One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 967

"What?! What do you say? "

Song Enya took the lead in slapping her face.

This slap in the face is really unambiguous. It directly hit the face of yunshishi to the past, and a red fingerprint soon appeared on his face.

Yun Shishi staggered and stepped back a few steps. His hair fell in disorder. He was very embarrassed.

She covered her face, but felt that it was so hot that it hurt, and her heart was dark. Song Enya, for the most part, was domineering because of the large number of people. She wanted to smash her face!

Her ears, which had only recovered before, were buzzing.

"What are you doing?"

Yun Shishi raised his head and drank, then his eyes burst out with cold light and glared at Song Enya.

Lu Jingtian was immediately shocked by her murderous eyes.

I don't know whether she pretended on purpose or not. She pouted, stamped her foot and said to Song Yun: "Brother Yun, look! This woman's eyes, would like to eat us alive! How fierce! "

Song Yun analysis glared at her, then said coldly: "grace, Jingtian, don't be afraid. If this woman dare to take you, I'm still here! "

"Hum! This cheap woman, hit her, I still disrelish dirty own hand

Lu Jingtian snorted coldly, but even if he said so, he would throw his hand and slap in the face next second.

Yun Shishi sneered and said angrily, "you have great ability. Three people, bullying one person? What is that!? Do you deceive the few by the multitude? "

Song Enya is like a naughty little princess at the moment. She looks at her as if she is looking at a pariah.

"What a fierce mouth! Yunshishi, I tell you, I am so big that no one has ever hit me! You are the first one to hit me! What are you? How dare you deceive me!? Oh! A common man with big sesame seeds thinks that he can be lawless with the love of his brother!? Do you know who I am? Dare to hit me!? Believe it or not, I'll cut off your cheap hand, and no one will say anything! "

Yun Shishi hears the words, but he laughs angrily. Song Enya's voice is so arrogant that he threatens to chop her hand?!

"There is no royal method?! In broad daylight, do you still want to oppress people with power? "

"Wang FA!?"

Song Enya seemed to hear Tianda's joke, smiled a few times, and then said coldly: "cloud poetry, now, what I said is Wang FA! If you kowtow to me and apologize now, I can also consider whether I will let you go and not pursue you! "

Sorry!? Kowtow?

Yun's poetry is really a little intolerable, with a sneering arc on the corner of his mouth: "why should I kowtow to you and apologize!"!? What did I do wrong? "

"I see you don't see the coffin, you don't cry! Don't think that if brother Mu dotes on you, you won't know how tall and thick Chu Tian is! Enya is the Song family. Haven't you heard of the Song family in the capital? Oh! Even if you are superficial and ignorant, you should know who the city / mayor is today! If you offend Enya, it's not a simple apology that can turn the page! "

Lu Jingtian said, pushing the poem down on the ground and fighting with her.

Song Enya also followed closely and held on to the shoulder of yunshishi, but how could yunshishi be so obedient and obedient and recognize their humiliation?