One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 981

The melody was light, catchy, sweet and warm, and soon became popular.

After seeing the plot of the MV movie, many original parties are frantically looking forward to the movie.

The film is tentatively scheduled for the golden season at the end of the year. Because it aims at the student market, it will be released in winter vacation.

For the box office, Lin Fengtian is holding a lot of expectations, preliminary optimistic prediction, the box office will probably break two billion!

These days, the announcement is full, the film is on the verge of being finished, and it has come to the end.

Next, he began to post production nervously, and the crew has started to prepare for the pre release preheating of the film.

It seems that in order to cater to the plot of the film and promote the works, Huanyu entertainment intends to package Gu Xingze and yunshishi as CP for speculation.

The so-called CP hype is the most likely way to make headlines in the entertainment industry nowadays, which is a more conventional means.

But the public's gossip psychology is relatively strong, so this move is also repeated.

Qin Zhou has received several notices for Yun's poems. Among them, there is a reality show "love diary", which is the most important manuscript.

"Love diary" is a reality TV program produced by orange light satellite TV with the selling point of "imaginary love".

In the program, popular stars form imaginary lovers to have imaginary Lovers Dating programs.

After several episodes, it soon became a popular first-line reality show.

Gu Xingze and Yun's poems will become the second group of "imaginary lovers".

Because it is Gu Xingze's reason, their "lovers" have been given a lot of attention!

Of course, the so-called reality show, in fact, there are scripts, after all, need to create some gimmicks and suspense!

Otherwise, where are the topics and ratings?

The recording of the program is initially scheduled for next month. Before that, there will be scripts distributed to yunshishi's hands. At that time, you only need to record according to the scripts.

As soon as yunshishi heard that Qin Zhou had received the program for him, he was still a bit surprised.

Qin Zhou glanced at her: "what? No? Poetry, you can grow snacks! How many actresses want to record "love diary" with Gu Xingze to rub against Gu Xingze's popularity! "

"Haha! I'm so lucky. " Poetry says so, spit out tongue.

"You know!" Qin Zhou knocked her on the head. "These days, the manuscript is quite full. There is an announcement tonight."

"What announcement?"

"Static distance of stars", you give me a good performance! " Qin Zhou said, then took out a stack of thin script to her, "this is the script, you have a look first."

On the script, it's all the questions the host will ask. How to answer them? She just needs to recite them.

Starlight quiet distance is a famous large-scale entertainment talk show, and the host lineup is also very luxurious. Among them, Lu Fei, who has become the leader of the host lineup, is the top chair in the entertainment host field, and has a very deep foundation in hosting. Among the popular hosts, he has the highest cultural background and is very humorous.

Under his guidance, the atmosphere of the program is humorous and relaxed. When people laugh, they can often say a few thought-provoking wisdom words.

On his programs, most of them are very relaxed, and they don't need to deliberately create laughs and gimmicks.

Generally speaking, ten guests will be invited for a show, including the first half and the second half.

Yunshishi and Gu Xingze were assigned in the first half.

This is prime time, with the highest ratings.