One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 939

His presence alerted the Deputy Dean on duty, especially brought a team of people to come and wait for him at the door!

Muyazhe put his arm around yunshishi's shoulder, glanced at her, and then said: "check her, remember, there must be no mistake!"

His words came down, and his people naturally didn't say anything to execute them!

After a series of tests, when the doctor got the report, he looked around and said, "Mr. mu, the test results are out, there is no pregnancy."

"Not pregnant?"

Muyazhe raised his eyebrows, obviously surprised by the result.

Equally unexpected, naturally including Yun's poems, she was surprised at first, and then determined in her mind.

Muyazhe glanced at her, and his unhappiness reached the extreme.

"Then I have some retch reaction recently. What's the matter? Moreover, the physiological period has not come for a long time! "

The doctor replied, "the general consideration of retching is caused by superficial gastritis. It is related to weakness of stomach qi and damp heat. You usually pay more attention to the diet, avoid cold and spicy, and then look at the situation! As for physiological period, it is considered to be endocrine disorder. "

Cautious and respectful: "do you stay up late to work?"

"Well..." Cloud poetry nodded.

In recent days, I've stayed up late to make movies and catch up with the schedule. It's not that I'm tired, but sometimes I have to wait on the set even if I don't have her.

"Mind the best routine, otherwise, endocrine disorders will cause physiological delay."

The doctor told her a lot more.

It's just that one side of muyazhe's face is completely cold.

So that on the way back, he always cold face, never opened a word.

The cloud poem in the heart loses smile unceasingly, "how? Are you disappointed that you are not pregnant? "

Muyazhe looks straight ahead.

More than disappointment.

In a word, it's natural that Yun's poems are happy to see her become pregnant.

After the filming, there will be a long publicity period, which requires roadshows all over the country.

She glanced at him secretly, and saw that his face was cold and helpless.

That night, she just lay on the bed, and the tall body of muyazhe was covered.

Cloud poetry heart next surprised, see his handsome face close, in the eyes of no secret, but hidden surging.

She retreated a little, her back was attached to the head of the bed, but he was pressing forward step by step, as if he were the inevitable hunter.

Cloud poetry leads the lips and warns: "you What to do... "

Muyazhe blew a breath and brushed her cheek. She was so enchanted that she said, "do / love what you do."

"Shua" is very good -

Yun Shishi's face is burning.

Red to drop blood!

This man

How can I say this in peace That makes people blush and heartbeat?!

Muyazhe put his hand on her forehead, pinched her waist with his big palm, and drew a charming arc with his thin lips: "do you think I should try harder?"

"What are you trying to do..."

A man is very evil way: "flowers, results."


Flowers bloom

As a result

God, that's what it means.

Yunshishi's face is too hot to be reasonable. Covering his face, he feels that sometimes this man is really evil.

"I don't want to have any more." Cloud poetry broke his face, "I have youyou and Xiaoyi Chen."

"Not enough."

Muyazhe has already pasted her and pulled her into his arms. In a moment, she has an ambiguous posture leaning on his arms and clinging to her. Once again, he solemnly reiterated: "not enough!"