One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 959

Yunshishi gave her all the slaps she had just received and slapped her severely: "if you like him, you can compete openly! You are the most despised villain for such mean means! "

After that, Yunshi slapped her a few more times, saying that she was not vague at all.

Lu Jingtian's legs are pedaling, and Yun Shishi suddenly pinches her. He tries to be ruthless!

"Don't move!"

Cloud poetry angrily threatened a sentence.

Lu Jingtian blushed, but still stared at her. However, she felt the suffocation coming from her neck, and her eyes widened incredibly!

This woman is really pinching her!?

I can't breathe

Lu Jingtian grabs her wrist with both hands, and her sharp nails make deep bloodstains on the back of her hand.

Yun Shishi seems not to be afraid of pain, or the threat of her teeth and claws. Seeing that she still swears, the strength of her hand is a little heavier.

Lu Jingtian felt a choking breath and could not utter a word again, as if she would faint in the next second.

Seeing her face red, Yun Shishi seems to be bleeding. The strength of her hand is slightly relaxed.

She pinched her just to scare her!

If you want to let Lu Jingtian know, don't think that she is usually docile and irritates her, but it's not easy!

"Lu Jingtian, I warn you that if people don't offend me, I won't be able to bear it to the end!"

After that, yunshishi stands up and stares at her coolly. She turns around and walks away neatly!

Lu Jingtian gets up from the ground, only feels aggrieved and scared, and tears flow down and moisten her skirts.

The eyes of Fang Caiyun's poems are too terrible. Now when I think about them carefully, I am scared and frightened.

This cloud poem is really brave!

How dare you pinch her?!

She is so big that she hasn't been beaten. Even if she made a mistake as a child, her father and mother never give up beating her.

This cloud poem is the first one who dare to fight against her!

At the thought of this, the terrible grievances will destroy her.

Originally, I wanted to go back to the celebration banquet, but now I'm angry here. My skirt is dirty and I'm in a mess.

Besides, she lost her appetite, so she went back to the lounge, picked up her cell phone, and called song Enya. As soon as the phone was connected, she cried bitterly.

Song Enya was shocked by her crying and asked what happened.

Two people are close friends, from junior high school to university, very deep feelings.

Lu Jingtian told song Enya what happened just now, and then he could not stop complaining: "Enya, she even hit me and pinched me! You didn't see how much she went too far. She really pinched me! "

Song Enya comforted her a few words, and listened to Lu Jingtian's unwilling curse: "Enya! How can there be such a disgusting woman in the world!? This woman is disgusting. Why does she shout at me? What else to see? I'm looking forward to her falling to the bottom! I really want to see how depressed my brother Mu was when he abandoned her! "

"Jingtian, don't be sad! Did she really pinch you? "

Song Enya still can't believe it.

"Well!" Lu Jingtian nodded heavily, "Enya, can't you see that she is really pinching me. My neck is red. This woman is so cruel. Is she going to strangle me?"