quickly took Lu Jingtian's words: "poetry shooting intentionally ng? Oh? There is material! "

People turn their eyes to yunshishi to see how she responds to it.

Muxi pinched a sweat for her under the stage.

Yunshishi quickly made a response, only to see her pucker her lips, appear to be a little shy way: "because with the star Ze film, the pressure is too big."


"Well! Because He's so handsome. Standing in front of me, I feel a little unreal. So, sometimes I can't help being distracted. " Yunshishi is a little nervous with her lips covered. "Besides, Xingze's real person is more handsome than on TV. He stands in front of me with a very special temperament. I'm afraid I can't perform well. The more I think about it, the more pressure I have. "

She took the subject smoothly.

The off-site Mu Xi was relieved.

Qin Zhou's face relaxed a little, and his eyes showed approval.

Lu Fei also said: "the green fruit is the first poem. In this movie, the poem contributed her first kiss on the screen! I've heard from Lin Dao that poetry is a very smart actor and a talented newcomer. Maybe this movie is just a starting point. I'm also looking forward to poetry contributing more excellent works to us in the future! "

Applause came from the audience.

Yang Mi immediately came up to the circle and said, "poetry and Xing Ze's kissing ng are few. Most of them have been together! "