One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 936

He raised his face and cried, "it doesn't matter how I am. If you still hate me, I will do anything you want me to do! If I say a word, I will pay with my life! But, please, let my family go! "

Huang Lili only felt ashamed, covering her face, a little overwhelmed.

Yun's poems are quiet on the surface, but his heart sympathizes with him.

"You don't have to kneel to me. I don't hate you."

"Really?!" He looked up, a little skeptical.

Cloud poetry nodded.

He is not the one who did the wrong thing, and she is not so small-minded. For those words, she forced people to die!

She has always believed in this saying.

If that's punishment, then it's enough.

It's time to stop!

"Then you Are you willing to plead for Du's family? " Du Jiayan's eyes were misty with tears.

"Let me try!"

"Do you mean to forgive me?" Du Jiayan's face was sincere, and he explained again and again, "yunshishi, I really know I'm wrong. Please forgive me, OK?"

"Well, get up now..." Cloud poetry is helpless.

Du Jiayan dared to get up, and his face was relaxed at last.

Huang Lili is willing to relax when she sees the cloud poetry.

But the poem suddenly said, "don't get me wrong, Huang Lili. I just forgive him, but I didn't say forgive you."

Because some mistakes can't be forgiven in a lifetime!

When she said that, Huang Lili was stunned. What else did she want to say? Yun Shishi had already got up: "OK, I'll find a way about it. You all go back."

Then he left the RV.

Huang Lili and Du Jiayan left a blank face.

"Jiayan, what does she mean?"

Du Jiayan wiped his tears, looked at her and snorted, "what did she say? You haven't counted it yet!"


When yunshishi returned home, it was not dark yet.

Pushing open the study door, Yun Tianyou is teaching Xiao Yichen to do his homework.

These days, little Yi Chen lives here and sticks to you you.

Although youyou said disrespect on his mouth, he didn't repel it as before. When the two little guys were together, the family got angry, at least not so lonely.

In front of the desk and in front of xiaoyichen, there was a Book of homework, and he was holding a pen in his hand. He looked bitter and hateful.

Youyou is standing on one side with his arms in his arms, but his face is extremely disgusted. From time to time, he knocks the rolled up newspaper on his head: "stupid! No such simple question! "

"Woo..." Little Yi Chen blinks her eyes wrongly, as if she is about to cry.

Cloud poetry sighs.

When muyazhe came back, yunshishi was swinging gently on the swing in the back garden. Looking from afar, she sat in the rose flowers, as beautiful as a picture.

He walked over and hugged her from behind.

Yunshishi looks up, sees him, smiles and says, "you are back?"


"When did you come back?" he kissed her on the forehead

"It's over three. It's over early today."

"By the way!" She giggled, "thank you for the RV. I love it!"

Muyazhe hooks his lips, but he doesn't make a statement. He just pushes her gently, and the rope of the swing makes a slight movement and sway.

"Muyazhe..." Suddenly she moved her lips and opened her mouth.


"Du Jiayan came to see me today." Cloud poetry slowly tunnel.

He slightly raised his eyebrows. "He's looking for you?"